Welcome Emails and What You Do with Them - General Contractors

When a general contractor organization starts setting up Preconstruction, the first administrator in the organization receives an initial email from oraclecloudadmin_ww@oracle.com to activate or choose an existing Oracle Cloud account. This email includes a link to activate the account and an expiration date for the link.

One to two business days after your account has been activated, you receive two more emails.

The first is from no-reply@oracle.com, and it is to activate your identity domain account, which is required to access Preconstruction, and set up a password.

The second is from noreply@preconstruction.oraclecloud.com, and it is a welcome email that includes the link to access Oracle Preconstruction. Use your email and password for your identity domain account.

If your password is reset, a temporary password is sent from oraclecloudadmin_ww@oracle.com or no-reply@oracle.com.


Last Published Friday, February 23, 2024