Restoring to a Previous Revision

You can revert to a previous version of the file, if you have the Revise Document and Resolve References permission. When you restore a file, all comments and references associated with it are also restored. It also gets tracked in the Audit log.

If the option Revisions must have same file name is checked, you cannot restore to a revision with a different name.

Note: The following HTML special characters / \ : * ? " < > | cannot be used in the file name.

The selected version becomes the current version.

  1. Open the project or shell and click Document Manager > Documents in the left Navigator.
  2. Select a document in the log.
  3. From the right-pane, select the Revisions tab. The Revisions tab is displayed only if the file has revisions. The Revisions tab displays all previous versions of the document.
  4. Select the version you want to revert to and select > Restore this Revision. The selected file now becomes the current file. This change is tracked and can be viewed from the Audit tab. The Restore this Revision option is displayed only if you have the Revise Document and Resolve References permission.

See Also

Revising Documents

Viewing Previous Revisions (Standard View)

Check-in and Check-Out Documents

Lock and Unlock Documents (Standard View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022