Daily Performance Index (Hours) Section

Daily Performance Index (Hours) section line graphs.


The analysis shows Baseline, Daily Actuals and Baseline, Daily Actuals (AVG) line charts.

The Baseline, Daily Actuals line chart shows lines for:

The x-axis shows dates. The y-axis shows Performance Index (calculated as Actual Labor Units divided by Planned Labor Units).

The Baseline, Daily Actuals (AVG) line chart shows lines for:

The x-axis shows dates. The y-axis shows Performance Index (calculated as Actual Labor Units divided by Planned Labor Units).


  1. On the Home page, click Dashboards.
  2. Under Primavera, select Industry Standards.
  3. On the Industry Standards dashboard, click the Shutdown/Turnaround/Outage page.
  4. On the Shutdown/Turnaround/Outage page, expand the Daily Performance Index (Hours) section.

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020