3 OHC Casino

This section describes the steps to perform a posting.

  1. Run the OHC Casino program.
  2. Click the Posting button at the ribbon bar.
  3. At the Account Identifier field, enter a name or cabin number to search for an account, and then select the name from the drop-down list.

    Figure 3-1 Posting Screen

    This figure shows the Posting Screen
  4. At the Posting section:
    • Select the Casino Department.
    • Enter the posting amount and comments, if any.
    • Select the Invoice number to post.
  5. Click Post to confirm the posting and print a receipt, if Parameter Casino, Print Receipt is enabled.
  6. The posted transaction is shown in Management, Guest Handling, Invoice tab.


This section describes the steps to retrieve the Casino’s posting for the guest.
  1. At the application, click the Cashier button at the ribbon bar.
  2. At the Name/Cabin field, enter a name or cabin number, and then select the account from the search result.
  3. Go to the Guest Information tab to view the general information of the guest.

    Figure 3-2 Cashier Screen

    This figure shows the Cashier Screen
  4. Click the Invoice tab to view the Casino’s posting of the guest. This also enable the Cashier button at the ribbon bar, allowing you to perform posting from this.

    Figure 3-3 Cashier Function

    This figure shows the Cashier Function
  5. To view other postings of the guest, go to Onboard Invoice tab.


This section describes the report usage for casino module.
  1. At the Main Menu section, click the Reports button.
  2. Enter a report in the Search report field or select the report from the tree view.
  3. There are several method to print the Report:
    • Print by sending the report to a printer.
    • Export (supported format: rpt, pdf, xls, doc, rtf)
    • Custom Excel export