3      Process Monitor

The Process Monitor is used to monitor the current stage of the Process for different instances. After integration with an Application, the workflow can be called. After calling it goes through all the stages defined. Process Monitor shows all the stages finished, current stage, and stages to come if any. Your user group should be mapped to the function role WFMACC (Workflow Monitor Access) to access the Process Monitor window.

Enter specific terms (keywords from Process ID, Process Name, or Process Description) in the Search field to search for matching Pipelines. You can sort the Processes displayed in the Process Monitor window based on Entity Id, Entity Name, Process ID, or Process Name. Click Select the Switch Windows icon to open the Process Monitor window from and the Process Modeller window and conversely from the Process Monitor window. to go to the Process Modeller window.

The records table consists of all the workflows which are called from the Application with details such as Entity Name, Entity ID, Process Name, Process Description, Execution Start Time, Last Execution Time, Last Updated By, and Status.

·        Click Select the Three Dots icon to display more options for the selected record in a menu. to view the following sub-menu:


Description of the Process Monitor More Menu follows

§       Click Re-Run to run the process again.

§       Click Abort to stop a process that is running.

§       Click Resume to restart a process run.

Monitoring a Business Process

To monitor a business process:

1.     From the Process Monitor window, click the Entity ID link corresponding to the process you want to monitor.

Description of the Activity Status in the Process Monitor Window follows

In the Process Monitor window, the status of the activity is represented as given:

 - This indicates that the execution of the activity is successful.

 - This indicates that the activity is currently running or waiting for the user’s input to proceed.

 - This indicates that the execution of the activity has failed.

 - This indicates that the activity is yet to be executed.

2.     Click Select the Refresh Pane icon to refresh the records in the pane. to refresh the pane. Click Select the View icon to view records in a pane. to view the Process Logs pane.

Description of the Process Logs window follows

The Process Logs pane shows all the execution stages of the process. Click the Process Monitor pane to close the Process Logs pane.

You can use Select the Zoom in icon to view a specific area in the window. and Select the Zoom out icon to broaden the view of the window. to zoom in and out the Process Monitor window.

Viewing Activity Logs

This feature allows you to view logs of each activity from the Process Monitor window.

To view Activity logs:

1.     Double-click on the activity icon whose logs you want to view. The Activity Definition details are displayed.


Description of the Activity Definition follows

2.      Click Select the View Activity Logs icon view logs in the pane. to view the Activity Logs.


Description of the Activity Logs follows

The log shows all the execution stages of the selected activity if it is already executed. Otherwise, it will be blank.