12    Dashboards

The dashboards provide reports for various sections in the DGRR Application.

Data Quality Dashboards

The Data Quality Rules for Dashboards must be executed through batches only and not through the DQ screen.

For Data Quality refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart and execute the batch DGS_DQ_BATCH, DataProfile for the date on which the data quality check needs to be executed. Refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart for further details.

Based on the Data Quality check defined in the DQ framework of AAAI, the dashboard generates the reports. These are predefined values. The dashboard also generates the reports based on the check type the user wants to analyze the data with.

The Data Quality Dashboard provides data based on selecting the desired Date and the following list of drop-downs:

·        Batch Name

·        DQ Group Name

·        DQ Type

·        Date

·        Iteration

Click Apply to generate the reports.

Click Reset to reset the values.

The first grid displays the following data:

·        Pass DQ percentage (Green shows the pass DQ %)

·        Fail DQ percentage (Red shows the failed DQ %)

·        Number of Total Records

·        Number of Valid Records

·        Number of Invalid Records

·        Number of entities, attributes, and DQ checks

Figure 65: Data Quality Dashboard

Description of the Data Quality Dashboard Page follows This illustration shows the Data Quality Dashboard details.

Distribution of Error Records by the Attribute Count

This analysis displays the distribution of error records based on a range of attribute counts in the form of pie charts and bar graphs.

Figure 66: Distribution of Error Records by the Attribute Count

Description of the Distribution of Error Records by the Attribute Count Page follows This illustration displays the distribution of error records based on a range of attribute counts in the form of pie charts and bar graphs.

Click either on the pie chart or bar graph to drill down to view the following details:

·        Entity

·        Attributes

·        DQ Check Type Name

·        Percentage of Rejected Records Count

Click Attributes to display the following:

·        Data Profile: It displays 2 analyses:

§       Data Profile: A tabular representation of the following data based on the Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Max Value

    Mean Value

    Minimum Value

    Outliers – Greater than 2x mean

    Outliers – Less than 2x mean

    Total Row Count

Figure 67: Data Profile

Description of the Data Profile Page follows This illustration displays the tabular representation of the data based on the Entity-Attribute Name.

§       Trend of Data Profile: This report shows the trend of data profiling in a 6-month interval from the selected date. It is a Graphical representation of the following data based on the Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Total Row Count

Figure 68: Trend of Data Profile

Description of the Trend of Data Profile Page follows This illustration displays the shows the trend of data profiling in a 6-month interval from the selected date. It is a Graphical representation of the data based on the Entity-Attribute Name.

·        Data Bucket: It displays 2 analyses:

§       Data Bucket: This is the tabular representation of the following data based on Dimension Table:

    Node Code

    Distribution Count

Figure 69: Data Buckets

Description of the Data Bucket Page follows This illustration displays tabular representation of the data based on Dimension Table.

§       Trend of Data Bucket: This report shows the trend of the data profiling in a 6-month interval from the selected date. It is a graphical representation of the Distribution Count and Node Codes against time intervals. The Trend of Data Buckets includes two types of graphs:

    Bar Graph

    Line Graph

Figure 70: Trend of Data Buckets

Description of the Trend of Data Bucket Page follows This illustration displays tabular representation of the data based on Dimension Table. This report shows the trend of the data profiling in a 6-month interval from the selected date. It is a graphical representation of the Distribution Count and Node Codes against time intervals.

Distribution of Error Records by Error Type

This analysis displays the distribution of error records based on the error type.

Figure 71: Distribution of Error Records by Error Type

Description of Distribution of Error Records by Error Type Page follows This illustration displays the distribution of error records based on the error type.

Click either the pie chart or the bar graph to get a drill down to view the following details:

·        Entity

·        Attributes

·        DQ Check Type Name

·        Percentage of Rejected Records Count

Click Attributes to view the following:

·        Data Profile: It displays two analyses:

§       Data Profile: A tabular representation of the following data based on the Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Max Value

    Mean Value

    Minimum Value

    Outliers – Greater than 2x mean

    Outliers – Less than 2x mean

    Total Row Count

Figure 72: Data Profile

Description of the Data Profile Page follows This illustration displays the tabular representation of the data based on the Entity-Attribute Name.

