9Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing

Overview of Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing

Siebel Open UI keyword automation testing is based on the Keyword Driven Framework. The Keyword Driven Framework is an automation testing framework which uses action words for testing.

The four main parts to each keyword automation step are:

  1. Action to perform (Keyword)

  2. Object to act upon

  3. Input data

  4. Choice of closing action.

A test case or script is made up of a set of sequenced test steps as shown, for example, in the following table.

Action or Keyword Target Object Inputs Choice of closing action

Click a button

Repository name of an applet and button.

Any required closing action, such as, clicking OK or Cancel, (after the button is clicked).

Click new

Input value

Repository name of applet and button.

Enter a value in the Name field.

Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing

This topic describes the tasks involved in implementing Siebel Open UI keyword automation testing using the following test scenario:

I want to automate a test script using keywords that will, for example, create a new product and add it to Quote.

Perform the following tasks to implement keyword automation testing for this scenario:

  1. Creating a Test Script

  2. Adding Test Steps to Test Scripts

  3. Grouping Test Scripts into a Test Set

  4. Grouping Test Sets into a Master Suite

  5. Configuring the Test Run

Creating a Test Script

This task describes the procedure involved in creating a new test script.

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing.

To create a test script

  1. Make sure that the Siebel application is running.

  2. Navigate to Sitemap, Release screen, then the Test Scripts view.

  3. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new Test Script.

  4. Enter values for the fields shown in the following table.

    Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the UI are mandatory.

    Column Name Value Description



    Name of the test script.

    Test Script Description


    Description of the test script.



    Status of the test script

    Reference ID


    The reference id of the test script.

    Team name


    The name of the team.



    The name of the specific release.

    Test Environment

    All, Demo etc

    Specifies the test environment.

    Pre Condition


    Notes on preconditions for the test.

    Steps to execute


    Notes steps to be covered in the test.

    Input Data


    Notes in input data.

    Expected Output


    Notes on expected results.

    Post Processing


    Notes on post processing.

  5. From the Test Scripts menu, choose Save Record.

    A new test script is created.

Adding Test Steps to Test Scripts

This task describes the procedure involved in adding test steps to test scripts.

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing. Ensure that the Siebel application is up and running.

To add test steps to test scripts

  1. Navigate to the Sitemap, Release, then the Test Scripts view.

  2. Drilldown on the name of the test script to which you want to add test steps.

  3. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new test step.

  4. In the Test Step Form applet, enter field values for the fields shown in the following table. Note the following:

    • The first test step (or test sequence number 1) must be the Launch keyword.

    • After you select a Keyword, the fields are rendered dynamically as required for the keyword.

      Field Name Value Description

      Test Step Sequence


      Sequence number for the test step.



      Description of the Keyword



      Enter this keyword to log into the application.

      Paste Attributes

      Not Applicable

      Not Applicable.

      Component Alias

      Can be any name

      ID associated with the test script.

      User Name


      Name of the user.

      Clear Browser


      Enter this value to clear the browser cache.

      Screenshot Required

      Not Applicable

      Select this option to capture the corresponding step performed in the test step.

  5. Save the record.

Note: The Keyword Reference lists all the keywords and provides you with information on how to use keywords with examples.
Note: IPH1;IPH2;IPH3 are read-only place holder notations for the Input field.

Test Steps View

The Test Steps View is a new applet similar to Test Steps applet under Test Scripts.

This view exposes the Test steps at the first level. The records are in read-only mode and you cannot create any records here. You can only query and view the records.

The Test Steps View exposes the inputs and RNs given in the keyword as separate columns. Import/Export is supported for this applet.

In case the input for a keyword is changed, user can export records for that particular keyword, modify the input value and import it. Using the Test Sets view, you can also know how frequently each keyword is used i.e., by querying on the keyword, you can get the number of records for that keyword.

To edit the Test Steps, navigate to the Sitemap, Release, then the Test Steps.

Capturing Automation Attributes for Test Steps

This task shows you how to use the attributes pop-up window to capture automation attributes for test steps.

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing.

Before capturing automation attributes for test steps, the following prerequisites apply:

  • Ensure that the following behavior settings are set by navigating to Tools, User Preferences, Behavior.

  • Set Navigation Control to Tab.

  • Set Theme to Aurora.

  • Ensure that the Siebel application is running in AutoOn mode.

  • Ensure that the URL command is set to the AutoOn mode, for example, as follows:


    Being in the AutoOn mode helps you to capture the automation attributes when navigating through the application.

To capture automation attributes for test steps

  1. Start the Siebel application in a new browser.

  2. To capture the automation attribute for a specific object or control, do the following:

    1. Position the mouse over the object or control for which the automation attributes are needed (for example, the plus (+) icon).

    2. Press the CTRL key on your keyboard and right-click your mouse button simultaneously.

      The Siebel Automation Information dialog box appears.

    3. Copy the string value from the COPY STRING field and paste it into the Paste Attributes field of the Test Step.

    4. Tab out of the Paste Attributes field in the Test Step.

      The data will be automatically populated in the target object fields. For example: the AppletRN and ItemRN fields.

Grouping Test Scripts into a Test Set

This task shows you how to group test scripts into a test set.

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing.

To group test scripts into a test set

  1. Navigate to the Sitemap, Release, then the Test Set view.

  2. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new Test Set.

  3. Enter values for the fields shown in the following table.

    Field Description Sample Value


    Name of the test set.



    Description of the test set.


    Test Plan Name

    Name of the test plan.



    Name of the release.



    Name of the team.



    Status of the test set.


    External ID

    The external ID associated with the test set.


