Adding and Managing Line Items

Detailed information, such as transactions, can be entered as line items on BP records, if they have been designed to accommodate documents that are attached as line items.

You can edit or delete line items on a BP form as long as the form is still editable; that is, before it reaches its terminal status (for example, approved). If you add a new line item in any step (other than the creation step), you can modify the line item until the BP is sent to the next step. The line item status will always default to the default line item status specified in the design. Users with permission can change the status if modification to the line item status is allowed in that step.

You can add attachments and comments to line items. In addition, you can filter, copy, and consolidate line items.

Note: Document and Line Item BPs can be designed to include line item status control, which allows users to choose a status for individual line items and control whether they can be modified.

In This Section

Adding Line Items

Editing and Deleting Line Items

Copy Line Items

Line Item Consolidation

Grouping Line Items

Removing Line Item Attachments

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022