Design Requirements for the Asset Manager

For the Asset Manager to work effectively in Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Asset Class Attribute form

Sets up the Asset Manager and defines asset classes and their corresponding codes. To define codes, you must use a formula to build the code from the segments of data elements that were created for your assets (such as location segments: country-state-city).

The codes appear on the company Asset sheet, where users can drill down to see assets by code segment. Also appears on the Asset picker on resource-type business process forms.


Lists every asset class designed for Unifier. Allows Unifier users to choose the asset class they want to work with.

Link to a reference process) (if necessary

Retrieves the asset’s acquisition cost from a company-level business process.

Design Flow

The following outlines the design steps necessary to launch the manager and create an asset class.

1. Create a data structure (if necessary)

See Creating a Data Structure

2. Launch the manager

See Launching a Manager

3. Create an Asset Class Attribute Form

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form and also Adding Fields to the Form

Mandatory fields for the asset attribute form are:

  • Asset code (uuu_asset_code)
  • Asset name (uuu_asset_name)
  • Asset acquisition cost (uuu_asset_acquisition_cost)
  • uuu_asset_depreciation_prd
  • uuu_asset_calc_as_of_date
  • uuu_asset_net_book_value
  • Cumulative depreciation (uuu_asset_cum_depreciation)
  • Current period depreciation (uuu_asset_curr_period_dep)
  • Asset salvage value (uuu_asset_salvage_value)
  • Asset navigation code (must contain at least 2 code segments to create the tree hierarchy) (uuu_asset_navigation_code)
  • Status

If users should be able to reserve this asset, these fields are mandatory:

  • Allow asset to be reserved (uuu_rsv_reservable)
  • Allow over-booking (uuu_rsv_overbook)

4. Create a log for the manager

See Designing a Log for a Manager

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