15Siebel Pricer Technical Reference

Siebel Pricer Architecture

A high-level representation of the Siebel Pricing Management Architecture is shown in the following figure. This diagram includes four key components:

  • Siebel UI or Calling Application. This is the point from which the end user requests pricing (for example, quotes and orders).

  • Pricing Data. This is the administrative business objects that store prices, costs, and adjustments.

  • Pricing Procedures. This is the centralized location for pricing policies and logic. Pricing procedures use the PSP engine to locate and apply prices and adjustments, and you can customize them for your company's business model. For details about the PSP Engine, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

  • Pricing Services. This is the specialized business services for generic, complex pricing algorithms (such as spread discount).

The Pricing Architecture is described in the surrounding text.

When there is a request for pricing (for example, when a user adds a product to a quote or order or selects Reprice All), the application performs the following steps, illustrated in the following figure:

  • The end user action raises a signal, such as the CalculatePriceAll signal. A signal is a parameterized call to a business service or workflow process. For more information about signals, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

  • The signal calls the controlling workflow process. To continue the previous example, the CalculatePriceAll signal calls the PSP Driver Workflow process. For more information about this workflow process, see Pricing Procedures and Workflow References.

  • The controlling workflow process uses variable maps to build the Context Row Set (header information) and Line Item Row Set (line item information).

    • The variable maps that build the row sets needed for pricing are identified in the definition of the signal invoked by the end user’s action. To continue the previous example, the Default Pricing Variable Map - Context and Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set are specified as parameters to the PSP Driver Workflow process in the CalculatePriceAll Signal.

    • Variable maps build the row sets by mapping fields in the database to the variables for the row set. For more information about variable maps, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

  • The controlling workflow process invokes a pricing procedure.

    • The pricing procedure invoked is identified in the definition of the signal invoked by the end user’s action. To continue the previous example, the Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow is specified in the SubPSPWFName parameter to the PSP Driver Workflow process in the CalculatePriceAll Signal.

    • The controlling workflow passes the Context Row Set and Line Item Row Set to the pricing procedure. For more information about controlling workflows and pricing procedures, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

  • The pricing procedure applies pricing logic to the data in the row sets.

    • To continue the previous example, for each line item in the line item row set, the Dynamic Pricing Procedure finds a starting price, executes a series of steps that may or may not adjust the net price, and outputs the final price.

    • The Dynamic Pricing Procedure passes the transformed Row Set back to the PSP Driver Workflow process. For detailed information about pricing procedures, see Pricing Procedures and Workflow References.

  • The Context Service updates the calling object (such as the quote or order) with the adjusted prices, and those prices appear in the end user interface.

The Siebel pricing architecture is described in the surrounding text.

PSP Driver Workflow Process Workflow

The PSP Driver Workflow Process is the beginning of all pricing operations and other features. For information about this workflow, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

    Basic Pricing Procedure Workflow

    The Basic Pricing Procedure workflow, as shown in the following figure, provides basic pricer license functionality where the list price, volume discounts, and service pricing are supported.

    The Basic Pricing Procedure workflow is described in the surrounding text.

    Workflow Description

    This workflow does the following:

    1. Stamps error codes by checking for various conditions on the Price list.

    2. From the error codes stamped in step 2, branches out to the different actions listed in step 4.

    3. Does the following:

      1. Raises Expired Error

      2. Raises Not Expired Error

      3. Calculates the quantity of each component in a customizable product instance, and rolls down the price list ID and promotion ID from the root.

    4. Determines the price action code based on the item’s Action Code and Price Type.

    5. Using the Simple Look-up Transform business service, searches for the correct price list and stamps various price fields on the line item.

    6. Gets Root Price List Item Id|Start = List|Net = Start.

    7. Splits Unpriced Actions.

      Note: Do not price line items with Skip Pricing Flag = 'Y'.
    8. Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately.

      Note: In this Pricing Procedure, products and service products need to be split and handled differently. Service procedures are services that are tied to products, for example, a maintenance service on a car. The pricing of a service is tied to the product it covers. Later in the this workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" will consume the Service Product Row Set.
    9. Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

    10. Finds out the upsell discount information.

    11. Applies tiered volume discounts to the net price.

    12. Finds out the tiered upsell discount information.

    13. Forces the net price to be within the minimum and maximum values defined in the price list item.

    14. Sets the manual adjustment and applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

    15. Sets the pricing adjustment. Before adjustments and discounts, the Net Price = Start Price.

    16. Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

    17. Looks up the list price information for covered products.

    18. Calculates the start price for the service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the net or start price of the covered product.

