1 System Schematic

The system architecture in below figure shows the relationship between different components that work together as a framework for Next-Gen SPMS.

Figure 1-1 Architecture diagram of Mobile Check-In Application and SPMS

This figure shows the system architecture and relationship between the different components for the Next-Gen SPMS.
  • The crew uses the Mobile Check-In application to check in their guest during embarkation.

  • The administrator can access the Administration module through a web browser to configure all the functionalities in Mobile Check-In.

  • The users interact with the Mobile Check-In application through the User Interface (UI) Application Server. The UI Application Server is a host to Administration and Mobile Check-In web applications.

  • The REST API Application Server provides the REST API, which manages the application flow, implements the business logic, and coordinates with a data layer to process requests from the users and their responses.

  • The database is where the SPMS data is stored and retrieved.