Administering System Branding

This topic discusses how to administer branding of your system.

Use the Branding System Options page to specify system-wide branding settings including the branding theme type (family), the branding theme, the default style sheet for classic components, and the default style sheet for fluid components.

Image: Branding System Options Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Branding System Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Branding System Options page

Field or Control


Default Branding Theme

Select a default, system-wide branding theme.

Warning! The branding theme selected must be compatible with the theme family selected in the Theme Style Type field. Otherwise, unexpected and undesirable results can occur.

Default Custom Tabs

Select a default, system-wide navigation collection that will be used to render custom homepage tabs.

Note: Custom tabs are visible from classic homepages only.

Compatible Branding Themes

Use the following table to determine which branding theme style type (family) is compatible with a specified theme.

Branding Theme


Compatible Theme Style Types

Classic Navigation

Fluid Navigation


The default branding theme for PeopleTools 8.55 (and above) that uses the fluid header on all classic and fluid pages.

  • Fluid like theme for Classic

  • Tangerine

  • Swan

  • Classic




The Tangerine theme for PeopleSoft 9.2 applications on PeopleTools 8.53 and PeopleTools 8.54.


Drop-down menu



For PeopleTools 8.54, an alternate Tangerine theme that includes a portal header that is similar to the look of PeopleSoft fluid pages.


  • Navigator

  • Drop-down menu



The default theme for PeopleSoft 9.1 applications on PeopleTools 8.50 to 8.52.


Drop-down menu



The default theme for PeopleSoft 9.0 applications (and below) on PeopleTools releases prior to 8.50.


Drop-down menu


Note: To enable drop-down menu navigation, do one of the following. Select a delivered branding theme that includes a header definition that makes the Drop Down Menu Widget visible (for example, DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE, DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE_ALT, or others as shown in the table). Alternatively, create a new header definition that includes the Drop Down Menu Widget as visible.

Classic Components

Field or Control


Theme Style Type

Important! Set the Theme Style Type field first. When the value of this field is changed, a compatible value is automatically specified for the Default Style Sheet Name field; and while other compatible options may be available, the Default Branding Theme field is automatically updated to DEFAULT_THEME_FLUID.

Use this field to specify the theme style type (family):

  • Classic Plus – On PeopleTools 8.56 and above, select this theme style type to allow configured classic components to be displayed with fluid-like styling (which is also referred to as “classic plus”). For more information, see PeopleTools Components Delivered as Classic Plus.

  • Tangerine – Select this theme style type for PeopleSoft 9.2 applications on PeopleTools 8.53 and above.

  • Swan – Select this theme style type for styling similar to PeopleSoft 9.1 applications on PeopleTools 8.50 to 8.52.

  • Classic – Select this theme style type for styling similar to PeopleSoft 9.0 applications (and below) on PeopleTools releases prior to 8.50.

Default Style Sheet Name

Select a default, system-wide style sheet for classic components.

The value selected here will also be visible on the PeopleTools Options page. Moreover, if the previous value of the default style sheet was also used on the System Options page or the Registry Options page for one or more portal registries, the value selected here is updated to each of those pages.

Warning! The style sheet selected should be compatible with the theme family selected in the Theme Style Type field. Otherwise, unexpected and undesirable results can occur. Therefore, specify the Theme Style Type field first; then retain the automatically selected value of this field or select another style sheet that is compatible within the selected theme family.

Style Sheet Name (Additional Style Sheet Objects)

Specify zero, one, or more than one style sheet to be loaded with all classic components.

JavaScript Name(Additional JavaScript Objects)

Specify zero, one, or more than one JavaScript object to be loaded with all classic components.

Important! JavaScript objects are stored as HTML objects in the database. The lookup does not differentiate between standard HTML objects and JavaScript objects. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have selected valid JavaScript to be loaded with a component.

Move UpMove Down

Select the row designating a style sheet or a JavaScript object, and then use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the objects are loaded with all classic components.

Fluid Components

Field or Control


Default Style Sheet Name

Select a default, system-wide style sheet for fluid components.

Note: If no style sheet is specified, then PSSTYLEDEF_FMODE is used as the default style sheet for all fluid components.

The value selected here will also be visible on the PeopleTools Options page.

PeopleTools Options

The branding application class generates the portal headers, footers, and other aspects of the branding theme. The default branding application class is PTBR_BRANDING:Branding. If this delivered application class does not fully support your requirements, you can create your own by extending the delivered application class.