    19. Before adjustments and discounts, ensures that the Net Price = Start Price.

    20. Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

    21. Determines the upsell discount information.

    22. Applies tiered volume discounts to the net price.

    23. Determines the tiered upsell discount information.

    24. Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

    25. Merges service and nonservice line items.

    26. Merges unpriced line items.

    27. Gets the MPT Prices and the NRC and MRC price components.

    28. Spreads discounts from bundle product root to subcomponents.

    29. Calculates the total extended price of the customizable product, including all subcomponents.

      The following table lists the steps in the Basic Pricing Procedure with the business service and method that is called by each.

      Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

      Check Header Price List

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Query Transform

      Not applicable

      Stamps error codes by checking for various conditions on the Price list.

      Price List Error

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      From the error codes stamped in step 1, branches out to different actions in the next step.

      Raise Expired Error

      Business Service

      Pricing Manager

      Raise Price List Expired Error

      Not applicable

      Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is expired.

      Raise Not Effective Error

      Business Service

      Pricing Manager

      Raise Price List Not Effective Error

      Not applicable

      Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is not yet effective.

      Customizable Product Roll-Down

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Hierarchical Transform

      Not applicable

      Calculates the quantity of each component in a customizable product instance. Rolls down the price list ID and promotion ID from the root.

      Determine Price Action

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Determines the price action code based on the item Action Code and Price Type.

      Get List Price

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Hierarchical Transform

      Not applicable

      Gets the list price for each row in the row set. Appends other values from the price list item Buscomp to the row.

      Get Root Price List Item Id|Start = List|Net = Start

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Split Unpriced Actions

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


      Not applicable

      Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.

      Split Service Products

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately. (Note: Later in the workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" would consume the Service Product Row Set).

      Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

      Split Service Products

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Splits service and nonservice line items so they can be priced separately. (Note: Later in the workflow, steps named " XXX service Pricing" would consume the Service Product Row Set).

      Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

      Simple Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      This is a step to find out upsell discount information.

      Tiered Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies tiered volume discounts to the Net Price.

      Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      This is a step to find out tiered upsell discount information.

      Check Min or Max Price for Keep Price <> Y

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Forces the Net Price to be within the Minimum and Maximum defined in the price list item.

      Manual Adjustment

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

      Set Pricing Adjustment

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Split Transform

      Not applicable

      Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

      Update Covered Product Net Prices

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Row Set

      Lookup Transform

      Not applicable

      Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

      Get Covered Product List Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Looks up list price information for the covered product.

      Update Covered Product Net Prices

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Row Set

      Lookup Transform

      Not applicable

      Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

      Get Covered Product List Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Looks up list price information for the covered product.

      Calculate Covered Product Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the Net or Start Price of the covered product.

      Net = Start:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

      Update Covered Product Net Prices

      Business Service

      Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

      Row Set

      Lookup Transform

      Not applicable

      Updates the net price for any covered products that were repriced.

      Get Covered Product List Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Looks up list price information for the covered product.

      Calculate Covered Product Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the price list item to the Net or Start Price of the covered product.

      Net = Start:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

      Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

      Simple Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      This is a step to find out upsell discount information.

      Tiered Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies tiered volume discounts to the Net Price.

      Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Tiered Volume Discount Upsell for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price.

      Check Min or Max Price for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Forces the Net Price to be within the Minimum and Maximum defined in the price list item.

      Simple Volume Discount for Keep Price <> Y:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies the volume discount adjustment that matches the quantity on the line item.

      Manual Adjustment:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Applies line item and header-level manual discounts.

      Set Pricing Adjustment:Service Price

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Not applicable

      Before adjustments and discounts, Net Price = Start Price.

      Merge Service Products

      Business Service

      Row Set

      TransformationToolkit Service

      Merge Transform

      Not applicable

      Merges service and nonservice line items.

      Merge Unpriced Actions

      Business Service

      Row Set

      TransformationToolkit Service

      Hierarchical Transform

      Not applicable

      Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one.

      Get MPT Prices

      Business Service

      Row Set

      TransformationToolkit Service

      Conditional Action Transform

      Not applicable

      Gets NRC and MRC price components.

      Roll-Down Bundle Prices

      Business Service

      Row Set

      Transformation Toolkit Service

      Hierarchical Transform

      Not applicable

      Spreads the discount from the bundle product root to subcomponents.

      Customizable Product Roll-Up

      Business Service

      Row Set

      Transformation Toolkit Service

      Hierarchical Transform

      Not applicable

      Calculates the total extended price of the customizable product including all subcomponent.

      Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow

      The Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow, as shown in the following figure, provides the advanced pricing capabilities. It contains steps and subprocedures that populate the List Price, Start Price, and Net Price fields. It also calculates the monthly recurring and nonrecurring subtotals for root Customizable Products. These prices and subtotals are calculated based on information from price lists, customizable product adjustments, volume discounts, attribute adjustments, aggregate discounts, service price details, product promotions, and manual discounts.

      Note: The Dynamic Pricing Procedure replaces the Pricing Procedure - Default.
      The Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow is described in the surrounding text.

      Workflow Description

      This workflow does the following:

      1. Checks for price list effectivity. The application will throw any error if the price list is not yet effective or has expired.

      2. Calculates the extended quantity of all component products of a CP instance. Also, it carries over some useful information from the CP root to CP components for later use.

      3. Gets the list price for each row in the row set, and appends other values from the Price List Item Buscomp to the row.

      4. Puts the CP Root Price List Item Id on each component of the CP for later use.

      5. Moves those rows with an action code that are not priced to another row set that will not be priced throughout the procedure.

      6. Gets CP Pricing Designer adjustments for components of a CP.

      7. Initializes the start price value as the list price value.

      8. Applies attribute adjustments to the start price and throws an error when an invalid combination for attribute pricing occurs.

      9. Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.

      10. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price for nonservice products.

      11. Updates the covered product net price field on the service product rows in the row set.

      12. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure – Service to handle the service product-specific pricing for service products.

      13. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price for service products.

      14. Merges the service and nonservice row sets into one row set.

      15. Establishes the NRC and MRC prices for one-time and monthly recurring price types, which will later be used for Customizable Product Rollup.

      16. Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one row set.

      17. Spreads the discount of the root bundle products to the bundle component products.

      18. Rolls up the prices of component products to the CP root.

        The following table lists the steps in the Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

        Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

        Check Header Price List

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Query Transform

        Not applicable

        Determines if the header price list is expired or not yet effective.

        Raise Expired Error

        Business Service

        Pricing Manager

        Raise Price List Expired Error

        Not applicable

        Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is expired.

        Raise Not Effective Error

        Business Service

        Pricing Manager

        Raise Price List Not Effective Error

        Not applicable

        Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is not yet effective.

        Customizable Product Roll-Down

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Hierarchical Transform

        Not applicable

        Calculates the quantity of a component product of a CP instance.

        Get List Price

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Simple Look-Up Transform

        Not applicable

        Gets the list price for each row in the row set. Appends other values from the price list item Buscomp to the row.

        Get Root Price List Item Id

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Hierarchical Transform

        Not applicable

        Puts the CP root price list item ID on each component of the CP for later use.

        Split Unpriced Actions

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Split Transform

        Not applicable

        Moves those rows with an action code that are not priced to another row set that will not be priced throughout the procedure.

        Customizable Product Adjustment

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Simple Look-Up Transform

        Not applicable

        Gets CP adjustments for components of a CP.

        Start = List

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Conditional Action Transform

        Not applicable

        Initializes the start price value as the list price value.

        Matrix Adjustment

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Dynamic Lookup Transform

        Not applicable

        Applies attribute adjustments to the start price.

        Invalid Combination?

        Decision Point

        Not applicable

        Not applicable

        Not applicable

        Determines if there was an invalid combination for the attribute pricing matrix.

        Display Invalid Combination Error

        Business Service

        Dynamic Matrix Retrieval Service

        Throw Invalid Combination Error

        Not applicable

        Halts execution of procedure and throws an error when an invalid combination for attribute pricing occurs.

        Split Service Products

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service


        Not applicable

        Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.

        Discount Non Service Products

        Sub Process

        Not applicable

        Not applicable

        Pricing Procedure – Calculate Net Price

        Not applicable

        Update Covered Product Net Prices

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Row Set Lookup Transform

        Not applicable

        Updates the covered product net price field on the service product rows in the row set.

        Price Service Products

        Sub Process

        Not applicable

        Not applicable

        Pricing Procedure – Calculate Net Price

        Prices the service product row set.

        Discount Service Products

        Sub Process

        Not applicable

        Not applicable

        Pricing Procedure – Service

        Service Pricing.

        Merge Service Products

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Merge Transform

        Not applicable

        Merges the service and nonservice row sets into one.

        Get MPT Prices

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Conditional Action Transform

        Not applicable

        Establishes the NRC and MRC prices for One-Time and Monthly Recurring price types.

        Merge Unpriced Actions

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Merge Transform

        Not applicable

        Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one.

        Roll-down bundle prices

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Hierarchical Transform

        Not applicable

        Spreads the discount of the root bundle products to the child products.

        Customizable Product Roll-ups

        Business Service

        Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

        Hierarchical Transform

        Not applicable

        Rolls up the prices of component products to the CP root.

        Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Workflow

        The Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow, as shown in the following figure, is responsible for the net price calculation, which takes into account volume discount, aggregate discount sequence, product promotion, manual adjustment and minimum or maximum price bound checks.

        The Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow is described in the surrounding text.

        Workflow Description

        This workflow does the following:

        1. Initializes the net price value as the start price value.

        2. Queries in FS Product Price Item Details Buscomp for any covered asset service pricing adjustment.

        3. Moves those rows with the Exclude Pricing flag set to another the Keep Price Row Set row set. This will skip all Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts throughout the procedure.

        4. Applies a manual adjustment (discount amount, discount percentage, discount price and header discount percentage) for the row set with Exclude Pricing flag Set.

        5. Sets the pricing adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discount accounts for the row set with Exclude Pricing flag = Y.

        6. Evaluates simple and tiered volume discount. This would also populate the next discount and upsell message for upsell purposes.

        7. Evaluates product promotion discounts.

        8. Calls the Pricing Procedure - Bundle Discount subprocedure to evaluate the aggregate discount sequence.

        9. Checks whether the current net price is within the boundary of the minimum and maximum price.

        10. Applies a manual adjustment (discount amount, discount percentage, discount price and header discount percentage).

        11. Sets the pricing adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discount accounts.

        12. Merges the two row sets generated from the Keep Price = Y? back into one row set.

          The following lists the steps of the Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

          Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

          Net = Start

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Initializes the Net Price value as the Start Price value.

          Calculate Covered Asset Service Price

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Queries in FS Product Price Item Details Buscomp for any covered asset service pricing adjustment.

          Keep Price = Y?

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit

          Split Transform

          Not applicable

          Moves those rows with Exclude Pricing Flag set to another row set, the Keep Price Row Set row set. For these, all Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts will be skipped throughout the procedure.

          Manual Adjustment for Keep Price = Y

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Applies Manual Adjustment for Keep Price Row Set row set.

          Set Pricing Adj for Keep Price = Y

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Sets the Pricing Adjustment that indicates the total amount of Siebel-Pricer-generated discounts for the Keep Price Row Set row set.

          Simple Volume Discount

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Evaluates Simple Volume Discount.

          Simple Volume Discount Upsell

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Populates Simple Volume Discount Upsell information.

          Tiered Volume Discount

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Evaluates Tiered Volume Discount.

          Tiered Volume Discount Upsell

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Populates Tiered Volume Discount Upsell information.

          Look-Up Promotion Discount

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Simple Look-Up Transform

          Not applicable

          Checks whether a promotion discount is defined.

          Apply Promotion Discount

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Applies the Promotion Discount found in the previous step.

          Apply Bundle Discounts

          Sub Process

          Not applicable

          Not applicable

          Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts

          Invokes a subprocedure for calculating Aggregate Sequence.

          Check Min or Max Price

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Ensures that the net price is within the minimum and maximum defined in the price list item.

          Manual Adjustment

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Applies manual adjustment.

          Set Pricing Adjustment

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

          Conditional Action Transform

          Not applicable

          Sets the pricing adjustment, which is the total amount of Siebel-Pricer- generated discounts.

          Merge Keep Price = Y

          Business Service

          Row Set Transformation Toolkit

          Merge Transform

          Not applicable

          Merges back the Keep Price Row Set row set.

          Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts Workflow

          The Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts workflow, as shown in the following figure, is the subprocedure that evaluates the Aggregate Discount Sequence adjustment. The workflow first aggregates quantities for each product across line items. It then checks whether there are possible aggregate discounts set up by examining the price list on both the header and line item level.

          The workflow then compares the aggregate discount with the product quantity aggregation it has evaluated earlier to see whether it qualifies for any discounts.

          The Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts workflow is described in the surrounding text.

          Workflow Description

          This workflow does the following:

          1. Groups line items by Product ID and performs a quantity aggregation. The result of this operation is a property set with Product ID and corresponding aggregated quantities.

          2. Uses Query Transformation to check if there is an Aggregate Discount Sequence associated with the price list from the header, and whether that Aggregate Discount Sequence is effective. If all conditions are met, then the list of IDs of all the aggregate discounts under that sequence would be stored in a property set.

          3. This step is similar to the previous one except that it examines the Price List association of the line item. The IDs of all the possible aggregate discounts would be appended to the previously mentioned property set.

          4. Using Rule Set Lookup Transformation and the information from previous steps, it identifies which of the possible aggregate discounts are satisfied along with the corresponding multiplier for each aggregate discount. This information is used as input to the next step.

