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Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack v8. Release



The Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack (OFS AAIEP) v8. adds a set of new advanced features to the existing features in OFS AAIEP v8. This pack can be installed on an OFSAA instance having one or more OFSAA Application Packs.

Information About Licensing and Installation

The features and functionalities offered by OFS AAIEP require the procurement of an additional license.

NOTE: If the OFS AAIEP license is installed in previous versions of OFSAA, skip the installation steps mentioned in this document.

For detailed instructions on installing this version of the OFS AAIEP, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack Installation Guide

Features in this Release of the OFS AAI Extension Pack

In this release of the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack (OFS AAIEP), the following advanced features and functionalities have been added:

·       OFS AAIEP supports OEL 8 and Java 11

·       Document Management Service

Features in the Previous Releases of the OFSAAI Extension Pack

The features and functionalities of previous releases are listed in the following sections for continuity.

NOTE: For more information about features in the previous releases, see the Release Notes on the Oracle Help Center.


In this release of the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack (OFS AAIEP), the following advanced features and functionalities have been added:

Analytic Pipeline and Process Models

The Oracle Financial Services Process Modelling Framework (PMF) has been enhanced to bring additional capabilities which are described as follows:

·       Supports interleaving of automated paths or swim lanes with Human Decision Tasks such as approval of computes before progressing with further computes.

·       Categorization of Pipelines

This release application categorizes and updates the pipeline types appropriately depending on the nature of tasks that are being orchestrated for the following Pipelines:

§  Workflow Pipeline

§  Run Pipeline

§  Sub-Run Pipeline

§  Business Process Pipeline

For more information, see the Categorization of Pipelines Section in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

·       Run pipeline enables choreography of Analytical Jobs or Run Pipeline.

·       Workflow Pipeline enables choreography of human decisions, automated system tasks, and external calls.

·       Analytical or Business Process Pipelines enable the interleaving of automated paths through the choreography of analytical tasks with human decision tasks. These pipelines can be interleaved with swim lanes within a Process Model Orchestration.

·       Attribution Analysis

The Oracle Financial Services Attribution Analysis is a solution that is integrated with the PMF Application to specially address the following requirements for Financial Institutions:

§  Compare Runs by modifying a variable from a list of variables. In other words, compare the Execution Runs in Models by varying one factor and studying the impact on other factors that are linked to it.

§  Analyze reports based on the comparison.

For more information, see the Oracle Financial Services Attribution Analysis User Guide.

For more information about the preceding features, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

Event-Based Orchestration

This brings the capability to trigger further execution paths based on the occurrence of an event.

The Event Framework integrated into PMF is an Event-driven Messaging Framework that uses Apache Kafka (messaging server) to process information asynchronously and in near real-time. Producers that are either External Applications or PMF Internal Processes, send messages (notify about an event occurrence) to Kafka Topic(s). Consumers, which are internal processes within PMF that are choreographed within the pipeline, read the messages from Kafka Topic(s) and execute other events or activities configured in the PMF pipelines. The framework uses the REST Transfer Protocol to send messages and the JSON Data format to construct the messages.

The Consumer and Producer Widgets are enabled on the PMF Canvas on the application of this release. This allows users to perform event-based orchestration within PMF.

For more information about the preceding features, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

Data Maintenance Interface

Data Maintenance Interface (DMI) helps to design a Data Form in a user-specified format. Further, allows to perform maintenance activities using the designed Form. 

Data Form Designer

·       Designer allows the user to design a form to maintain the underlying data.

Data Maintenance

·       This allows the user to maintain the design either through the form that has been defined using Form designer or do a Bulk upload using the Excel upload mechanism.

·       A strong data governance process is enabled through an approval workflow of the data maintained.

For more details, refer to Data Maintenance Interface section of User Guide.


The Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack offers advanced features and functionalities which can be installed on top of OFSAAI. Before installing the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack you must install an OFSAA instance having one or more OFSAA Application Packs.

The Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Extension Pack includes the following advanced features and functionalities:

Distributed Processing Capabilities

The Distributed Activation Manager Based Processing has the following features in OFSAAIE:

·       Supports the Deployment Model that separates the components that serve the UI or Interactive Application Components from the components that serve to compute requirements of the batch jobs.

·       Enables Batch Processes that must be distributed over multiple nodes by running multiple Activation Manager (Job Agent).

For more information, see the Distributed Activation Manager (AM) Based Processing Section in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Administration and Configuration Guide.

Analytic Pipeline and Process Models

The Oracle Financial Services Process Modelling Framework (PMF) has the following features enabled in OFSAAIE:

·       Supports interleaving of automated paths or swim lanes with Human Decisioning Tasks.

·       Categorization of Pipelines

For more information, see the Categorization of Pipelines Section in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

·       Orchestration of Run pipeline which allows choreography of Analytical jobs or Run Pipeline.

·       Workflow Pipeline which allows human decisions and automated system task choreography.

·       Analytical or Business Process Pipelines which interleave automated paths with human decision tasks. These pipelines can be interleaved with swim lanes within a Process Model Orchestration.

·       Attribution Analysis

The Oracle Financial Services Attribution Analysis is a solution that is integrated with the PMF Application to specially address the following requirements for financial institutions:

§  Compare Runs by modifying a variable from a list of variables. In other words, compare the Execution Runs in Models by varying one factor and studying the impact on other factors that are linked to it.

§  Analyze reports based on the comparison.

For more information, see the Oracle Financial Services Attribution Analysis User Guide.

For more information about the preceding features, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications InfrastructureProcess Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

Content Management Interoperability Services

The Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an OASIS standard enabling information sharing between different Content Management Systems. The Document Management features can be configured to interface with the CMIS services to perform various operations such as Document Upload, Document Download, and Search. The documents are stored in the CMIS Repository.

For more information, see the Content Management Integration Section in the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure Administration and Configuration Guide.

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