  4. Drill down on a value in the Name field and then click the plus (+) icon or the Add Test Scripts button to associate test scripts to the selected Test Set.

  5. Update the Sequence field for each associated test script.

Note: As of Siebel CRM 20.9 Update, the Add Iteration, Remove Iteration and Scenario Iteration buttons pertain to data driven testing. For more information on the different iteration types, see Data Driven Testing.

Grouping Test Sets into a Master Suite

This task shows you how to group test sets into a Master Suite.

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing.

To group test scripts into a Master Suite

  1. Navigate to Sitemap, Release, then Master Suites.

  2. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new test set.

  3. Enter values for the fields shown in the following table.

    Field Description Sample Value


    Name of the test set



    Description of the test set



    Status of the test set


    Test Plan ID

    ID associated with the test set



    Specifies the corresponding name of the team.

    Titans, Transformers etc.


    Specifies the appropriate release version.


  4. Drilldown on a value in the Name field, then click the plus (+) icon or the Add Test Sets button to associate test sets to the selected Master Suite.

  5. If the mastersuite contains the following keywords, you must add the required files in the respective folders.

    • Folder Name: Resources

    • Keywords:

      • Inboundwebservicecall

      • Invokeperl

      • Serverconfig

      • fileupload

After including the files, you can zip the folder (that is, Resources.zip) and attach the Resources.zip file in the MasterSuite Attachments Applet.

Configuring the Test Run

This task shows you how to create an execution configuration record and then run the test scripts:

  • Creating the Test Execution Record

  • Running the Test Scripts

This task is a step in the Process of Implementing Siebel Open UI Keyword Automation Testing.

Creating the Test Execution Record

This task shows you how to create the Test Execution record.

  1. From the Site Map, navigate to the Release screen, then the Test Execution view.

  2. Navigate to Release Product Administration view, Create New Record.

  3. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new configuration record.

    A new record is created.

  4. Enter values for the following fields:

    Field Description Sample Value

    Master Suite id

    Master Suite

    Select a Master Suite record from the dropdown list.

    The Row id and the name of the selected Master Suite appear in the respective fields.

    Application Version

    The version number of the application.

    To create the application version records, navigate to Site Map, Quality screen, then the Release Product Administration view.
    Note: You can create records in this view, and the same would be available as Application Version values in the Test Execution view.


  5. In the Server Credentials applet, select the Application Type (such as, Desktop_Chrome), the URL details, and the OS (Operating System) and Language.

  6. Click Schedule Run. The status will be updated to Requested.

    Assuming that the Jenkins setup is ready, the status will be updated to Scheduled.

    The attachment files are created in the Attachments applet. For example: batchconfig.xml, mastersuite.csv, and Resources.zip.

Note: From Siebel CRM 20.9 Update release, the Automation Execution Configuration view has been renamed to Test Execution.

Enabling Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for Test Automation

To enable Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) for Test Automation, you must enter the BIP specific parameters. As a prerequisite, ensure that BIP is integrated with Siebel prior to test execution.

The format for entering the parameters in Batch mode and Unit mode are given in the following subsections.

Batch Mode

Enter the information in the following table in the Test Execution screen.



Sample Value

BIP Outbound WS URL

BIP outbound Web service.


BIP Server Machine

Name of the BIP server.


BIP Server Port

Port number for BIP server.


BIP XMLP Server Machine

Name of the XMLP server.


BIP XMLP Server Port

XMLP port number.


BIP Server User

BIP server user name.


BIP Server Password

BIP server password in plaintext.


Unit Mode

Update the following parameters in the unitconfig.xml file:

  1. <BIP-OUTBOUNDWEBSERVICE>http://slcxxxxxx:9502/xmlpserver/services/publicreportservice_v11</BIP-OUTBOUNDWEBSERVICE>





Note: The BIPserver.jar file is packaged in DISA and available in the following (folder) location: C:\DISA\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\Framework\lib.

After installing DISA, the bip.pl will be available in the following location:

<DISA Install location>\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\Framework\perl

To perform BIP Automated script execution, you need to move the bip.pl to the following (folder) location:

<DISA Install location>\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\Resources\invokeperl

Using BIP Automation, you can verify all Interactive, Scheduled, and Parameter based report generation.

Siebel Test Automation Folder

The Siebel Test Automation folder structure contains the required folders for executing the csv script. The Framework folder contains all the required JARS and library files. The following folder structure is available when you install DISA.

Folder/File File Type/File Type Folder Comment Execution



Do not modify

Contains necessary Exe files which are used in the SiebelTestAutomation Framework




Contains necessary Library files (Jar files) which are used in the SiebelTestAutomation Framework




Contains necessary Perl scripts which are used in SiebelTestAutomation Framework




Compiled executable Jar which drives KWD execution



Post- execution file

The folder gets created post execution, generates execution results for review.



Script authoring file

Folder containing user developed files needed for fileupload.



Script authoring file

Folder containing user developed files needed for inboundwebservicecall.



Script authoring file

Folder containing user developed files needed for invokeperl.



Script authoring file

Folder containing user developed files needed for toolsconfig.




Folder containing user developed files needed for serverconfig keywords.




Place holder for csv scripts.



Pre-setup file

XML File which has the configuration details of execution(URL,username password, script location). The batchconfig.xml file will be copied by the Jenkins scheduler if it is a STE run. The unitconfig.xml will be use for UPT run.



Text file

A text file which contains the information like Pause, Resume and abort.User has the option to Pause/Resume/Abort the current execution by updating the value in User_opted_operation text.



Log file

A text file which contains the information like Pause, Resume and abort.User has the option to Pause/Resume/Abort the current execution by updating the value in User_opted_operation text.