Constructing the Endpoint URL

All endpoints for the data service use the same format as shown below.

https://Default/pds/rest-service/<endpoint specifics>?configCode=<configuration name>

You can use this format, along with the information provided here about how to construct the Default, <endpoint specifics>, and <configuration name> parts, to construct the URL you need. Alternatively the next few topics provide the full URLs into which you need only insert the customer part of your URL.


The environment section of the endpoint URL is formatted as follows:

  • OCI Stage: <data center><customer>/stage
  • OCI Production: <data center><customer>
  • GBUCS Stage: <customer>
  • GBUCS Production: <customer>

Data Centers

OCI endpoints include the code for your data center. The following codes are available:

  • London: uk1. For example,
  • Frankfurt: eu1. For example,

    Note: the Ashburton data center does not have a code. If your data center is Ashburton, omit the <data_center> part of the endpoint. For example,

Endpoint Specifics

The endpoint specifics for the available endpoints are as follows:

  • Metadata Tables Endpoint: dataservice/metadata/tables
  • Metadata Columns Endpoint: dataservice/metadata/columns/<table_name>
  • Metadata Refresh Endpoint: dataservice/metadata/refresh
  • Metadata Refresh Status Endpoint: v1/config/status/seed
  • Runquery Endpoint: dataservice/runquery

Configuration Name

The available configuration names are as follows:

  • P6 Admin User: ds_p6adminuser
  • P6 Reporting User: ds_p6reportuser
  • Unifiier: ds_unifier