Inviting to RFB

For public bidding, invitations are sent to the Vendors that you have selected from the Vendors business process (a company-level BP). The Vendors BPs can be found in Company Logs > User mode > Vendors BP.

To start the bidding process:

  1. Go to your Project > User mode > Logs > Requests for Bid.
  2. Open the bid that you want to send.
  3. From top right-hand section of the screen click the Menu Options (three horizontal bars) and click Invite.

The left-hand section includes the general information about the requestor and the bid.

To modify the date, click on the date icon, modify the date and click Done.

The right panel includes the list of invitees to whom the invitations have been either sent out or will be sent in future.

Toolbar options:

The Done action will save the changes in the left section (General information).

The Cancel action will close the window.

When you click Add, a new full-screen window overlay appears (similar to BP Picker) which enables you to select the list of vendors (from the Master Vendor List BP) that you want to add to the invitees list.

Click Select to add the invitees to the invitation list and close the overlay window.

Click the Menu Options (three horizontal bars) and click Show to view the list of bids that have been received from the bidders.

The toolbar enables you to:

The gear menu, next to each item, enables you to open and send password.

When you click on a row and select it in the Received From window, Unifier displays the Upper Form preview of the Bidder BP Upper Form (in the Preview tab). You can open the record and view both the Upper Form and Detail Form of the Bidder BP form.

The following lists the options available under the toolbar and Menu Options (three horizontal bars):

For an RFB BP that is enabled for public bidding, if you click Invite after the BP is opened for public bidding, then Unifier displays an overlay screen that enables you to send password and modify due date. Modifying the due date in public bidding is similar to the same feature in private bidding.

See Also

Request for Bid (RFB) Type Business Process Form (Private)

Audit Log in Requestor BP (Private Bid and Public Bid)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022