          5. Using Rule Set Lookup Transformation and the information from previous steps, it applies adjustments defined in the applicable aggregate discounts and put that on each of the line item. Line items having the same product would be ordered by their net price. Line items with a higher net price would have priority over items with a lower net price.

            The following table lists the steps in the Pricing Procedure - Aggregate Discounts workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

            Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

            Sum Product Quantity

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit

            Aggregate Transform

            Not applicable

            Sums up quantities of line items by Product ID.

            Get Possible Bundles (Price List)

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Query Transform

            Not applicable

            Checks for the Aggregate Discount Sequence associated with the Price List from the Header.

            Get Possible Bundles (Row)

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Simple Look-Up Transform

            Not applicable

            Checks for the Aggregate Discount Sequence associated with the Price Lists from the Line Items.

            Identify Applicable Bundles

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Rule Set Look-Up Transform

            Not applicable

            Identifies applicable Aggregate Discounts and corresponding Multiplier.

            Apply Bundle Adjustments

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Rule Set Look-Up Transform

            Not applicable

            Applies the adjustments defined in aggregate discounts.

            Pricing Procedure - Service Workflow

            The Pricing Procedure - Service workflow, as shown in the following figure, adjusts the start prices for service products by taking account their covered products and primary covered assets.

            The Pricing Procedure - Service workflow is described in the surrounding text.

            Workflow Description

            This workflow does the following:

            1. Looks up list price information for covered products.

            2. Calculates the start price for a service product by applying the percentage in the Price List Item Buscomp to the net price or start price of the covered product.

            The following table lists the steps in the Pricing Procedure - Service workflow with the business service and method that is called by each step.

            Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

            Get Covered Product List Price

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Simple Look-Up Transform

            Not applicable

            Looks up list price information for the covered product.

            Calculate Covered Product Service Price

            Business Service

            Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

            Simple Look-Up Transform

            Not applicable

            Calculates the Start Price for a service product by applying the percentage in the Price List Item to the Net Price or Start Price of the covered product.

              Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure

              It is possible to switch from the Basic Pricing Procedure to the Dynamic Pricing Procedure, depending on your requirements.

              • The Basic Pricing Procedure is enabled out of the box. It does the following:

                • Duplicates the 7.7 basic pricer license functionality where only the list price, volume discounts, and service pricing are supported.

                • Uses the variable maps that do not contain the XA child variable maps.

              • The Dynamic Pricing Procedure is not enabled for out of the box execution. It does the following:

                • Uses the variable maps that contain the XA child variable maps.

              Provides complete pricing capabilities such as attribute pricing, promotions, aggregate discounts and so on.

              You can either manually enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for standard signals as required, or you can automatically enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for all signals, as described in the following procedure.

              To switch from the Basic Pricing Procedure to the Dynamic Pricing Procedure

              1. Make sure that you have the Dynamic Pricer license.
                Note: Before proceeding any further, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Dynamic Pricing Procedure, as described in Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow.
              2. Do one of the following:

                1. Manually enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for appropriate standard signals:

                2. Automatically enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for all pricing signals:

                  • Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then Price Lists view in your Siebel Business Application.

                  • Click Menu, and then select Enable Dynamic Pricing.

                    A message dialog displays confirming that Dynamic Pricing is enabled.

                    Doing this automatically makes the appropriate changes to all standard signal definitions.

                    You can extend the list of signals to which Dynamic Pricing applies as described in Extending the List of Signals to which Dynamic Pricing Applies.

                Extending the List of Signals to which Dynamic Pricing Applies

                Extending the list of signals to which Dynamic Pricing applies involves adding a new signal that has been configured for dynamic pricing, so that it automatically gets enabled for dynamic pricing when the Enable Dynamic Pricing option is selected from the Applet Menu.

                Complete the steps in the following procedure to extend the list of signals to which Dynamic Pricing applies.

                To extend the list of signals to which dynamic pricing applies

                1. In Web Tools, open a workspace and then navigate to Object Explorer.

                  For more information on using the workspace dashboard, see Using Siebel Tools.

                2. Select Business Service in the Object Explorer and search for the Signal Modify Service business service.

                3. Under the Business Service User Properties, add a new user property to the Business Service.

                  This new user property must correspond to the Signal that you want to enable dynamic pricing for. For example, to enable dynamic pricing for a Signal named TestSignal:

                  1. Under the Business Service User Properties, search for Signal *.

                  2. Add a new record and name it Signal *, where * corresponds to the next consecutive number.

                    For example, if the highest Signal * User Property is Signal 24, then create a new user property called Signal 25.