Field or Control


Package Name

Select the name of the application package that contains the application class that defines system-wide branding functions. The default value is: PTBR_BRANDING.

The value selected here will also be visible on the PeopleTools Options page.

Application Class ID

Select the name of the application class that defines system-wide branding functions. The default value is: Branding.

The value selected here will also be visible on the PeopleTools Options page.

Use the Macro Set page to copy and manage macro sets.

Image: Theme Macro Set Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Theme Macro Set page.

Theme Macro Set page

To create a new macro set that you can customize, select and copy a sample macro set—for example, PT_DEFAULT_MACROSET_857.

Warning! Do not modify or delete any PeopleTools-delivered macro sets.

Defining Macros

Use the Macro page to specify custom values for delivered macros.

Image: Macro Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Macro page.

Macro page

Some macros are used in the fluid banner only (displayed on fluid pages only) while other macros are used in both the fluid banner and in the header for classic pages. Therefore, when you make an update to a macro that is shared both by the fluid banner and by the header for classic pages, you will make updates to the look of all of your pages simultaneously. Prior to updating any macros, you can use the download to Excel button on the grid to export the grid contents to an Excel spreadsheet. You can examine and analyze the macros to determine which ones to modify.

Note: Because activity guide buttons were moved from the fluid banner into an activity guide sub-banner in PeopleTools 8.57, you can no longer brand these buttons. Ignore macros beginning with PT_BANNER_AG. If you previously branded these items, your customized macros will have no effect.

To customize the value for a delivered macro, change the value of the Macro Content field only.

Enabling a Custom Macro Set

To enable a custom macro set, you must assemble and apply a custom branding theme. Moreover, your custom branding theme must incorporate:

  • A custom theme style sheet for classic components that has been cloned from PT_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPLTE_FLUID.

  • A custom override style sheet for fluid components that has been cloned from either global override style sheet: PT_BRAND_FLUID_TEMPLATE_857 or PT_BRAND_FLUID_NOIMG_TEMPL_857 .

  • (Optional) A custom header definition cloned from DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID.

To enable your custom macro set:

  1. In Application Designer, open the PT_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPLTE_FLUID theme style sheet for classic components.

  2. Save the classic theme style sheet as a cloned copy with a new name—for example, MY_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPLTE_FLUID.

  3. In Application Designer, open one of the global override style sheets:

    • If you do not need to brand images, select PT_BRAND_FLUID_NOIMG_TEMPL_857 because it is smaller, and therefore consumes less overhead.

    • If you do need to brand images, select PT_BRAND_FLUID_TEMPLATE_857.

  4. Save the global override style sheet as a cloned copy with a new name—for example, MY_BRAND_FLUID_TEMPLATE_857 (or MY_BRAND_FLUID_NOIMG_TEMPL_857).

  5. In the browser, go to the Theme Macro Set page:

    1. Select the PT_DEFAULT_MACROSET_857 macro set.

      Note: Do not select either the PT_DEFAULT_MACROSET_856 or the PT_DEFAULT_MACROSET_855 macro set, which are retained for backwards compatibility.

    2. Copy and save the macro set with a new name—for example, MY_MACROSET_857.

  6. (Optional) In the browser, go to the Define Headers and Footers page:

    1. Open the DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID definition.

    2. Save the header as a cloned copy with a new name—for example, MY_HEADER_FLUID.

  7. In the browser, go to the Assemble Themes page:

    1. Open the DEFAULT_THEME_FLUID theme definition.

    2. Save the branding theme as a cloned copy with a new name—for example, MY_THEME_FLUID.

  8. Update this custom branding theme to include the following:

    • (Optional) Homepage Header: Your custom header definition.

    • Macro Set: Your custom macro set.

    • Classic Components – Theme Style Sheet: Your custom style sheet for classic components.

    • Fluid Components – Global Override Style Sheet: Your custom style sheet for fluid components.

    Image: Assemble Themes page for a custom branding theme

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assemble Themes page for a custom branding theme. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    Assemble Themes page for a custom branding theme
  9. Apply your custom branding theme either system-wide on the Branding System Options page or selectively by portal or by user attribute on the Assign Branding Themes page.

Note: PeopleSoft Interaction Hub provides a theme builder feature that simplifies the customization of macros. See PeopleSoft Interaction Hub: Branding, “PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface for Branding in PeopleSoft Interaction Hub” for more information.

