Creating a Merged Repository Definition (.rpd) File

To merge two repository definition (.rpd) files, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the OBI Administration application.
  2. Select File, Open, Offline.
  3. From the open submenu, choose the original .rpd file (the copy of the .rpd file that is currently deployed).
  4. After the original file is open in OBI Administration, select File, Merge.
  5. In the Merge Repository wizard:
    • Merge Type: Patch Repository Merge
    • Original Master Repository: The copy of the original .rpd file.
    • Repository Password: The password for the original .rpd file (by default, Admin123).
    • Patch File: The file saved above.
    • Save Merged Repository as: A new file name and location which represents the repository definition file that contains the merged repository.
    • Repository Password: The password for the newly created merged .rpd file (by default, Admin123).
  6. Click Next.

    Note: This process may take a few minutes while the wizard processes the XML file and creates the new merged .rpd file.

  7. If you moved the .rpd to a new OBI installation, do the following:

    Note: If you did not move the .rpd to a new OBI installation, skip these steps.

    1. Copy the OraclePrimaveraAnalytics file to the repository folder on the server where you installed OBI.

      Example: $ORACLE_INSTANCE/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obips1/repository

    2. Log in to the OBI Enterprise Manager URL with an account that is a member of the WebLogic BIAdministrator group (for example, weblogic):


    where <server> is the server name or IP address of the server where OBI is installed and running, <port> is the listening port number for OBI, and /em is the default context for OBI Enterprise Manager.

    1. Upon logging into OBI Enterprise Manager, the left side of the screen will show the Target Navigation Tree. Click the arrow icon next to the leaf node called Business Intelligence to expand this folder.
    2. With the Business Intelligence leaf node expanded, the coreapplication hyperlink should appear below the Business Intelligence leaf node.
    3. Click the coreapplication hyperlink. This will display on the right portion of the screen, the properties and available configuration options for this deployment of OBI.
    4. The right side of the screen is organized in a parent/child tab-based display. This means for each parent tab that has the focus, a set of child tabs will be available. Click the Deployment parent tab, then click the Repository child tab.
    5. In the Change Center section above the tabs, click the Lock and Edit Configuration link. Clicking this link allows the fields in this deployment to be edited. A message appears confirming that the lock and edit command completed successfully. Click Close to dismiss this message.
    6. In the Upload BI Server Repository section, click Browse.
    7. Go to the directory that contains the modified OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd file.
    8. Select the modified OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd file and click Open.
    9. In the Repository Password field, enter the OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd password (by default, Admin123).
    10. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd password.
    11. At the upper right of the Repository child tab, click Apply.

      Note: You can configure and deploy the Primavera Analytics sample catalog prior to activating the changes and restarting the OBI services. See the Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

    12. In the Change Center section above the tabs, click the Activate Changes link. A confirmation message appears. Click Close to dismiss the confirmation window.
    13. In the Change Center section above the tabs, click the Restart To Apply Recent Changes link. Clicking this link will go to the Overview parent tab for this OBI deployment.
    14. In the System Shutdown & Startup section, directly below the Pie Chart graph showing system components status, click Restart to restart all components of this OBI deployment.
    15. When the OBI deployment has been restarted, a System Restarted Successfully message displays. Click
    16. Close to close the message.
    17. Click the Logout hyperlink (in the upper right of the screen directly below the browser toolbar) to log out of OBI Enterprise Manager.

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Last Published Wednesday, October 20, 2021