§       Trend of Data Profile: A graphical representation of the following data based on the Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Total Row Count

·        Data Bucket: It displays two analysis:

§       Data Bucket: The tabular representation of the following data based on the Dimension Table:

    Node Code

    Distribution Count

Figure 73: Data Bucket

Description of the Data Profile Page follows This illustration the tabular representation of the data based on the Dimension Table.

§       Trend of Data Bucket: Graphical representation of the Distribution Count and Node Codes against time intervals. The Trend of Data Buckets includes two types of graphs:

    Bar Graph

    Line Graph

Distribution of Defaults by Attribute Count

This analysis displays the distribution of default records based on the attribute count.

Figure 74: Distribution of Defaults by Attribute Count

Description of Distribution of Defaults by Attribute Count Page follows This illustration displays the distribution of default records based on the attribute count.

Click either the pie chart or bar graph to get a drill down which displays the following details:

·        Entity

·        Attributes

·        DQ Check Type Name

·        Percentage of Rejected Records Count

Click Attributes to display the following:

·        Data Profile: It displays two analysis:

§       Data Profile: A tabular representation of the following data based on Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Max Value

    Mean Value

    Minimum Value

    Outliers – Greater than 2x mean

    Outliers – Less than 2x mean

    Total Row Count

Figure 75: Data Profile

Description of Data Profile Page follows This illustration displays a tabular representation of the data based on Entity-Attribute Name.

§       Trend of Data Profile: Graphical representation of the following data based on the Entity-Attribute Name:

    Count Distinct values

    Count Null Values

    Total Row Count

·        Data Bucket: It displays two analysis:

§       Data Bucket: The tabular representation of the following data based on the Dimension Table:

    Node Code

    Distribution Count

Figure 76: Data Buckets

Description of Data Bucket Page follows This illustration displays tabular representation of the data based on the Dimension Table.

§       Trend of Data Bucket: A graphical representation of the Distribution Count and Node Codes against time intervals. The Trend of Data Buckets includes two types of graphs:

    Bar Graph

    Line Graph

Data Quality Exception Report

Populating Data for DQ Exception Report (Data Quality Dashboard)

Before verifying the Data Quality Exception Report dashboard (DQ Dashboard), follow these steps:

1.     Navigate to Common Tasks > Operations > Batch Maintenance.

2.     Select the DGS_DQ_CTL_BATCH batch. See OFS Data Governance Run Chart for more details.



The FSI_DGS_DQ_BALANCE_COL_MAP table will have the configuration details required for DQ-Exception amount calculations.


It consists of the following columns.

Table 18: Data Quality Exception Report

Column Name



Column to store Stage Table Name


Column to store Data Quality Exception Balance Column to be used for DQ-Exception Amount Calculations


Column to store Primary Key of the Stage Table


By default, the tables are packaged with the following metadata configurations.

Table 19: Data Quality Exception Report



















































Before running the DGS_DQ_CTL_BATCH, ensure the required configuration details are updated and available in the FSI_DGS_DQ_BALANCE_COL_MAP table.


The enhanced Data Quality Control functionality analyzes the impact of Data Quality failure on Regulatory Reporting based on Data Source. The report helps analyze the impact of Data Quality failure on a Cell value, and there is an option to drill down to account granularity to identify failed accounts. The analysis provides a Dashboard, Summary report, and Data Quality drill down report.

The following are the reports provided under Impact Summary.

·        Impact Summary – Data Quality Impact Detail

·        Click the Data Quality Map or the Stage Entity, to view the Impact Analysis.

Figure 77: Impact Summary

Description of Impact Summary Page follows This illustration displays the enhanced Data Quality Control functionality which analyzes the impact of Data Quality failure on Regulatory Reporting based on Data Source. The report helps analyze the impact of Data Quality failure on a Cell value, and there is an option to drill down to account granularity to identify failed accounts. the Dimension Table.

Or, click the DQ Code under Data Quality Impact Detail to view the Impact Analysis.

Figure 78: Data Quality Impact Detail

·        Description of Data Quality Impact Detail Page follows This illustration displays the enhanced Data Quality Control functionality which analyzes the impact of Data Quality failure on Regulatory Reporting based on Data Source. The report helps analyze the impact of Data Quality failure on a Cell value, and there is an option to drill down to account granularity to identify failed accounts. the Dimension Table.

·        Impact Analysis - Summary Drill-Down Report

·        For the Stage, Table selected the DQ Codes, Cell Identifiers, Legal Entity, DQ details, Threshold Breach, Impacted Exception Amount, Final Cell value, and Impacted Cell Value are displayed.

