2 Contract

The Contract configuration page affects the set up and management of contract template information.

Contract Category

The Contract category enables you to assign a category to a contract. You can either use the pre-defined category when setting up a contract or create them during contract creation.

Figure 2-1 Contract Category

This figure list the Contract Category and the option to create a Contract Category.

Creating a Contract Category

  1. From the Administration menu, select Enterprise, and then select Contract.

  2. At the Contract Category tab, press Create Category.

  3. Navigate to the Add Contract Category page.

  4. Enter the Category Name.

  5. Press Save to save the category.

Modifying Contract Category

  1. At the Contract Category tab, press Edit on the selected category record.

  2. Navigate to the Edit Contract Category page and update the category name.

  3. Press Update to save.

Deleting a Contract Category

To delete a category, select the record and press Delete.

Contract Template

The Contract Template enables you to create different types of contracts, for example, general terms and conditions. If the contract is not ready for use or no longer required in the future, you can slide the status button to deactivate the contract or delete the contract if it is not in use.

Figure 2-2 Contract Template

This figure shows the Contract Template and list the template created.

Figure 2-3 Contract Template New Category

This figure shows the new Contract Template, Create New Category option.

Creating a Template

  1. From the Administration menu, select Enterprise, then selectContract Template.
  2. On the Contract Template tab, press Create New.
  3. Navigate to the Add Contract Template page.
  4. Enter the following information and press Save.
    • Template Name: Enter the name of the template.

    • Category: Select the category code.

    • Contract Details: Enter a contract description

    • Terms and Conditions: Slide to set this as mandatory. Once enabled, guest need to acknowledge the contract at check-in before proceeding to the next step.

    • Text box: Enter Terms and Conditions description

    • Remark: Enable if you need to show the remark in Check-In, Check-In Wizard, Contract page.

Editing a Template

  1. On the Contract Template tab, press Edit on the selected template record.
  2. Navigate to the Edit Contract Template page.
  3. Enter the relevant information and click Save.

Deleting a Template

To delete a Contract Template tab, press Delete on the selected template record.

Creating New Category in Contract Template

  1. On the Contract Template tab, Category field, press Create New Category.
  2. Enter the Category name in the Create New Category prompt and press Save.