Chapter 1 Introduction to Container Runtimes

This chapter introduces the container runtimes available in Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment. The available container runtimes are compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI) Runtime Specification.

This chapter provides introductory information about runC and Kata Containers.

This document does not attempt to explain how to use images to create containers in any detail, nor does it attempt to explain how to create and use Kubernetes pods or deployments.

For more detailed information on creating and managing containers using Kubernetes, see Container Orchestration.

1.1 Introduction to runC

runC is a container runtime based on the Linux Foundation's Runtime Specification (runtime-spec). runC is developed by the Open Container Initiative.

runC is a component of Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment. runC is Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) compliant environment to deploy microservices, and to orchestrate containers.

runC is based on a stable release of the upstream runC project. Differences between Oracle versions of the software and upstream releases are limited to Oracle specific fixes and patches for specific bugs.

For upstream runC documentation, see:

For more information about runC, see: