1 Malaysia Immigration

The Malaysia Customs and Immigration department requires the Ship’s operator to submit a pre-arrival passenger manifest before the ship arrival at port. Before you generate the electronic manifest, you are require to update the ship information, arrival/depart port in Manifest Parameter Setting in Malaysia Immigration module.

Setting Up Electronic Manifest

Figure 1-1 Electronic Manifest Setup Window

This figure shows the electronic manifest setup window for Malaysia Immigration module.

Table 1-1 Field Definition of Electronic Manifest Setup Window

Field Name Description

Ship Name

The Registered Name of the vessel.

Ship Weight

The weight of the vessel measured in gross registered tons (GRT).

Ship Type

Type of ship: Passenger or Cargo.


The Port Agent company name.

Country Registered

Country the Ship is registered.

Last Port of Entry

The port where the ship last entered.

Arrival Date

Arrival date at last port.

Arrival Time

Arrival time at last port.

Port of Arrival

Next embarkation port of the ship

Departure Date

Departure date from Port of Arrival.

Departure Time

Departure time from Port of Arrival.

  1. Run the Malaysia Immigration program.

  2. From the Electronic Manifest, Setup, enter all the above information.

  3. Click OK to save.

Generating Manifest File

A manifest file is typically generated once the ship departs from the last port, and requirement varies depending on the port of call.

Figure 1-2 Immigration File Transfer Details

This figure shows the configuration of the Manifest file path

Table 1-2 Field Definition of Immigration File Transfer Details

Field Name Description

Ship Name

The Registered Name of the vessel.

Ship Weight

The weight of the vessel measured in gross registered tons (GRT).

Ship Type

Type of ship – Passenger or Cargo.


The Port Agent company name.

Country Registered

Country the Ship is registered.

Last Port of Entry

The port where the ship last entered.

Arrival Date

Arrival date at last port.

Arrival Time

Arrival time at last port.

Port of Arrival

Next embarkation port of the ship.

Departure Date

Departure date from Port of Arrival.

Departure Time

Departure time from Port of Arrival.

Local Passenger

Total Malaysian citizen registered on-board.

Foreign Passenger

Total Non-Malaysian citizen registered on-board.

Crew Total

Total Crew currently checked-in.

Departure Local Passenger

Total Malaysian citizen checked-in today (based on Departure Date Setup).

Departure Foreign Passenger

Total Non-Malaysian citizen checked-in today (based on Departure Date Setup).

Departure Crew

Total Crew (all nationalities) checked-in today (based on Departure Date Setup).

  1. From the Electronic Manifest menu, select To File option.

  2. Information entered in the Setup section is populated in the Malaysia Immigration File Transfer Details section. See table Table 1-2 for more information.

  3. Select Pax and Crew (All) to generate a manifest for all passenger and crew, or select individually to generate a separate list.

  4. Select one of this option in Type section.
    • Departure from Last Port: This is use when the ship has left the arrival port and manifest are to include those passenger and crew that checked-in today.

    • ALL: This is use when the ship is on the way to the arrival port and ship requires to submit the manifest report to the Malaysia Immigration prior to the arrival at port.

  5. Enter the destination path and the file name in the File Name section, and then click Process File.

  6. Click Yes on Electronic Manifest File Creation prompt. Generating the take a while depending on the number of records on file.

  7. Click OK at the File Created Successfully prompt to close.

Viewing Manifest File

  1. From the Window Explorer, go to the file path.

  2. Open the output file with the Notepad.exe program.

  3. Verify the information is accurate before submitting the file to the Malaysia Immigration. See Manifest Field Data Type for more information.