Updating a Custom Macro Set Created Prior to PeopleTools 8.57

If you created a custom macro set prior to PeopleTools 8.57 and you want to brand a custom banner, then you need to add the new macros delivered in PeopleTools 8.57 for custom banners to your existing custom macro set. Alternatively, you could re-apply your branding to a cloned copy of the PT_DEFAULT_MACROSET_857 macro set as described in the preceding section, “Enabling a Custom Macro Set.”

Important! Regardless of the methodology you choose, you must base your custom branding theme on the style sheets delivered with PeopleTools 8.57 as described in the preceding section, “Enabling a Custom Macro Set,” and not on prior versions of these style sheets.

Add the new macros delivered in PeopleTools 8.57 listed in see Configuring a Custom Banner to your existing custom macro set. The default macro content values are provided for your information.

Use the Define Headers and Footers page to create and maintain header and footer definitions by adding elements to a tree structure. The tree structure is represented as:

  • Folders – These are container elements such as the root element (created automatically with the Root Element type) and other elements added as the Basic Container element type. Folders can contain children, which are leaves and other folders.

  • Leaves – These are other elements added with other element types including basic types (Basic Link, Basic Text, Basic Image, and others) as well as specialized element types (Home Link, Sign Out Link, Dashboard Label, and others).

Note: Header and footer definitions are used on classic homepages and classic pages only. While you cannot directly modify the fluid banner that is displayed on fluid pages, you can modify definitions in a macro set that will customize the look of both the fluid banner and the header that is displayed on classic pages.

Image: Define Headers and Footers Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Headers and Footers Page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control



Displays the ID for the header or footer that was specified when the definition was created.


Displays the type of the definition:

  • Footer

  • Header


Enter a label for the header or footer definition.


Enter a description for the header or footer definition.

Owner ID

Select which product, feature, or application owns this header or footer definition.


Click the Save button to save changes to the current definition.

Save As

Click the Save As button to save the current definition with a new ID.


At the definition level, a Delete button will be displayed only for those definitions that are not included in a theme definition. Use this Delete button to delete the header or footer definition.

Add Child (in tree structure)

Select the root element or a container element and then click the Add Child button to add a child element.

Delete (in tree structure)

Select any element except the root element and then click Delete to delete the element (and any children).

Style Definitions

Enter any additional free form style class definitions in this long edit box.

Preview Section

Expand the Preview section to review the look of the current header or footer definition. The preview is updated after changes are made to any of the elements or style classes used in the definition. Tab out of any changed field or element to see the updated preview.

Important! The DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID definition or clones of this definition cannot currently be previewed correctly.

Image: Preview Section

This example illustrates the preview of a header definition.

Preview section

Element Properties

Use the Element Properties group box to review and set properties of the element selected in the tree.

Image: Element Properties Group Box

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Element Properties group box.

Element Properties group box

Field or Control



Displays the ID of the element that was specified when the element was created.


Displays the element type that was selected when the element was created. Valid element types are defined on the Define Element Types page.


Enter one or more free form style class names separated by spaces to specify additional formatting for this element.


Select a new parent container for this element by container ID.

Note: All container elements are listed except children of the current element.


Select a new placement for this element among its sibling elements within the parent container.


Enter any optional notes about this element.

Additional Options

Click the Additional Options link to view the Additional Options page.

Additional Options Page

Image: Additional Options Page

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls that can be found on the Additional Options page.

Additional Options page

The fields displayed on the Additional Options page are controlled by the application class definition that supports this element type and will vary depending on the element type.

Field or Control



Displays the ID of the element.


Displays the element type.

Attribute Name

Displays the name of the attribute.

Attribute Type

Displays the attribute type. For some attributes, this value is not read-only and can be changed.

Depending on the attribute type, additional fields are displayed showing the attribute value, static text, message set and number, default text, an object ID, and others.

Important! The CompanyInfo element can only be configured in the DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID header definition or a clone. While DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID itself applies to classic components only, the CompanyInfo element within it can be configured for classic, fluid, or both.

You can configure a special CompanyInfo element in the DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID header definition to create a custom banner that can include your own images, logos, and links. This custom banner is in addition to both the classic header and the fluid banner. The custom banner can be displayed above the system header on classic pages and homepages, above the fluid banner on fluid pages and homepages, or both.

When configuring the CompanyInfo element, be aware of these considerations:

  • Review and adhere to the general limitations for using the rich text editor found in Understanding the Rich Text Editor.

  • Do not add new JavaScript functions–that is, do not use the <script> tag. However, you can reference PeopleSoft system JavaScript functions.

