Get a specific case by Id



Get a case based on the specified case Id


Path Parameters
  • Pattern: \{?[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}\}?
    Case Id
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

successful operation
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This example describes how to get a case based on the specified case Id.

Example cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -u username:password "server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0"

Example Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format:

  "case" : {
    "links" : [ {
      "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases/294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0",
      "rel" : "self",
      "mediaType" : "application/json",
      "method" : "GET"
    }, {
      "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases/294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0/policies",
      "rel" : "policies",
      "mediaType" : "application/json",
      "method" : "GET"
    }, {
      "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=CaseStatus&codeValue=02",
      "rel" : "codes/status",
      "mediaType" : "application/json",
      "method" : "GET"
    } ],
    "codes" : [ {
      "codeName" : "AsCodeCaseStatus",
      "codeValue" : "02",
      "longDescription" : "In Progress",
      "shortDescription" : "In Progress"
    } ],
    "caseName" : "Case_Name_API_11",
    "caseNumber" : "Case_Name_API_11",
    "creationDate" : "2019-08-06T00:00:00Z",
    "policies" : [ {
      "links" : [ {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases/294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0/policies/808FE0DF-4C4A-4D05-8925-FD13E6DAB7AC",
        "rel" : "self",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=State&codeValue=55",
        "rel" : "codes/issueStateCode",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=System&codeValue=02",
        "rel" : "codes/systemCode",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=Status&codeValue=08",
        "rel" : "codes/status",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      } ],
      "multiFields" : { },
      "codes" : [ {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeState",
        "codeValue" : "55",
        "longDescription" : "Armed Forces",
        "shortDescription" : "AE"
      }, {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeSystem",
        "codeValue" : "02",
        "longDescription" : "NBU",
        "shortDescription" : "NBU"
      }, {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeStatus",
        "codeValue" : "08",
        "longDescription" : "Policy is Pending",
        "shortDescription" : "Pending"
      } ],
      "policyName" : "RatesInt",
      "policyNumber" : "VDA15083807",
      "planDate" : "2015-08-04T00:00:00Z",
      "issueStateCode" : "55",
      "systemCode" : "02",
      "segments" : [],
      "roles" : [ {
        "links" : [ {
          "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/policies/808FE0DF-4C4A-4D05-8925-FD13E6DAB7AC/roles/3C0DFAB9-CD1A-4E9E-9E5F-BF15850A5394",
          "rel" : "self",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        }, {
          "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=Role&codeValue=11",
          "rel" : "codes/role",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        }, {
          "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=RoleStatus&codeValue=01",
          "rel" : "codes/status",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        } ],
        "multiFields" : { },
        "codes" : [ {
          "codeName" : "AsCodeRole",
          "codeValue" : "11",
          "longDescription" : "Customer Service Representative",
          "shortDescription" : "CSR"
        }, {
          "codeName" : "AsCodeRoleStatus",
          "codeValue" : "01",
          "longDescription" : "Active",
          "shortDescription" : "Active"
        } ],
        "roleAmount" : 10,
        "rolePercent" : 50,
        "stateCode" : "CA",
        "roleId" : "3C0DFAB9-CD1A-4E9E-9E5F-BF15850A5394",
        "clientId" : "5149CC4C-1D1C-45BF-910B-D0DA1B3A785B",
        "externalclientId" : 4123CC4C-1D1C-45BF-910B-D0DA1B3A785B,
