Check-in and Check-Out Documents

The Document Manager’s check-in and check-out capability helps you have greater control over document revisions. If you need to revise a file, you have the option of checking it out, which locks it and prevents others from modifying it. It is available to other users as view only. You can make changes to the document as necessary, then check in the new revision.

The procedure for checking out a document is similar to downloading a document. The procedure for checking in a document is similar to the procedure for revising a document.

When a document is checked out, the check-out icon appears next to the document name in the Document Manager log.

To check out a document

  1. Select the document in the project or shell Documents log.
  2. In Classic View: click the Check Out button or click Edit > Check Out. In Standard View: select > Actions > Check out.
  3. Download a copy of the file to your local system.


    • If you cancel the download procedure, the document will still be checked out to you.
    • To check out multiple documents, in Standard View, select multiple documents and select Actions > Edit > Check Out.

The Check Out icon appears next to the document in the log. You can upload a new revision and check the document back in, or you can cancel the check out without revising the document.

To check in a new revision of a checked out document

  1. Select the document in the project or shell Documents log. Checked-out documents have an icon in the lock column.
  2. In Classic View: click the arrow next to the Check Out button and choose Check In or select Edit > Check In. In Standard View: select > Actions > Check in.
  3. Click Upload to upload and check in the revised file into the Document Manager.

The publication number (Pub. No.) of the file increases by one for each revision uploaded.

Note: To check in multiple documents, in Standard View, select multiple documents and select Actions > Edit > Check In.

To restore a checked out document without checking in a new revision

  1. Select the checked out document in the project or shell Documents log.
  2. In Classic View: click the arrow next to the Check Out button and choose Cancel Check Out or select Edit > Cancel Check Out. In Standard View: select > Actions > Cancel check out.

The document will no longer be checked out.

Note: To restore multiple checked out documents, in Standard View, select multiple documents and select Actions > Edit > Cancel Check Out.

To ascertain which user has a document checked out

  1. Select the checked out document in the project or shell Documents log.
  2. In Classic View: click the View menu and choose Audit Log. In Standard View: from the right-pane, select the Audit Log tab. The Audit Log report displays the complete history of the document, including who last checked out or revised it.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022