After invoices are matched, they are sent through the Reason Code Rollup Process and then to the Posting program. The Reason Code Rollup generates debit memos or credit memos for any discrepancy for the invoices which were resolved with debit memo or credit memo resolution actions. These resolution debit or credit memos are sent to the posting program along with the matched invoices, manually entered debit memos, credit memos, credit notes, and non-merchandise invoices. Accounting entries for receipt write-offs are generated by the receipt write-off program and these are also sent to the financial staging tables for posting to the financial system.

The Financial Posting Error Maintenance screens are accessed through a standard ADF basic/advance search screen. In most cases that there will be very few invoices in Posting Error status at any given time. Therefore, users can usually request to see all invoices in error status at once.

There are three types of financial posting error transactions which might require attention. All three types of error transactions show up in the same Search Results screen, but when the particular transaction is selected for correction, a specific maintenance screen for that type of transaction is called. The three types of transactions are:

  • Standard documents (Merchandise Invoices, Non-Merchandise Invoices, Credit Memos, Debit Memos, and Credit Notes) which are sent to the IM_AP_STAGE_XX tables to be send to the A/P system. These are the most common document interfaced to the financial system.

  • Matched merchandise invoices which had been pre-paid or manually paid. These documents have already been sent to the A/P system for payment (either by Invoice Match or by an external process), so when the 'match' occurs, the accounting entries associated with the match need to go to the G/L system. These transactions are sent to the IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE table.

  • Receipt Write Off (RWO) transactions. When a receipt is sufficiently aged (based on a supplier option) without matching (fully matching) to an invoice, the 'RWO batch program will 'write-off' the value of the invoice, creating an accounting entry in IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE table which is sent to the G/L system.