Group Customer Addresses and Phone Numbers

Addresses and phone numbers can be captured at various levels in OIPA. At the Group Customer level, addresses and phone numbers are captured from the Customer Address link on the Group Customer screen in OIPA. Through configuration, specific roles can be assigned to group customer addresses to distinguish them by type. Once an address is assigned a role, it can then also be restricted to specific customer types.

Phone number formats can also be controlled through configuration to display differently based on the country and type of phone number.

Important   Phone number displays can also be configured for the Address screen.

Address Roles

The ClientAddressTypes business rule allows the user to define the address roles that are available for the client and customer address based on the client type.

If this ruleis not configured, then all address role types will be present in the Address Type drop down box on the Address screen.

If this rule is configured, but a given client type is not referenced in the configuration, then all address types that are applicable for the CountryCode specified in the corresponding AddressScreen business rule will be displayed for that client type.

The rule can be overridden at the Company and Group Customer level.

Configure Group Customer Addresses

There are several steps involved inconfiguring Group Customer addresses.

  • Define the Client types in AsCodeClientType
  • Define the address roles in AsCodeAddressRole.
  • Configure the AddressScreen business rule.
  • Configure the ClientAddressType business rule. This defines the address types that will be available in the Address drop down list when a new address is created.
  • Add security for the Client Address and Group Customer Address pages under Company Pages.

Phone Numbers

Phone number formats can be controlled through configuration to display differently based on the country and type of phone number. A separate Phone screen is available in OIPA to capture phone number information. Phone numbers can be associated to client addresses.

Configure Phone Number Formats

There are several steps involved in configuring the formats available for displaying phone numbers in OIPA.

  • Define the phone types in AsCodePhoneType. The Code Names editor in the Rules Palette can be used to accomplish this.
  • Define all applicable countries in the Country editor in the Rules Palette. These values are stored in the AsCountry table. Calling codes are also stored in the AsCountry table, but must be added directly in the database.
  • Add <DisplayPhoneScreen>Yes</DisplayPhoneScreen> configuration to the AddressScreen and ClientScreen business rules to allow the Phone screen to be available on those screens. This element and value can be added at the beginning of the rule. If this configuration is added to the ClientScreen, then it will also be available on the Group Customer screen.
  • Configure the PhoneScreen business rule at the appropriate company level.
  • Add security to the Phone page in Company Pages.