Adding and Viewing Graphic Markups and Comments

You can add text comments or graphical markups to a document in project or shell Documents. You can even add a file attachment directly to the comment, for example, supporting documentation.

Comments and markups can be added to the latest version of a document only. You can view but not add or modify comments or markups made to previous versions.

Text comments are like notes that accompany the document but do not become part of it.

Markups can be thought of as an invisible layer, like a sheet of acetate that can be laid over the document. If multiple users create markups, each markup is on a separate sheet and can be viewed together, one at a time, or not at all. Markups are always associated with a text comment.

Text comments and graphic markups can be copied between business process records and the Document Manager, including:

Related Topics

Opening a Document to View Comments (Standard View)

Adding Markups, Comments, and File Attachments (Standard View)

Add a Comment to a Document in the Document Manager (Classic View)

Add a graphic markup to a document in the Document Manager (Classic View)

Attach files to a comment (Classic View)

View comments, markups, and file attachments on comments (Classic View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022