Working with Drawing Files

You can import drawing files into Unifier from a level log or from a level record. You can download drawing files as well.

If a level drawing has reference files, you must put all polylines and space objects on the base level drawing file and not on the reference files. Unifier Space Manager cannot process reference files for space objects.

When a drawing file is set up with an uCAD connection, the system creates a data file with .unf extension under a location managed by the uCAD desktop application. The .unf file contains following information:

There is a one-to-one relationship between:

Importing Drawing Files into Unifier

You can import drawing files (.dwg files) into Unifier from the level records log or from the level record.

Note: The uCAD plug-in must be installed on the machine from which you import the drawing files. If uCAD is not installed, you receive a message to install it.

To import drawing files into Unifier from level records log:

  1. From the toolbar click Import and select Drawing Files to open the Upload Files window.


    • The File Upload window enables the user to upload the .unf and .dwf files in addition to the .dwg files and after a successful upload, the level processing window is displayed.
    • The .dwf and .unf files, associated with each drawing file, must be uploaded.
    • The default paths for Windows OS are:
      - .dwf file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera-Unifier\uCAD\data\dwf
      - .unf file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera-Unifier\uCAD\data\unf
  2. Click Browse and select the drawing file and the corresponding .unf and .dwf files.
  3. Click Upload to upload the files to Unifier.
  4. When the level processing window displays, click the star symbol on the upper left-hand corner, and then click Process to process the drawing file.

    If multiple files are available and you want to process all the files, click Upload from the bottom right-hand portion of the window.

    Note: You can click Remove to remove one or more drawing files from the list.

    You receive a confirmation message that the files are being processed, and you will be notified, by email, when the processing is complete.

You can upload multiple drawing files to either create or update the levels and spaces.

To get the most recent import information:

After the drawing files are uploaded, Unifier generates a drawing processing log.

  1. In User Mode in Unifier, select <shell> > Space Manager > Levels.
  2. Select View > Last Import Log. The Last Import Log window opens, listing who performed the import, the date and time of the import, and the drawings that were imported. This log is always updated to show the last import. It does not contain history of imports over time.

To import drawing files into Unifier from level record:

You can import a drawing file from a level record if you have create permission on the Levels log. You can import one drawing file per level. You cannot import when the record is still in Draft mode.

Processing a drawing file from a level record is similar to processing files from level records log.

Downloading Drawing Files

You can download drawing files from the level records log window, only.

To download drawing files:

  1. In User mode in Unifier, select <shell> > Space Manager > Levels.
  2. Select one or more level records from the level records log window and click Download.

    A zip file (containing the .dwg and .unf files) will be downloaded, which contains the path, for example: C:\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera-Unifier\uCAD\data\unf location

Filling a Space with Color

This feature in Unifier works the same way it does in AutoCAD. The colors you can choose from for a space are dictated by the space type you are working with.

Note: Anytime the administrator changes the fill space colors, you will have to send the drawing back to AutoCAD and re-import it into Unifier in order to acquire the new colors.

  1. In Unifier, open the drawing. Unifier displays the drawing and a mini-log of spaces below the drawing.
  2. On the toolbar above the mini-log, click the Fill By button (or choose Fill By from the View menu).
  3. From the list that appears, choose the fill you want to see on the drawing.

    The drawing will change to show the color you selected.

    Note: When you save the drawing, Unifier will save it with the current fill settings. These are the settings you will see the next time you open the drawing.

Displaying Text for a Space

This feature in Unifier works the same way it does in AutoCAD. The text types you can choose from for a space are dictated by the space type you are working with.

Note: Anytime the administrator changes the display text, you will have to send the drawing back to AutoCAD and re-import it into Unifier in order to acquire the new text.

  1. In Unifier, open the drawing.

    Unifier displays the drawing and a mini-log of spaces below the drawing.

  2. On the toolbar above the mini-log, click the Text By button (or choose Text By from the View menu).
  3. From the list that appears, choose the text you want to see on the drawing.

    The drawing will change to show the text type you selected.

    Note: When you save the drawing, Unifier will save it with the current text settings. These are the settings you will see the next time you open the drawing.

See Also

Unifier Space Manager

Accessing the Space Manager

Quick Calendar

Working with Levels (Standard View)

Working with Space Log (Standard View)

Working with Levels Sheet (Standard View)

Working with Stack Plans

Working with the uCAD Plugin

Working in AutoCAD with the uCAD Plugin

Accessing User-Defined Reports (UDRs)

Print a Space Manager Form

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022