Activity Details Table

Activity Details Table on the Activities Page

An alternative to the heat map view is the tabular view for reviewing activity details. To view a list of activities, click CIC-Activity-Delay-Detail-Page-Table Icon Activity List on the Activities page (shown above). Additionally, you can also group the list of activities by WBS, and by Actual Delay or Predicted Delay.

To focus on specific subset of activities in the table, click on the any of the following buttons:

In the WBS Nodes & Activities field, select or deselect the relevant check box to include or exclude those activities and nodes from the heat map and the Activities table. It displays the total number of WBS nodes and activities, and classifies the nodes into the following color-coded categories using their delay metric value:

The delay impact value for each node is calculated as (selected delay type / planned duration) x 100.

The following information is displayed for each activity:

Use this information to identify delayed activities. All predicted information have been generated using models in CIC Advisor.

Related Topics

Activities Page

Activities in this Project Section

Activity Information

Actions for an Activity

Filters Pane

Last Published Thursday, December 7, 2023