Verifying the Cluster and its Nodes

After setting up an Elasticsearch cluster, you can verify whether a cluster and its nodes are created in two ways:

  • Using PeopleSoft Health Center.

  • Using the Elasticsearch Interact page.

On the Application Dashboard, the ES Cluster Summary section displays the name of the cluster and the number of nodes that are present in the cluster. You can view further details of the cluster including information on shards, replicas, documents on the Cluster Details dashboard.

See Viewing the Elasticsearch Cluster Dashboard.

If you require instructions on how to configure PeopleSoft Health Center, see Configuring PeopleSoft Health Center.

The Elasticsearch Interact page (available with PeopleTools 8.55.15) enables you to retrieve information from the Elasticsearch server regarding the statistics of a cluster and node among other information.

On the Elasticsearch Interact page, in the Service Type drop-down list, select Cluster and in the Cluster API drop-down list, select _cluster/stats?pretty=true.

See Administering Elasticsearch Using the Elasticsearch Interact Page.

Alternatively, you can verify the cluster setup by executing the following command in a browser:


Where, host refers to the Elasticsearch host.

Enter the Elasticsearch user credentials (esadmin) when prompted for login information.

The cluster and node information can be found in the nodes/count/total section of the response.