6 Payment

The Payment page enables you to choose a payment type that the guest will settle their account with. You can also set up the routing instruction on this page

Payment Type

In the Payment Type section, there are two options you can choose from, Credit/Debit Card and Cash. The default selection is the Credit or Debit Card, with the credit card information taken at reservation being shown.

To change from the default Credit or Debit Card payment type to Cash, press the Cash option and the Credit/Debit Card details will be hidden.

Figure 6-1 Payment Page

This figure shows the Mobile Check-In Payment Page


Figure 6-2 Routing Page

This figure shows the Mobile Check-In Routing page.

The Routing option allow you to assign a payer profile to the guest you are checking in.

To assign a payer profile,

  1. Manually search for the guest record or press the Travel With button.
  2. Scroll to the right of the search result page and press the +Add button of the payer you want to assign.
  3. You can see the added profile in the Paid by section.

    Figure 6-3 Routing Profile

    This figure shows the assigned payer profile in Payment Routing.
  4. To remove the profile from routing, press theX button of the assigned profile.