                  3. Specify the Signal name as the User Property Value, consider this example in the following table, TestSignal:

                    User Property Name User Property Value

                    Signal 25


                4. Under the Business Service User Properties, add another new record and specify the signal parameters to change to implement dynamic pricing for that signal.

                  For example, the following table lists the User Properties that you can create under the Signal Modify Service Business Service in order to enable dynamic pricing for a signal called TestSignal.

                  User Property Name User Property Value

                  TestSignal 1

                  SubPSPPricingWFName:Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                  TestSignal 2

                  Variable Map - Row Set:Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

                  The User Property Value corresponds to the Signal Parameter that you want to change, and is a combination of the Signal Parameter Name (for example, SubPSPPricingWFName) and the Signal Parameter Value (for example, Dynamic Pricing Procedure) with a colon (:) separating them. For example:

                  SubPSPPricingWFName:Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                  Continue to add more records, as necessary, specifying the signal parameters to change to implement dynamic pricing for the signal. For each new record, be sure to increase the numeric value after the Signal name (TestSignal 3, TestSignal 4, and so on).

                5. Deliver the Business Service to the Siebel runtime repository, and apply it to the server.

                6. Restart the server.

                  Modifying Signals from Basic Pricing Procedure to Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                  The Siebel Business Application executes the Basic Pricing Procedure. In order to leverage the Dynamic Pricing Procedure, you need to obtain a Dynamic Pricer license and either:

                    Manually Enabling the Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                    Manually enabling the Dynamic Pricing Procedure involves modifying several of the standard signals. Complete the following procedure to manually enable dynamic pricing for each standard signal.

                    Note: Complete this procedure only if you have not automatically enabled the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for all price lists as described in Step 2b of Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure.

                    To manually enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                    1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration – Order Management screen, then the Signals view.

                    2. Check the Locked flag in the Signals list applet, then drill down on the Work Space version of the signal.

                    3. Modify the parameters listed for the specified signal actions. If more than one action is listed, then modify the parameters for all actions listed.

                      Manual Signal Modifications for Siebel Business Applications and Industry Applications lists the standard signals that must be modified, including the parameters in each signal that must be modified, to enable dynamic pricing for your Siebel Business Application.

                    4. After modifying the signal definition, you need to release the updated signal as follows:

                      1. Return to the Signals list applet

                      2. Highlight the modified signal record highlighted

                      3. Click the Release New Version button.

                    5. You will need to log out and log back into the Siebel client to test the updated signal.

                    For additional details about using signals, see Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide.

                      Manual Signal Modifications for Siebel Business Applications and Industry Applications

                      Note: If you automatically enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for all signals as described in Step 2b of Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure, then you do not need to implement any of the modifications outlined in this topic.

                      This topic lists the manual signal modifications required to implement dynamic pricing for Siebel Business Applications and Industry Applications. For each signal definition, you can modify the parameters of the actions listed. If multiple actions are listed for the signal, then make sure that you modify the parameters for each of the actions listed.

                      Note: In some cases, the signal definition includes additional actions and parameters that are not listed. The following actions and parameters are the only ones that must be changed to implement dynamic pricing.


                        The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceAndCheckEligibility signal.

                        Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                        PSP Driver Workflow Process



                        Name Value


                        Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                        Variable Map - Row Set

                        Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set


                          The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the QuotesAndOrdersValidate signal.

                          Note: Make sure you change the parameters for each of the four actions listed.

                          Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                          PSP Driver Workflow Process




                          PSP Driver Workflow Process


                          Line Item


                          PSP Driver Workflow Process




                          PSP Driver Workflow Process


                          Line Item

                          Name Value


                          Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                          Variable Map - Row Set

                          Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set


                            The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the Verifyitem signal.

                            Note: Make sure you change the parameters for each of the three actions listed.

                            Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                            PSP Driver Workflow Process




                            PSP Driver Workflow Process




                            PSP Driver Workflow Process



                            Name Value


                            Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                            Variable Map - Row Set

                            Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set


                              The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the ProductRecommendation signal.

                              Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                              Product Recommendation Driver Workflow

                              Not applicable

                              Line Item

                              Name Value


                              Dynamic Pricing Procedure


                                The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceExternal signal.

                                Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type


                                Business Service


                                Not applicable

                                Not applicable

                                Name Value


                                Dynamic Pricing Procedure


                                  The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SpreadDiscount signal.

                                  Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                  Spread Discount Driver Workflow Process

                                  Not applicable

                                  Not applicable

                                  Name Value


                                  Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                    SpreadDiscount - All

                                    The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SpreadDiscount - All signal.

