10 Ashore Deny List

Ashore Deny List is a function that manages passengers or crew movements, by denying certain passenger or crew from going ashore.

Figure 10-1 Ashore Deny List

This figure shows the Guest Ashore Denied List

Denying Passenger from Going Ashore

  1. From the Cashier File Menu, select Ashore Deny List option.
  2. Select the Cruise Data from the drop-down list and click Refresh.
  3. Click Add at the Guests Ashore Denied List to open the Shore Leave Denial Selection window.
  4. Navigate to either the nationality of Name/Cabin tab, then select the nationality or cabin from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Add to add the selected passenger(s) to the denied list grid.
  6. To remove the name from the Denied List grid, right-click on the name and select Remove.
  7. Select the Denied from/until datein Additional Information section and click OK to return to the Guest Ashore Denied List. All Denied passengers name are highlighted in Red on Gangway Log.
  8. Click Close to return to the main window.

Removing Passenger from Going Ashore List

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of the above.
  2. In the Guests Ashore Denied list, select the name from the grid and click Remove.
  3. Select Yes at the confirmation prompt and then click Close to return to the main window.