Design Requirements for the Cost Manager

For the cost Manager to work effectively in Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner.

Note: For a description of the business processes the Cost Manager uses, see Business Processes Overview.

Cost Attribute Form

Defines the cost codes that support the CBS breakdown of the Company Cost Sheet. The information from this attribute form appears in Unifier in the CBS Details window; also appears on the CBS picker on cost-type business processes where users must choose a CBS code from a list.

To open the Picker log, users can click on the Picker node under cost attributes. The picker log has four tabs: General, Layout, Sort Order, and Find. In the General tab, users can edit Name and Description. In the Layout tab, users can add any data elements from the cost attribute form to be shown in the Picker log. In the Sort Order tab, users can select the sort order of the CBS code to be ascending or descending. In the Find tab, users can add search elements which will be used to filter CBS rows at run time.

The data element values on this form automatically populate corresponding data elements in cost business process line items. The auto-population occurs when the CBS code is added to the line item in the business process.


Fund Attribute Form

Defines a fund code and its corresponding code segments. To do this, you must use a formula to build the code from the segments of the data elements that were created for your company funds.

Note: This attribute form does not create a record; the information exists only as part of a fund sheet. Consequently, you will need to design a fund picker for this form to populate.

Unifier users will see the information from this form in the Fund Details window in Unifier; also appears on the Fund picker on cost-type business processes where users must choose a fund from a list.


Account Code Attribute Form

Defines the codes for company-level accounts and cost accounts. These codes or accounts can then be used to track company-level costs, such as assets, resources, or facility maintenance. These account codes are independent of CBS cost codes.

Note: This attribute form does not create a record; the information exists only as part of a cost sheet. Consequently, you will need to design an account picker for this form to populate.

The information from this attribute form appears in Unifier on the Account Sheet at the company level; also appears on the Account picker on cost-type business processes where users must choose an account from a list.


Pickers for funds and account codes

Unifier populates most pickers with the records that you see in the logs on the right pane of the screen, and uses the layout of the headings on the logs for the layout of the picker. These logs show the records that were created, for the most part, with attribute forms. However, attribute forms for funds and account codes use pickers designed specifically for them because they do not create records that will appear on logs; they exist only as part of a fund sheet or cost sheet. In these cases, you will need to design a picker in the same way you would design a log.


Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to create the attribute forms for the Cost Manager.

1. Create a data structure

(If necessary)

See Creating a Data Structure

2. Launch the design for each attribute form

See Launching a Manager

3. Create a Cost Attribute Form

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form

Mandatory fields for the Cost attribute form are:

CBS Code (uuu_cost_code)

Cost Type (uuu_cost_cost_type)

CBS Item  (uuu_cost_item)

Status (uuu_cost_status)

4. Create a Fund Attribute Form

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form

Mandatory fields for the Fund attribute form are:

Fund Code (uuu_fund_code) (must be a formula type field)

Fund Name (uuu_description)

5. Create a Company Cost Account Attribute Form

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form

Mandatory fields for the Company Account attribute form are:

Company Account Code (uuu_company_account_code)(must be a string formula type field)

Company Account Name (uuu_company_account_name)

6. Create a Fund Picker

See Designing a Picker

7. Create a Company Cost Account Code Picker

See Designing a Picker

When you select an item from the CBS picker, the cost codes (in the Cost business process) will be displayed according to the order that was selected in the Cost Sheet (the selected default view set in the (Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner node > Cost Manager > Cost Attributes > Picker node log > Log Page Design window > Sort Order tab > Sort Order field). The Sort Order field will be disabled when the Sort By field is set as Cost Sheet Default View.

Note: The Sort Order field displays the data elements that are added in the Layout tab.

For other columns, the Sort Order is enabled, and you can select any column from the Sort By field. At run time, if you have selected any particular column in the Sort By field, the CBS picker log sorts the summary codes, and the leaf-level codes will be sorted based in ascending, or descending, order which was selected in uDesigner.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021