Tree Class Properties

In this section, we discuss the Tree class properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


When the tree is audited, the AllValues property specifies whether the audit should verify that the tree includes all user data detail values. This property returns a Boolean value: True, check all values, False, do not check all values.

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, a default value of False is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must use the Open method on the tree before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


&MyTree.AllValues = False;


Set this property to False in cases when you do not want to perform Detail Audit. It could happend if you are reusing existing structure that contains Detail information for tree that does not use details('Winter' tree).

The default value for this property is True.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to a branch collection object. This property is used only with branched trees: it returns Null for trees that aren’t branched.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must use the open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to specify the image used to display branches on a page. This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the level number (as a number) where this branch occurs in the tree. This property is used only with trees with levels: it returns zero for trees that don’t have levels.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


&LevelNumber = &MyTree.BranchLevel;


This property returns the name of the specific branch for the tree, as a string. This property is used only with branched trees: it returns an empty string for trees that aren’t branched.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


&BranchName = &MyTree.BranchName;


This property returns the category name for the tree, as a string. The category is a high-level grouping under which you can organize your tree structures and tree definitions. If you are creating a new tree, this property is required.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


&MyTree.Category = "PurchaseOrders";


This property returns the description of the tree, as a string. If you are creating a new tree, this property is required.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


&MyTree.Description = "Departmental Security";


In most trees, you want each detail value to appear only once in the tree. To permit duplicate values, set this property to True.

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, a default value of False is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the effective date of the tree, as a date.

Note: PeopleSoft does not recommnd using this property to change data, as changes are not stored in the database.

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, a default value of the current date is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


&TreeEffDt = &MYTREE.EffDt;


This property returns True if the tree has any detail ranges.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates whether any user other then current one has checked out any branch in a tree. This property returns a Boolean value: true if the tree has checked out branches, false otherwise.

Note: In order to use this method, you must have Tree multi-user environment enabled. You can check if it is enabled by using UseUpdateReservation Tree property.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates whether the tree is branched. Possible values for this property are True and False: True if the tree is branched, False if it isn’t.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


If &MyTree.IsBranched Then 
   /* Do branched processing */ 
   /*Do unbranched processing */ 


This property returns True if the tree has been changed but not saved, False if the tree is unchanged.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


If &MyTree.IsChanged Then 


This property returns True if the tree is open, False if the tree is closed.

This property is read-only.


If Not &MyTree.IsOpen Then 
   &MyTree.Open("","","PERSONAL_DATA", &Date, "", True); 


This property returns True if the tree is a Query access tree. It returns False if the tree is not a Query Access Tree.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns True if the tree is a valid tree that has passed all audits. It returns False otherwise.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates if a tree version has been changed in the database. This property returns a Boolean value, true if the version was changed, false otherwise.

Use this function in a multi-user environment to check if a tree loaded in a read-only mode by User1 should be reloaded. A possible reason why it needs to be reloaded could be triggered by tree version change after User2, who had this tree checked out, released it.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates whether the entire tree is accessible. This property is set to True if a tree was opened using OpenWholeTree method. The OpenWholeTree method opens a tree in read-only mode without paying attention to the existing tree branches.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


If &MyTree.IsWholeTree Then 
   /* Do processing */ 
   /* close tree and reopen using OpenWholeTree method */ 


This property returns the branch name of the tree as a string if the tree is branched. If not branched, this property returns a blank string.

This property can be used with a closed tree, that is, before you use the Open method.

If the tree has already been opened, you can use the KeyBranchName property to get the tree branch name

This property is read-only.


This property returns the effective date of the tree as a string if the tree is effective-dated. If not effective-dated, this property returns a blank string.

This property can be used with a closed tree, that is, before you use the Open method.

If the tree has already been opened, you can use the KeyEffDt property to get the tree effective date

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name of the tree as a string.

This property can be used with a closed tree, that is, before you use the Open method.

If the tree has already been opened, you can use the Name property to get the tree name.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the SetID of the tree as a string if the tree has a SetID. If the tree doesn’t have a SetID, this property returns a blank string.

This property can be used with a closed tree, that is, before you use the Open method.

If the tree has already been opened, you can use the KeySetId to get the tree Set Id.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the UserKeyValue of the tree as a string if the tree has a UserKeyValue. If the tree doesn’t have a UserKeyValue, this property returns a blank string.

