Statuses Tab

On the Statuses tab, specify the statuses you want to make available for the records. A status indicates the condition or state of a record at any point in its life cycle. (For more information about statuses, see Statuses.) These are the statuses the user will apply to this record as it moves through a workflow, or during its use in Primavera Unifier.

Statuses will vary, according the type of record it is. For a cost record, the user might need "estimate pending," "approved as noted," and "approved" statuses. For a simple BP, the user might need only "open" and "closed" statuses. For an asset class record, the status controls which assets are displayed on an asset class sheet, and could include statuses such as "Out of Service" and "Decommissioned."


Statuses are necessary for a non-workflow business process to designate the record’s final disposition— to keep it active and editable, or to close it to any further activity.

Scope Management uses only the following pre-defined statuses:

To include a status

  1. To add a status, click the Add button and choose the status from the list that appears.

    To choose multiple statuses, hold down the Ctrl key and click each status you want.


    • For Setting a Default Status: To make entering line items easier for the user, you can set a default status, such as "Pending," for new line items. To do so, select the status and click the Default button.
    • For Terminal Record Statuses: You can use a terminal record status to trigger certain functions outside the scope of the business process or to make external data easily accessible from the business process or form (see table below).

    The statuses for records must include at least one terminal status; otherwise, the workflow cannot be completed. To make a status terminal, select the status and click the Terminal button.

  2. Click Apply or OK.

About Terminal Statuses

A terminal status indicates the end of a business process, usually on a workflow. A terminal status for a record has a significant affect in that it can trigger an automatic action in Primavera Unifier. You can use a terminal record status to trigger certain functions outside the scope of the business process or to make external data easily accessible from the business process. You can define more than one terminal status.

A terminal status on this:

Can do this:

Change Commit BPs

Update SOV sheet and SOV line items. If you use this feature, users will be able to access the SOV directly from the change commit form.

On change commit BPs linked to a general spends SOV, a terminal status is not necessary for updates. It is necessary, however, on a change commit linked to a payment application BP.

Base Commit BPs

Create an SOV sheet and SOV line items.  If you use this feature, users will be able to access the SOV directly from the base commit form.

On base commit BPs linked to a general spends SOV, a terminal status is not necessary for updates. It is necessary, however, on a base commit linked to a payment application BP.

Commit and Spends BPs

Automate project fund consumption or appropriation. On Commit BPs, it can also update an SOV sheet. On Spends BPs, it can update the SOV. If you use this feature, users will be able to access the SOV directly from the commit or spends form.

Payment application BPs

Allow users to accept line item history directly from the record.

Resource Booking BPs

Assign (hard book) a resource and update the booking sheet.

Timesheet BPs

Roll up time and monies to the master timesheet, as well as the project cost sheet.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021