  • Design your custom banner to account for the adaptive and responsive nature of both fluid and classic pages. Depending the simplicity of the design of your custom banner, you may be able to create a single combined definition for both fluid and classic pages. However, because fluid application requirements for being both adaptive and responsive differ from classic applications, you may need to select the check box to enable separate banner definitions.

  • Avoid explicitly specifying font and other formatting using the rich text editor toolbar tools. Instead, create custom style classes for branding or use style classes delivered in your PeopleSoft system and apply those styles to the elements in your custom banner.

  • Similarly, avoid specifying image attributes (such as height, width, border, and others) to images uploaded through the rich text editor. Remove any such attributes on the Image Properties page and use style classes instead to modify image rendering.

  • Use the Source button to add <div> elements creating structure to which you can apply styling.

  • In addition, use the Source button to review the HTML code to remove spurious formatting, image attributes, and other code that is not HTML5 compliant.

Note: In order to view and configure the CompanyInfo element, the branding administrator requires the Company Info Administrator role, in addition to the roles required to define headers and footers. See Roles Required for PeopleTools Branding for more information.

To configure a custom banner:

  1. Select PeopleToolsPortalBrandingDefine Headers and Footers.

  2. Select the DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID header definition to customize it. (Otherwise, if you have cloned the version of DEFAULT_HEADER_FLUID delivered in PeopleTools 8.57 or later, then select your cloned header definition.)

  3. Click the CompanyInfo element.

  4. Click the Additional Options link.

  5. Complete the additional options for the CompanyInfo element:

    Image: CompanyInfo element: Additional Options page

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Additional Options page for the CompanyInfo element. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    CompanyInfo element: Additional Options page

    Field or Control


    Style Class: Attribute Value

    Enter one or more free form style class names separated by spaces to specify additional formatting for the CompanyInfo element.

    Enable Company Banner Area

    Select this check box to enable the custom banner. Selecting this option will reveal the rich text editor, which allows you to create the content for the custom banner.

    Use Different Content for Classic and Fluid

    Select this check box to enable two separate rich text editor fields to create separate custom banners for classic and fluid.

    Note: When this check box is deselected, the same banner will be displayed for classic and fluid.

    Banner Content

    Use each rich text editor field to define the text, images, and links to be displayed in your custom banner. When the Use Different Content for Classic and Fluid check box is selected, two rich text editor fields are displayed: one for classic, one for fluid. Otherwise, only one rich text editor field is displayed.

    See Working With Rich Text Editor Fields for more information.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save to save the header definition.

  8. Test your custom banner by navigating to a classic page, a classic homepage, a fluid page, and a fluid homepage, depending on how you customized the content of the banner.

  9. Optionally, use macros to define other aspects of the custom banner including its background color, bottom border, banner-specific style sheets and so on. The following macros are available for custom banners:

    Macro Name

    Macro Content




    Company Information RTE background


    1px solid rgb(81,113,150)

    Company Information RTE bottom border



    Company Information RTE generic CSS



    Company Information window height threshold value where a height below this value applies new macros



    Company Information RTE generic CSS for window height threshold



    Company Information CSS for window height threshold (full CSS selector plus property/value)



    Company Information RTE generic CSS for landscape mode



    Company Information CSS for landscape mode (full CSS selector plus property/value)



    Company Information RTE generic CSS for landscape mode for small form factor only



    Company Information RTE generic CSS for small form factor



    Company Information RTE default font color

    1 Any macro with a name similar to *_FULL_CSS requires a full CSS specification in the form of:

    CSSselector { cssProperty: cssValue; ...}

    2 Typically, any macro with a name similar to *_CSS (not *_FULL_CSS) requires a specification in the form of:

    CSSProperty: CSSValue;[CSSProperty:CSSValue;...]

Use the Assemble Themes page to create and maintain the definitions of branding themes.

Image: Assemble Themes Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assemble Themes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assemble Themes page

Field or Control



Displays the ID of the theme that was specified when the theme was created.

Save As

Click the Save As button to save the current theme definition with a new ID.


Click the Delete button to delete the this theme definition.

Note: The Delete button is displayed only for those theme definitions that are not assigned at the system, portal, or user attribute level.


Enter a label for the theme definition.


Enter a description for the theme definition.

Owner ID

Select which product, feature, or application owns this theme definition.

Homepage Header

Select a header definition to be used for classic homepages only.

Homepage Footer

Select a footer definition to be used for classic homepages only.

Target Page Header

Select a header definition to be used for classic pages only.

