Automatic Publishing of BP Records to the Document Manager

A business process can be designed to automatically publish its records, along with their comments and attachments, to the Document Manager in a folder the administrator specifies when the business process is set up. In effect, this produces a detailed audit trail of the record information through the business process (for both workflow and non-workflow processes). You can open these records and their information from the Document Manager.

Depending on how the administrator sets up the business process, the record information can be automatically published to the Document Manager when the business process reaches a specific step in a workflow, or whenever an email notification is sent regarding the status of the business process, or both. According to its setup, the business process will publish the record to a designated folder in the Document Manager. If you, as owner of the record, do not have permission for this folder, Unifier will send the record and its contents to the Unpublished Documents node in the manager. If the record already exists in the folder, Unifier will publish the record as a revision. If the folder’s path in the business process record is invalid for any reason, the record will be sent to the Unpublished Documents node.

Note: On Creation Step of Workflow-type Business process, the record_no in uuu_dm_record_info_path is evaluated or replaced when it is used directly as part of formula.


Suppose 'uuu_dm_publish_path' and 'title' are defined as formula.

=> uuu_dm_publish_path = firstName + record_no + title

=> title = subject + record_no

uuu_dm_publish_path would be evaluated as 'firstName + record_no + subject' ('record_no' in data element 'title' is ignored)

See Also

Unifier Document Manager

Before you Begin Working with Document Manager

About Ownership and Permissions

Using the Document Manager

Enabling Document Manager-Generated Email Notification

Working with Project or Shell and Company Documents

Accessing Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Classic View)

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Standard View)

Working with Document Logs (Classic View)

Working with Document Manager in Company and Project or Shell (Standard View)

Creating and Managing Folders

Creating and Managing Documents

Organize Folders

Rename a Folder (Classic View)

Creating and Managing Shortcuts


Uploading Files

Downloading Documents and Folders

Importing and Exporting in Document Manager

The Recycle Bin

Index Reports (Standard View)

View Document Manager Audit log (Standard View)

Project or Shell Documents or Company Documents Attached to a Business Process

Unpublished Documents

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022