        "companyId" : 5419CC4C-1D1C-45BF-910B-D0DA1B3A785A,
        "percentDollar" : 25,
        "policyId" : "808FE0DF-4C4A-4D05-8925-FD13E6DAB7AC",
        "role" : "11",
        "segmentId" : 2129CC4C-1D1C-45BF-910B-D0DA1B3A785B,
        "status" : "01"
      } ],
      "policyId" : "808FE0DF-4C4A-4D05-8925-FD13E6DAB7AC",
      "creationDate" : "2020-01-06T00:00:00Z",
      "updatedDate" : "2020-01-06T16:39:18Z",
      "companyId" : "05711222-7DB3-4EBD-A821-57A30A699B88",
      "planId" : "3CD8F7B3-0928-43F9-8483-0AF739B4F36C",
      "status" : "08"
    }, {
      "links" : [ {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/cases/294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0/policies/BF647EC8-16C0-420B-99EB-4534F3ED2456",
        "rel" : "self",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=State&codeValue=55",
        "rel" : "codes/issueStateCode",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=System&codeValue=02",
        "rel" : "codes/systemCode",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      }, {
        "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=Status&codeValue=99",
        "rel" : "codes/status",
        "mediaType" : "application/json",
        "method" : "GET"
      } ],
      "multiFields" : { },
      "codes" : [ {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeState",
        "codeValue" : "55",
        "longDescription" : "Armed Forces",
        "shortDescription" : "AE"
      }, {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeSystem",
        "codeValue" : "02",
        "longDescription" : "NBU",
        "shortDescription" : "NBU"
      }, {
        "codeName" : "AsCodeStatus",
        "codeValue" : "99",
        "longDescription" : "Deleted",
        "shortDescription" : "Deleted"
      } ],
      "policyName" : "RatesInt",
      "policyNumber" : "GLPT15083806",
      "planDate" : "2015-08-04T00:00:00Z",
      "issueStateCode" : "55",
      "systemCode" : "02",
      "segments" : [],
      "roles" : [ {
        "links" : [ {
          "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/policies/BF647EC8-16C0-420B-99EB-4534F3ED2456/roles/C92517BC-413C-4D0A-8AC9-6273BEAB397D",
          "rel" : "self",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        }, {
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          "rel" : "codes/role",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        }, {
          "href" : "http://server:port/PASService/rest/services/codes?codeName=RoleStatus&codeValue=01",
          "rel" : "codes/status",
          "mediaType" : "application/json",
          "method" : "GET"
        } ],
        "multiFields" : { },
        "codes" : [ {
          "codeName" : "AsCodeRole",
          "codeValue" : "11",
          "longDescription" : "Customer Service Representative",
          "shortDescription" : "CSR"
        }, {
          "codeName" : "AsCodeRoleStatus",
          "codeValue" : "01",
          "longDescription" : "Active",
          "shortDescription" : "Active"
        } ],
        "roleAmount" : 12,
        "rolePercent" : 24,
        "stateCode" : "CA",
        "roleId" : "C92517BC-413C-4D0A-8AC9-6273BEAB397D",
        "clientId" : "5149CC4C-1D1C-45BF-910B-D0DA1B3A785B",
        "externalclientId" : "5DC487A4-F602-4AA0-A8F1-30C489BD36EE",
        "companyId" : "B3B6F546-6396-462F-AAE6-0E8A22D750AD",
        "percentDollar" : 23,
        "policyId" : "BF647EC8-16C0-420B-99EB-4534F3ED2456",
        "role" : "11",
        "segmentId" : "30E29C6A-B21D-468F-90EC-69D677889CBA",
        "status" : "01"
      } ],
      "policyId" : "BF647EC8-16C0-420B-99EB-4534F3ED2456",
      "creationDate" : "2020-01-06T00:00:00Z",
      "updatedDate" : "2020-01-06T16:38:45Z",
      "companyId" : "05711222-7DB3-4EBD-A821-57A30A699B88",
      "planId" : "3904A440-E035-40A1-9905-D544F7A6C093",
      "status" : "99"
    } ],
    "caseId" : "294DBD01-5B14-43A3-9A5B-4C309EA848C0",
    "companyId" : "7204C2FE-13B1-4A48-8CDA-DE8386C60EF9",
    "status" : "02",
    "updatedDateTime" : "2020-01-06T16:38:53Z",
    "CaseNotes" : {
      "string" : "Test"
    "CaseDetails" : "Case_Name_API_03",
    "Identifier001" : "Identifier8907546"
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