6 Reports

A set of operational reports are pre-installed with the software, and additional customized reports may be added through the Administration module, System Setup, Reports Setup.
Printing a Report
  1. From the Crew File Menu, select Reports option.

  2. In the Reports List section ,click the (+) to expand the container, then select the report to print.

  3. Navigate to Print tab, and select the available Selection/Criteria.

  4. Select a Printer, Print Range and Copies to print from its respective section, and then click Print.

  5. To view a report before printing, repeat the above steps and then navigate to Preview tab.

  6. To export the report, repeat the above steps, and then click Export.

Batch Reporting

You can print a set of departmental reports by batch, and these reports are predefined in Administration module, System Setup, Reports Batch Printing Setup.

To print the report by batch,
  1. Select Reports Batch Printing from the Reports options.

  2. In the Batch Reports Printing window, select the batch number to print.

  3. In the Printer selection section, select the Printer and then click Run.