Message Authenticator Configuration Sets elements

Table 3-2 describes the elements on the RADIUS, and then Configuration, and then Configuration Sets, and then Message Authenticator Configuration Sets page on the SOAM.

Table 3-2 Message Authenticator Configuration Sets Elements

Fields (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
Message Authenticator Set Name* A name that uniquely identifies the Message Authenticator Set

Format: Text box

Default: N/A

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit

Server Connections Options tab
Encode Message-Authenticator in response to Status-Server Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to the Accounting-Response or Access-Accept message that is sent in response to a Status-Server request.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Access-Accept Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Access-Accept message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection. If the message contains an EAP-Message attribute, a Message-Authenticator will be added and this attribute will be ignored by DSR.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Access-Reject Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Access-Reject message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection. If the message contains an EAP-Message attribute, a Message-Authenticator will be added and this attribute will be ignored by DSR.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Access-Challenge Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Access-Challenge message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection. If the message contains an EAP-Message attribute, a Message-Authenticator will be added and this attribute will be ignored by DSR.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress CoA-ACK Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS CoA-ACK message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress CoA-NACK Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS CoA-NACK message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Disconnect-ACK Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Disconnect-ACK message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Disconnect-NACK Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Disconnect-NACK message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Client Connections Options tab
Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Access-Request Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Access-Request message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection. If the message contains an EAP-Message attribute, a Message-Authenticator will be added and this attribute will be ignored by DSR.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress CoA-Request Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS CoA-Request message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No

Encode Message-Authenticator in egress Disconnect-Request Specifies whether DSR should add a Message-Authenticator attribute to a RADIUS Disconnect-Request message prior to forwarding the message to the RADIUS connection.

Format: Check box

Default: No

Range: Yes, No