
You can navigate in an application by using the menu and the universal navigation header.

Menu navigation is provided through a drop-down menu that enables you to move through the portal registry visually, using folders. Using the drop-down menu, you can view the registry by drilling down into the folders, accessing the favorites list, or using the search field.

The universal navigation header includes several links.

Field or Control



Enter a term or phrase in the Search field and click the Go button to search for a registered content reference within the system.


Click to return to the homepage.


Click to access the Worklist page, which provides summary information about all items on your personal worklist. This page also provides links enabling you to view additional details about the work, perform the indicated work, and reassign work items. This is an optional setting that your system administrator enables; it might not appear to all users.

See Sending and Receiving Notifications.

MultiChannel Console

Click to access and manage tasks assigned to you as an agent in PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework. This is an optional setting that your system administrator enables. If you do not have access to this feature, the system displays a warning message to that effect.

See Configuring PeopleSoft MCF Clusters

Managing Tasks with the MultiChannel Console

Performance Trace

Click to monitor the performance of a business process that you typically complete. This is an optional setting that your system administrator enables; it might not appear to all users.

Add to Favorites

Click to add the current page to your favorites list for easy accessibility.

Sign out

Click to terminate the user session and return to the Sign In page.