                                    Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                    Spread Discount Driver Workflow Process

                                    Not applicable

                                    Not applicable

                                    Name Value


                                    Dynamic Pricing Procedure


                                      The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the Approveitem signal.

                                      Note: Make sure you change the parameters for each of the three actions listed.

                                      Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process




                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process




                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                      Name Value


                                      Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                      Variable Map - Row Set

                                      Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                        The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePrice signal.

                                        Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                        PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                        Not applicable

                                        Not applicable

                                        Name Value


                                        Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                        Variable Map - Row Set

                                        Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                          The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceAll signal.

                                          Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                          PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                          Not applicable

                                          Line Item

                                          Name Value


                                          Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                          Variable Map - Row Set

                                          Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                            The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePrice_eSales signal.

                                            Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                            PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                            Not applicable

                                            Not applicable

                                            Name Value


                                            Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                            Variable Map - Row Set

                                            Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                              The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceAll_eSales signal.

                                              Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                              PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                              Not applicable

                                              Line Item

                                              Name Value


                                              Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                              Variable Map - Row Set

                                              Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePrice_Configurator signal.

                                                Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                Not applicable

                                                Not applicable

                                                Name Value


                                                Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                Variable Map - Row Set

                                                Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                  The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePrice_Advisor signal.

                                                  Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                  PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                  Not applicable

                                                  Not applicable

                                                  Name Value


                                                  Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                  Variable Map - Row Set

                                                  Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                    The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the MergeIntoOnePackage signal.

                                                    Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                    PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                    Not applicable

                                                    Line Item

                                                    Name Value


                                                    Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                    Variable Map - Row Set

                                                    Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                      The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the OrderTemplate signal.

                                                      Note: Make sure you change the parameters for each of the two actions listed.

                                                      Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process




                                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                                      Name Value


                                                      Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                      Variable Map - Row Set

                                                      Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                        The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the OrderTemplateCopy signal.

                                                        Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                        PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                                        Name Value


                                                        Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                        Variable Map - Row Set

                                                        Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                          The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the OrderTemplateSelectItems signal.

                                                          Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                          PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                                          Name Value


                                                          Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                          Variable Map - Row Set

                                                          Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                            The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the QuoteTemplateCopy signal.

                                                            Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                            PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                                            Name Value


                                                            Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                            Variable Map - Row Set

                                                            Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                              The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the QuoteTemplateSelectItems signal.

                                                              Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                              PSP Driver Workflow Process



                                                              Name Value


                                                              Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                              Variable Map - Row Set

                                                              Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                                The following tables describe the signal actions and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SetFieldValue signal.

                                                                Note: Make sure you change the parameters for each of the four actions listed.

                                                                Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                                Not applicable



                                                                PSP Driver Workflow Process


                                                                Line Item


                                                                PSP Driver Workflow Process


                                                                Line Item


                                                                PSP Driver Workflow Process


                                                                Line Item

                                                                Name Value


                                                                Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                                Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                Note: The following fields are available for the Agreement, Order, and Quote actions: Product, Quantity Requested, Unit Price, Discount Amount, Discount Percent, Prod Prom Name, Currency Code, Item Price List, Covered Product Net Price. Fields available for the Header instance type are: Discount, Price List, and Currency Code.


                                                                  The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the GetConfigItemPrice signal.

                                                                  Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                  Get Config Item Price - Driver Workflow

                                                                  Not applicable

                                                                  Not applicable

                                                                  Name Value


                                                                  Get Config Item Price - Dynamic


                                                                    The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the GetProdPrice signal.

                                                                    Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                    PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                                    Not applicable

                                                                    Not applicable

                                                                    Name Value


                                                                    Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                                    Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                    Product Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                                      The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the GetUsedProdPrice signal.

                                                                      Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                      PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                                      Not applicable

                                                                      Not applicable

                                                                      Name Value


                                                                      Dynamic Pricing Procedure

                                                                      Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                      Product Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                        Manual Signal Modifications for Communications, Media and Energy Applications

                                                                        Note: If you automatically enable the Dynamic Pricing Procedure for all price lists as described in Step 2b of Switching from Basic to Dynamic Pricing Procedure, then you do not need to implement any of the modifications outlined in this topic.

                                                                        This topic lists the manual signal modifications required to implement dynamic pricing for Siebel Communications, Media and Energy (CME) applications.

                                                                        Note: If you are using tiered pricing, then the following signals should refer to Pricing Procedure - CME.


                                                                          The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceCME signal.

                                                                          Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                          PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                          Not applicable

                                                                          Name Value


                                                                          Pricing Procedure - CME

                                                                          Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                          Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                                            The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameters that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the CalculatePriceAllCME signal.

