How data is summarized

This topic describes how P6 Professional calculates and displays summary information for costs and units, custom user fields, dates, durations, float, progress, baselines, comparison data, and variances.

Costs and units: P6 Professional totals cost and unit data items, such as budgeted or planned cost and budgeted or planned quantity, by adding the values for each activity in the summary.

Custom user fields: P6 Professional summarizes user fields according to type. For example, items representing start dates show the earliest start date, and items for finish dates show the latest finish dates. A numeric user field is totaled for the summarized activities.

Dates: If you display early dates, P6 Professional shows the earliest early (or actual) start and the latest early (or actual) finish dates. The same rules apply for late dates and target early and late dates.

Durations: P6 Professional summarizes original or planned and remaining duration values. For activities with no progress, the original or planned and remaining durations are the number of workperiods between the earliest start and latest finish dates. If the summary activity has an actual start date, P6 Professional calculates the original or planned duration from the actual start date to the latest finish date. In this case, P6 Professional calculates remaining duration from the earliest early start date to the latest early finish date.

If the summary activity is 100 percent complete, P6 Professional calculates the original or planned duration as the difference between the actual start and the actual finish dates; the remaining duration is zero.

If you display actual duration, the data is calculated as follows:

Earliest Actual Start - Data Date (for activities with no actual finish date)

Earliest Actual Start - Latest Actual Finish (all activities in the summary must have an actual finish date)

Float: You can base total float of the summarized data on the start dates, finish dates, or most critical dates. Set this option in the Compute Total Float As field on the General tab of the Schedule Options dialog box (choose Tools, Schedule, Options). If you base float on start dates, and all activities are assigned to the same calendar, total float is the difference between the earliest late start and the earliest early start dates in workperiods. For finish dates, P6 Professional uses the latest late finish and the latest early finish dates to calculate total float. The most critical float is the lowest total float encountered in the detailed activities from each summary group.

If all activities are not assigned to the same calendar, P6 Professional defines total float based on the default global calendar.

Progress: The simplest measure of percent complete uses duration to compare the amount of time remaining to complete the activities to their original or planned duration. In this case, P6 Professional uses the following ratio for each summarized group.

[(Summary Current Original or Planned Duration – Summary Remaining Duration) / Summary Current Original or Planned Duration] * 100

Baseline data, comparison data, and variances: You classify each baseline, comparison, or variance data item as either a date or a duration data item. See the Dates and Durations sections earlier in this topic for descriptions of how P6 Professional summarizes dates and durations.

Calendar used to calculate units and durations in grouping (summary) bands

Duration and unit values in grouping bands are calculated using the hours per time period settings defined in the default global calendar, default project calendar, resource calendar, or activity calendar, as follows:

For live (detail) data:

Activities window

Work Breakdown Structure window

Projects window

Resource Assignments window (the following applies only to an open project)


Tracking window

For summarized data:


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Last Published Monday, December 6, 2021