Revising Documents

To revise a document, you replace the current version with a new one that you upload from your local machine. The new file does not necessarily have to have the same file name as the original. This is also how you populate an empty document in Unifier with the completed document from your local machine.

The newest version of a document is available in the project or shell Documents log. Earlier versions can still be accessible in the View Revisions window. When a document is revised, the file itself is never changed. It remains untouched. Each version is maintained separately.

The procedures for uploading revisions are the same as for uploading files.

Note: You can help control revisions by locking documents or checking them out prior to revising. If you have locked the file, you must unlock it before proceeding. If you have checked it out, you can revise it by checking it in, or cancel the check out before proceeding.

To revise a document using the revise function

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you are revising a file with a new version with the same file name, proceed to the next step.
    • If the revised file has a different name, select the document in the documents log, click the Properties button and select the Options tab. Be sure the Revisions must have the same file name checkbox is not selected.
  2. Select the document in the documents log.
  3. From the Edit menu, click Revise. The Revise File window opens.
  4. Click Upload to upload the revised file into the Document Manager.

The publication number (Pub. No.) of the file increases by one for each revision uploaded. For example, the first time you upload a document, the publication number is 1. If you revise it, the publication number becomes 2, and so on.

To revise a document automatically upon uploading

  1. Follow the procedure for uploading documents.
  2. In the Upload window select the Revise automatically if file with same name exists option.
  3. If you are uploading a file that has the same file name as a document that already exists in the Document Manager target folder, that document will automatically be revised to the newly uploaded version.

To learn more about comparing two versions of a document and file attachments refer to Unifier Business Processes User Guide.

Related Topics

Viewing Previous Revisions (Standard View)

Restoring to a Previous Revision

Check-in and Check-Out Documents

Lock and Unlock Documents (Standard View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022