Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server



This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers. In many cases, these interfaces, classes, and exceptions should be used in conjunction with those in the package.

Each security service provider interface (SSPI) that ends in the suffix "Provider". For example, RoleProvider exposes the services of a security provider to the WebLogic Security Framework. This allows the security provider to be manipulated (initialized, started, stopped). These "Provider" SSPIs can also be thought of as factories for the classes used at runtime by the system. For example, RoleProvider.getRoleMapper() creates, initializes and returns the Role Mapper that will actually perform the role mapping operations.

The WLSUser and WLSGroup interfaces are marker interfaces that extend They should be used to designate that a principal contains the name of the user, or the name of a group to which the user belongs.

See Also:, Developing Security Providers for Oracle WebLogic Server
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