Working with Document Manager in Company and Project or Shell (Standard View)

Navigating to Document Manager at the company:

  1. Go to your company (Company Workspace) and switch to the user mode.
  2. Click the Document Manager module to expand.

Navigating to Document Manager at the project or shell levels:

  1. Go to your project or shell and switch to the user mode.
  2. Click the Document Manager module to expand.

In general, the following nodes appear under the Document Manager module at the company, shell, or project levels:

The following explanation applies to company, shell, and project document manager.

Documents or Company Documents

The Documents or Company Documents page is divided into two left and right panes. The following explains each pane. The Documents or Company Documents page left pane has the following toolbars:

The home icon and link to the Project Documents page (current page)

In case of working in the company, the home icon and link to the Company Documents page (current page)

A toggle key to display the child nodes, and the locator links (breadcrumbs).

This portion displays the locator links (breadcrumbs) to the current location within the Document Manager folder hierarchy. By default, user is presented with the files or folders contained within the "Project Documents" folder.


Enables you to create:

  • Folder
  • Empty Document
  • Business Process records


Enables you to conduct the following actions on multiple files or folders:

  • Add to Favorites
  • Move
  • Copy
  • Delete
  • Send for E-Signature
  • Recall E-sign Request
  • Transfer Ownership
  • Edit
    • Revise
    • Check In
    • Check Out
    • Cancel Check Out
    • Lock
    • Unlock
  • Export
    • Structure and Properties
  • Import
    • Folder Structure Template
    • Structure and Properties
  • Index Report
  • HTML Format
  • PDF Format
  • CSV Format

Flat View

Enables you to see a flat list (default view) of all files and folders, located in the root (Project Documents) folder. To browse a folder, in this view, double-click the folder name. This opens the contents of that folder in the log.

When you click a file or folder, the relevant tabs open on the right-hand pane which enable you to define the file or folder properties, permissions, etc.

The locator links (breadcrumbs), on top, show the home page icon before the Project Documents folder. Click the icon to see the root (Project Documents) folder in the log below. You can set the root (Project Documents) folder properties, etc. by way of the tabs.

Tile View

To change the views between tile and list views.

Three View

To change the view of folders and documents. You can open any number of folders, in the hierarchy, and view their contents in the same view.


To download documents or folders onto your local or network drive.


To upload files from your local system into project or shell or company level Document Manager.


To customize the Documents log to display files based your filter criteria. For details, see Working with Views (Standard View).

  • All
  • Owned by me
  • Checked out by me
  • Locked
  • Uploaded in last 7 days
  • Uploaded in lat 30 days
  • Create New View
  • Manage Views

Edit View

To change the log view (columns, filters, sort, etc.)


To refresh the items on the log.


To view the favorites list.

Initiate Bluebeam Studio Session

To initiate a Bluebeam Studio Session. For details about Bluebeam, refer to the Unifier Bluebeam User Guide.



To open the search window and search for a specific document. For more information, see Searching Content (Standard View).

Find on Page

To find a item on the page or log. For more information, see Finding on Page (Standard View).

Next to each item on the log (next to a folder, subfolder, document, shortcut, or empty document), there is a gear menu (). The gear menu for each document are explained below:

Note: The following menu options change for empty documents.


To open a file in File Viewer.

Open in Autovue

To open the file in AutoVue.


To download a file.

Add to Favorites

To add the item to the list of favorites.


To create a file based on a business process.


Enables you to perform the following on a file:

  • Revise
  • Check Out
  • Check In
  • Cancel Check out
  • Lock
  • Unlock

Transfer Ownership

To transfer the ownership of the file.


To open the Move window and move the file to the destination folder.


To open the Copy window and copy the file to the destination folder and include comments.


To delete the row or item.

The gear () menu for each folder are:


To create a folder.


To upload folder.


To download folder.

Add to Favorites

To add the folder to the favorites list.


To open the Move window and move the folder.


To open the Copy window and copy the file to the destination folder and include comments.


To delete the row or item.

The gear () menu for each PDF are:


To sign the PDF.

Send for E-Signature

To send for E-signature.

Initiate Bluebeam Studio Session

To initiate a Bluebeam Studio Session. For details about Bluebeam, refer to the Unifier Bluebeam User Guide.


The Documents or Company Documents left pane has the following columns:


The name of the document or folder.


Comments associated with a file.


Indicates whether the file is locked or not.

Bluebeam Session Status

Indicates the status of the document in the Bluebeam studio session.



Any references included in the file.

Linked Records (BP)

Any linked records included in the file.


The file title.

Creation Date

Creation date.

Issue Date

Date that the file was issued.


The owner of the file.

Revision No.

If the file has been revised, the the revision number appears here.

Pub No.

Publication number.

% Complete

The status of a file.


File sized.

Upload By

The name of the user who has uploaded the file.

Upload Date

The date that the file was uploaded.


The location of the file.

The Documents or Company Documents right pane has the following tabs:


Displays detailed information about a selected item on the log (left pane).

Linked Records

This tab applies to Documents, only.

Displays the information about records that are linked to the file.

Audit Log

Displays the actions that have been taken on an item, with details. You can print the audits or search for a particular audit.


Displays the name of the users or groups that are permitted to work on the selected item, and the permission type.


Displays the type of options available for each item selected.

Recycle Bin

Lists all files that have been deleted along with details about each deleted file. You can use the following toolbar options to restore deleted files, search among deleted files, or permanently delete the deleted files:

Unpublished Documents

Lists all unpublished documents and provides details on each one. You have the option to publish or download documents on the Unpublished Documents log. The gear menu () for each file enables you to conduct the following operations on a selected file.

The Unpublished Documents node log is divided into two panes. The left pane provides a list of unpublished documents and the right pane provides details on each document in the following tabs:

See Also

Unifier Document Manager

Before you Begin Working with Document Manager

About Ownership and Permissions

Using the Document Manager

Automatic Publishing of BP Records to the Document Manager

Enabling Document Manager-Generated Email Notification

Working with Project or Shell and Company Documents

Accessing Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Classic View)

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Standard View)

Working with Document Logs (Classic View)

Creating and Managing Folders

Creating and Managing Documents

Organize Folders

Rename a Folder (Classic View)

Creating and Managing Shortcuts


Uploading Files

Downloading Documents and Folders

Importing and Exporting in Document Manager

The Recycle Bin

Index Reports (Standard View)

View Document Manager Audit log (Standard View)

Project or Shell Documents or Company Documents Attached to a Business Process

Unpublished Documents

In This Section

Working with Views (Standard View)

Using the DM Log Tile View (Standard View)

Searching Content (Standard View)

Finding on Page (Standard View)

Sorting Columns (Standard View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022