Summary of Available Endpoints

The Primavera Data Service offers the following types of endpoints:

  • Metadata Tables Endpoint: Use this endpoint to return a list of all the tables owned by the configuration name for the schema user.
  • Metadata Columns Endpoint: Use this endpoint to return a list of all the columns of the given table owned by the configuration name for the schema user.
  • Metadata Refresh Endpoint: Use this endpoint to refresh the data service whenever tables, views, or synonyms have changed, for example after an upgrade. This is an asynchronous job. To determine the status of the job, use the Metadata Refresh Status job.
  • Metadata Refresh Status Endpoint: Use this endpoint to find out the status of the Metadata Refresh job.
  • Runquery Endpoint: Use this endpoint to run queries against the data available to the relevant configuration code.

Your production and stage environments have different endpoints.