Working with Levels Sheet (Standard View)

The Space Manager includes a sheet to help you manage levels and spaces. The sheets allow you to create formulas to calculate "leasable" space and other related information in a building. You can create levels sheets for a Space Manager. You can create only one sheet per shell.

The levels sheet is listed in the Levels Sheet log in the Space Manager.

Note: You must have permissions to access a sheet.

See Also

Unifier Space Manager

Accessing the Space Manager

Quick Calendar

Working with Levels (Standard View)

Working with Space Log (Standard View)

Working with Stack Plans

Working with the uCAD Plugin

Working in AutoCAD with the uCAD Plugin

Accessing User-Defined Reports (UDRs)

Working with Drawing Files

Print a Space Manager Form

In This Section

Levels Sheet Log Options (Standard View)

Creating a New Levels Sheet Record (Standard View)

Exporting and Importing CSV Files (Standard View)

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