3 Pending Approval

Figure 3-1 Pending Approval Tab

This figure shows the Pending Approval Tab

The majority of the event data are imported through DGS ResOnline and the status is pending approval. User authorized to approve/decline these bookings must have access rights #4657 granted. The Pending Approval icon is disabled if you do not have the access rights #4657 login.

Approving a Pending Request

  1. Select Pending Approval from the ribbon bar.
  2. Bookings pending approval are shown in the grid. Select the booking from the grid and then click the Approve icon at the ribbon bar.
  3. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to confirm

Declining a Pending Request

  1. Select Pending Approval from the ribbon bar.
  2. Bookings pending approval are shown in the grid. Select the booking from the grid and then click Approve on the ribbon bar.
  3. At the booking from the grid and then click Decline on the ribbon bar.
  4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to confirm.
  5. Enter the deny reason in the Request Comments window and then click Deny to proceed

Request Comments

You can view the approved/declined requests comments by clicking the Comments icon at the ribbon bar.

Figure 3-2 Request Comments

This figure shows the Request Comments.

Clicking the Status Filter at the menu bar allow you to filter all approval requests by status, described in the below table.

Table 3-1 Status Filter in Comments

Status Description

All Open

Lists all open status requests for location or item that is waiting for approval.

Open Items

Lists entire item request in open status that is waiting for approval

Open Location

List entire location request in open status that is waiting for approval.


Display list of declined location/item requests.


Display list of approved location/item requests.