1 Parameters

This section lists the Parameters available to Cashbook module. Setting these parameters will alter the program behavior. Please consult Oracle Customer Support for further clarification before proceeding.

Table 1-1 PAR_GROUP Cashbook

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Cashbook Balance Bring Forward Enabled


0 – Disable cash book balance to bring forward

1 – Enable cash book balance to bring forward

Payout Balance Code

<Pay-Out Code>

A valid Pay-Out code (TRC_CODE) must be setup in the setup Transaction Code function and the code is used to balance current cruise balance and create a new brought forward balance in the next cruise.

Payin Balance Code

<Pay-In Code>

A valid Pay-In code (TRC_CODE) must be setup in the setup Transaction Code function and the code is used to balance current cruise balance and create a new brought forward balance in the next cruise.

Cashbook Current Cruise

<Current Cruise ID>.

0 – Regular system cruise number to be used

>0 – Present current cruise number used by cashbook system (SCR_ID)

Read Only Other Person Cashbook


0 – Disable

1 – Enable

Credit Voiding


0 – Voiding with minus amount on same account side

Same Payin/out Codes


0 – Not same payin/out codes

1 – Same payin/out codes

Cashbook Voucher Reset Date


The date when the Cashbook Voucher No. will be reset to 1 in “D-MM” format

Cashbook Lock Status


0 – Release

1 – Locked

Enable Currency Denomination Tracking


0 – Disable

1 – Enable