This property can be used with a closed tree, that is, before you use the Open method.

If the tree has already been opened, you can use the KeyUserKeyValue to get the tree UserKeyValue.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number of leaves in the tree.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must use the Open method on the tree before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to specify the image used to display leaves on a page. This property takes a string name.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to determine if a leaf has been cut and is available to be 'pasted' into tree. This property returns a Boolean value: True if a leaf object exists on the clipboard, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number of levels defined for the tree. If the tree doesn’t have any levels, this property returns zero (0).

See the LevelUse property.

Valid value range is a number between 0 and 99.

This property can only be used with an open tree, that is, you must use the Open method on the tree before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.

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This property returns a reference to a level collection object. This property is used only with trees that have levels: it returns Null for trees that don’t have levels.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the level use of the tree. The values are:




Strict levels


Loose levels


No levels

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, the default value is Strict Levels.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


If &MyTree.LevelUse = "S" Then 
/* add levels */ 


This property returns the user ID of the user who has checked out a specific tree or a tree branch, as a string.

Note: In order to use this method, you must have Tree multi-user environment enabled. You can check if it is enabled by using UseUpdateReservation Tree property.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property indicates if an opened tree is checked out.

Note: In order to use this method, you must have Tree multi-user environment enabled. You can check if it is enabled by using UseUpdateReservation Tree property.

Possible values are:




Tree is not checked out by any user.


Tree is checked out by another user.


Tree is checked out by the current user and is editable.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name of the tree, as a string.

Note: Do not use this property to change the name of an existing tree. The change will not be reflected in the database. You must use the Rename method to change the name of an existing tree.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


&TreeName = &MyTree.Name;


Use this property to specify the image displayed for a collapsed node. This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the number of nodes for the tree. A valid tree must have at least one node.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to specify the displayed image of an expanded node. This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to determine if a node has been cut and is available to be 'pasted' into a tree. This property returns a Boolean value: True if a node object exists on the clipboard, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the number of the parent branch level in a branched tree. If the tree does not have levels or is an unbranched tree, zero (0) is returned. Valid value range is a number between 0 and 100.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name of the parent branch in a branched tree, as a string. If the tree does not have levels, is an unbranched tree, or if the tree is the root level, Null is returned.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property sets the method to use for select and join statements used to generate SQL with the tree. This property is used with nVision layouts and Query.

The values for this property are:




Suppress Join: Use Literal Values.


Sub-SELECT Tree Selector.


Join to Tree Selector.


User Application Defaults.

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, the default value "D" is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


This property selects the tree selectors for nVision for the tree. This property is used with nVision layouts and Query.

The values for this property are:




Dynamic Selectors


Static Selectors

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, the default value "S" is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.

Related Links

PS/nVision Overview


This property selects the tree selector options for nVision for the tree. This property is used with nVision layouts and Query.

The values for this property are:




Single values


Ranges of values (>=…<=).


Range of values (BETWEEN).

If this is a new tree, and you do not set this property, the default value "R" is automatically set.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.

Related Links

PS/nVision Overview


This property returns the SetID for the tree, as a string. This property is used only when the IndirectionMethod property for the tree structure the tree is based on has been set to "S". Otherwise, this property returns Null.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.

Note: PeopleSoft does not recommend setting the SetID for a tree, as there is no way to save this value to the database.

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This property returns the effective status of the tree. The values are:







This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to the tree structure of the tree. Before you can use some of the methods or any of the properties of a tree structure, you must use the Open method to open the tree structure.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the name (structure ID) of the tree structure the tree is based on, as a string. This property can be set only with a new tree.

Note: Even though this is a writable property, you will receive an error if you try to change the tree structure for an existing tree.

This property can be used only with an open tree, that is, you must open the tree using the Open method before you can use this property.

This property is read/write.

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Use this property to specify the displayed image for a tree. This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to read the key field value for the Node User Key Field specified from the NodeRecord on the associated tree structure.

This property is used only when the IndirectionMethod property for the tree structure has been set to "U" or "B". Otherwise, this property returns Null.

This property is read/write.

Note: PeopleSoft does not recommend setting the UserKeyValue for a tree, as there is no way to save this value to the database.


This property indicates if multi-user environment features are used. This property returns a Boolean value, true if multi-user environments features are used, false otherwise.

This property can be used with either an open or a closed tree.

This property is read-only.