Note: If no header is specified, then the header defined for homepages will also be used on target pages.

Macro Set

Select a custom macro set for this branding theme.

Classic Components

Note: For a cluster of applications managed by PeopleSoft Interaction Hub, the theme style sheet and any skin style sheets must exist in all systems.

Field or Control


Theme Style Sheet

Select an override style sheet for the theme for classic components.

Note: Theme style sheets can only be free form style sheets.

Name(Skin Style Sheets)

Identify one or more free form style sheets that can be made available to use with this theme as skin style sheets. The skin style sheets identified here are made available for use on the Assign Branding Themes page.


Enter a description of the skin.

Fluid Components

Use the Fluid Components group box to register a base style sheet and theme style sheet pair for a specific node. Alternatively, you can use the Register Fluid Theme Style Sheet Mappings page to perform this registration, which will ensure that the pair is mapped correctly. See Generating Theme Style Sheets for Fluid Components. The rows in the Theme Style Sheet Mappings grid specify a mapping of a theme style sheet to a base style sheet only; the grid does not specify that this base style sheet is in use. The base style sheet is assigned at the system level on the Branding System Options page, or at the component or page level through PeopleCode. Then, when the base style sheet is loaded by the system into the generated HTML, any mapped theme style sheet is loaded immediately after it.

Note: For a cluster of applications managed by PeopleSoft Interaction Hub, the global override style sheet and any mapped theme style sheets for a node specification of ANY must exist in all systems.

Field or Control



Select the node to which the style sheet and theme style sheet is to be applied. You can select a specific node name, or one of the following values:

  • ANY – Applies to all nodes in all systems. (This setting is applicable to a cluster of applications managed by PeopleSoft Interaction Hub.)

  • LOCAL_NODE – Applies to all nodes of the current system only.

Note: The list of specific nodes includes non-local PeopleSoft nodes that have a defined content URI.

Style Sheet

Select the base style sheet for fluid components for the selected node.

Note: The lookup lists style sheets on the current system. For remote nodes, you must ensure that the style sheet you select also exists in the remote system.

Theme Style Sheet

Select a mapped style sheet that has already been generated from the selected base style sheet.

Note: The lookup lists style sheets on the current system. For remote nodes, you must ensure that the style sheet you select also exists in the remote system.


Select this option to make the mapped pair active.

Global Override Style Sheet

Select an override style sheet for the theme for all fluid components on all nodes.

Reverting Fluid Homepage and Dashboard Colors to pre-PeopleTools 8.57

In PeopleTools 8.57, the background color for fluid homepages and dashboards was updated to light blue with tile borders updated to a complementary color. If you wish to revert to the dark blue background color that was in effect prior to PeopleTools 8.57, you have two options depending on whether you have any custom branding in effect:

  • If you do not have a custom global override style sheet applied on the Assemble Themes page, then you can:

    1. Clone the DEFAULT_THEME_FLUID branding theme—for example, as MY_THEME_FLUID.

    2. In the Theme Style Sheet Mappings grid of the Fluid Components group box, map PTNUI_LANDING_CSS (the standard homepage and dashboard style sheet) with PTNUI_LANDING_CSS_PRE857 theme style sheet as follows:

      Image: PTNUI_LANDING_CSS_PRE857 theme style sheet mapping

      This example illustrates how to map the PTNUI_LANDING_CSS style sheet to the PTNUI_LANDING_CSS_PRE857 theme style sheet.

      PTNUI_LANDING_CSS_PRE857 theme style sheet mapping
  • If you do have a custom global override style sheet applied on the Assemble Themes page, then you must:

    1. Create and apply a custom macro set. See “Enabling a Custom Macro Set” for the procedure on how to do this.

    2. In your custom macro set, change the following macros to their pre-8.57 values:

      Macro Name

      Pre-8.57 Macro Value

      8.57 Macro Value





      0px solid rgb(102,102,102)

      1px solid #ccd5db

Use the Assign Branding Themes page to specify portal-specific branding options and defaults to override the system default settings. In addition, use this page to assign different themes, skins, custom tabs, and fluid homepages by user attribute.

Note: Once a portal-specific definition has been created, it cannot be entirely deleted. However, you can use effective dates to control whether a definition is currently in effect.

Image: Assign Branding Themes Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Branding Themes page.

Field or Control


Portal Name

Displays the name of the current portal registry.

Note: You can edit theme assignments for the current portal only. Therefore, sign into a different portal to modify its theme assignments.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date for this definition.


Enter a label for the theme definition.