                                                                            Definition Service Type Service Name Mode Instance Type



                                                                            PSP Driver Workflow Process

                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                            Line Item

                                                                            Name Value


                                                                            Pricing Procedure - CME

                                                                            Variable Map - Row Set

                                                                            Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set


                                                                              The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SaveWaterfall-Quote signal.

                                                                              Definition Service Type Service Name Service Method Mode Instance Type


                                                                              Business Service

                                                                              PSP Waterfall Service


                                                                              Not applicable

                                                                              Not applicable

                                                                              Name Value

                                                                              Waterfall Signal



                                                                                The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SaveWaterfall-Order signal.

                                                                                Definition Service Type Service Name Service Method Mode Instance Type


                                                                                Business Service

                                                                                PSP Waterfall Service


                                                                                Not applicable

                                                                                Not applicable

                                                                                Name Value

                                                                                Waterfall Signal



                                                                                  The following tables describe the signal action and list the parameter that you must modify to implement dynamic pricing for the SaveWaterfall-ServiceAgreement signal.

                                                                                  Definition Service Type Service Name Service Method Mode Instance Type


                                                                                  Business Service

                                                                                  PSP Waterfall Service


                                                                                  Not applicable

                                                                                  Not applicable

                                                                                  Name Value

                                                                                  Waterfall Signal


                                                                                    Miscellaneous Pricing Workflows

                                                                                    The workflows used for pricing are covered in Pricing Procedures and Workflow References.

                                                                                    The following workflows are used by Siebel Pricer for other purposes:

                                                                                      PSP Dynamic Matrix - Refresh Matrix Cache Workflow

                                                                                      The PSP Dynamic Matrix - Refresh Matrix Cache workflow, as shown in the following figure, clears the cache for the Attribute Adjustment Rules that are internally maintained by the PSP Engine.

                                                                                      The PSP Dynamic Matrix - Refresh Matrix Cache workflow is described in the surrounding text.

                                                                                      This workflow refreshes the Attribute Adjustment cache for the currently highlighted record.

                                                                                      The following table describes the step in the PSP Dynamic Matrix - Refresh Matrix Cache workflow with the business service and method that it calls.

                                                                                      Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

                                                                                      Refresh Matrix

                                                                                      Business Service

                                                                                      Dynamic Matrix Retrieval Service

                                                                                      Refresh Matrix

                                                                                      Not applicable

                                                                                      Refreshes the Attribute Adjustment cache for the current highlighted record.

                                                                                        PSP Waterfall Synch to DB Workflow

                                                                                        The PSP Waterfall Synch to DB workflow, as shown in the following figure, writes waterfall records to the database according to input from the data map object.

                                                                                        The PSP Waterfall Synch to DB workflow is described in the surrounding text.

                                                                                        The following table describes the step in the PSP Waterfall Synch to DB workflow with the business service and method that is called.

                                                                                        Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

                                                                                        Sync Waterfall

                                                                                        Business Service

                                                                                        PSP Waterfall Service


                                                                                        Not applicable

                                                                                        Writes waterfall records to database.

                                                                                          Spread Discount Driver Workflow

                                                                                          The Spread Discount Driver workflow, as shown in the following figure, spreads a discount amount over the specified line items.

                                                                                          Note: The specialized implementation in the Quote Spread Discount Pop-up applet subsequently triggers Pricing Procedure – Default, which evaluates the net prices and subtotal based on the new discount amounts.
                                                                                          The Spread Discount Driver workflow is described in the surrounding text.

                                                                                          Workflow Description

                                                                                          This workflow does the following:

                                                                                          1. Generates a property set of the Line Item buscomp using Context Service variable maps. For more information, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

                                                                                          2. Filters out items that will not get a spread discount. By default, only nonrecurring change items are candidates for a spread discount.

                                                                                          3. Spreads a discount amount depending on the target total or target discount amount specified by the user.

                                                                                          4. Synchronizes the updated information back to the database.

                                                                                            The following table lists the steps in the Spread Discount Driver workflow with the business service and method that is called for each step.

                                                                                            Name Type Business Service Method Sub Process Description

                                                                                            Get Row Set

                                                                                            Business Service

                                                                                            Context Service


                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            Generates a property set from the Line Item business component.

                                                                                            Execute Type SearchSpec

                                                                                            Business Service

                                                                                            Row Set Transformation Toolkit

                                                                                            Split Transform

                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            Filters out items that will not get a spread discount.

                                                                                            Spread Discount

                                                                                            Business Service

                                                                                            ISS Spread Discount Service


                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            Spreads a discount amount.

                                                                                            Sync Row Set

                                                                                            Business Service

                                                                                            Context Service


                                                                                            Not applicable

                                                                                            Synchronizes the updated information back to database.