Default Theme

Select the default theme for this portal.

Default Skin

Select a default skin for all users who sign into this portal.

Note: The list of available skins is specified on the Assemble Themes page.

Custom Tabs

Select the default custom tabs navigation collection for this portal.

Note: Custom tabs are visible from classic homepages only.

Default Custom Tab

Select a default classic homepage tab from the custom tabs navigation collection for all users who sign into this portal.

Default Fluid Homepage

Select a default fluid homepage for all users who sign into this portal.

Note: If the Fluid Homepage field on the Web Profile Configuration - Look and Feel page specifies both a component for rendering fluid homepage tabs and a specific homepage, then any value set on this page will be overridden. See Configuring Web Profile Settings for Fluid Applications for more information.

Owner ID

Select which product, feature, or application owns this definition.

User Attribute Based Theme Assignments

Use the User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid to override theme assignments, custom tabs, and default homepage tabs by user attribute. In PeopleTools, two user attribute types are delivered: by role or by permission list. You can use this grid to override the portal settings for the theme, skin, custom tabs collection, default custom tab, and default fluid homepage.

Important! Because user attribute based assignments override system-level and portal-level settings, you can create a custom user experience by user group. Moreover, you can set a classic custom tab as the default homepage for a group of users even when the system-wide personalization settings specify the fluid homepage as the default for all users, or vice versa. See the following section, “Setting the Default Homepage to be the Opposite of the System-Wide Setting,” for more information.

When you assign branding themes by user attribute, you also assign a priority sequence number to each attribute. The priority number dictates each attribute’s precedence in determining which theme will be displayed for each user. If a user has two or more attributes with a branding theme assignment, the attribute with the higher priority applies with 1 being the highest priority, 2 being the next highest priority, and so on. If a user has none of the attributes used in theme assignments, the portal-wide settings apply.

Image: User Attribute Based Theme Assignments Grid - Attribute Tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attribute tab of the User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid.

User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid - Attribute tab

Image: User Attribute Based Theme Assignments Grid - Theme Tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Theme tab of the User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid.

User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid - Theme tab

Image: User Attribute Based Theme Assignments Grid - Custom Tabs & Fluid Homepages Tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Custom Tabs & Fluid Homepages tab of the User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid.

User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid - Custom Tabs &amp; Fluid Homepages tab

Field or Control


Priority #

Specify the priority for this attribute with 1 being the highest priority, 2 being the next highest priority, and so on.

Attribute Type

Specify the attribute type. The PeopleTools-delivered values are:

  • Role

  • Permission List

Attribute Value

Select a value for the selected attribute type.

Theme Name

Select the theme for this attribute.

Custom Tabs

Select a custom tabs navigation collection for this attribute.

Note: Custom tabs are visible from classic homepages only.

Default Custom Tab

Select a default classic homepage tab from the custom tabs navigation collection for this attribute.

Default Fluid Homepage

Select a default fluid homepage for this attribute.

Note: If the Fluid Homepage field on the Web Profile Configuration - Look and Feel page specifies both a component for rendering fluid homepage tabs and a specific homepage, then any value set on this page will be overridden. See Configuring Web Profile Settings for Fluid Applications for more information.

Setting the Default Homepage to be the Opposite of the System-Wide Setting

System-wide personalization settings specify the default homepage type (fluid or classic) for all users. Fluid is set as the default homepage type for desktop and laptop (HPPC), and for tablet users (HPTABLET). (See Setting Device Homepage Defaults for more information on these system-wide settings.)

Note: The default homepage type for smartphone users is always a fluid homepage, which is not affected by the system-wide homepage settings.

To set the default homepage to be the opposite of the system-wide setting for a specific group of users:

  1. Create a navigation collection for custom homepage tabs.

    For example, when the system-wide personalization settings specify fluid as the default homepage type, include classic content references in the navigation collection.

  2. Create a portal-specific branding theme assignment using the Assign Branding Themes page.

  3. Create a user attribute based assignment in the User Attribute Based Theme Assignments grid:

    1. Specify the user group by role or permission list.

    2. Specify the custom homepage tabs navigation collection.

    3. Select a specific item from this navigation collection as the default custom tab.

      For example, select one of the classic content references.

      Important! Selecting a default custom tab is an essential step. Otherwise, users will still see the default homepage type as specified by the system-wide settings.

Note: When a classic content reference is selected as the default custom tab here or through user personalization, the user must add the Homepages tile to the NavBar in order to be able to navigate to any fluid homepages.