Figure 79: Impact Analysis


·        Description of Impact Analysis - Summary Drill-Down Report follows This illustration displays the Stage, Table selected the DQ Codes, Cell Identifiers, Legal Entity, DQ details, Threshold Breach, Impacted Exception Amount, Final Cell value, and Impacted Cell Value.Description of Impact Analysis - Summary Drill-Down Report follows This illustration displays the Stage, Table selected the DQ Codes, Cell Identifiers, Legal Entity, DQ details, Threshold Breach, Impacted Exception Amount, Final Cell value, and Impacted Cell Value.

·        Account Analysis Drill-Down Report

·        Click the DQ Code link in Impact Analysis to view the Account Analysis Report. This report displays the Account Number associated and the Exception Amount for the Account Balance based on the Data Source.

Figure 80: Account Analysis

·        Description of Account Analysis Drill-Down Report follows This illustration displays the Account Number associated and the Exception Amount for the Account Balance based on the Data Source.

·        Click the Cell Identifier link in Impact Analysis to view the Cell drill-down report.

Figure 81: Account Details

Description of Account Analysis Drill-Down Report follows This illustration displays the Account Number associated and the Exception Amount for the Account Balance based on the Data Source.

Controls Dashboard

Execute the batches corresponding to Controls to view the Controls dashboards. For Controls Dashboard refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart and execute the batch DGS_DQ_CTL_BATCH for the date on which the control and assessment need to be executed. Refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart for further details.

This section displays two dashboard pages:

·        Summary

·        Controls by Regulatory Reports


Select the date to generate the dashboard reports.

The following are the types of Controls that appear as the Performance Tiles in the Controls module:

·        Total Controls: Provides the number of total controls present in the system.

·        Quality Control: Provides the number of Quality controls present in the system.

·        Operational Control: Provides the number of operational controls present in the system.

·        Ineffective Controls: Provides the number of ineffective controls present in the system.

·        Issues: Provides the number of issues present in the system.

·        Action: Provides the number of actions present in the system.

Figure 82: Summary

Description of Summary dashboard follows This illustration displays the Summary dashboard information.

Quality Controls by Rating

This section provides the graphical representation of the Number of Controls against Quality Controls. The following are the types of Rating Names:

·        Effective

·        Ineffective

Figure 83: Quality Controls by Rating

Description of Quality Controls by Rating dashboard follows This illustration provides the graphical representation of the Number of Controls against Quality Controls.

Click the graphs to view the drill-down Control Assessment reports. The following data appears under the Control Assessment Details dashboard:

·        Control ID

·        Control Name

·        Number of DQ checks

·        Assessment ID

·        Assessment Date

·        Effective Score

·        Rating Name

Figure 84: Control Assessment Details

Description of Control Assessment Details dashboard follows This illustration provides the Control Assessment Details dashboard details.

In the Assessment ID column, click the required link to view the drill-down Control Parameter Score.

Figure 85: Control Parameter Score

Description of Control Parameter Score Page follows This illustration provides the Control Parameter Score drill-down details.

Quality Control Effectiveness Trend

This section provides the graphical representation of the Number of Quality Controls within six months from the selected date.

Figure 86: Quality Control Effectiveness Trend

Description of Quality Control Effectiveness Trend Page follows This illustration provides the graphical representation of the Number of Quality Controls within six months from the selected date.

Click the graphs to view the drill-down Control Assessment reports.

The following data appears under the Control Assessment dashboard:

·        Control ID

·        Control Name

·        Number of DQ checks

·        Assessment ID

·        Assessment Date

·        Effective Score

·        Rating Name

Click Assessment ID to view the drill-down Control Parameter Score.

Operational Controls by Rating

This section provides the graphical representation of the Number of Controls against Operational Controls. The following are the types of Rating Names:

·        Effective

·        Ineffective

Figure 87: Operational Controls by Rating

Description of Operational Controls by Rating Page follows This illustration provides the graphical representation of the Number of Controls against Operational Controls.

Click the graphs to view the drill-down Control Assessment reports. The following data appears under the Control Assessment dashboard:

·        Control ID

·        Control Name

·        Number of DQ checks

·        Assessment ID

·        Assessment Date

·        Effective Score

·        Rating Name

Click Assessment ID to view the drill-down Control Parameter Score.

Data Quality Controls

This section displays the Data Quality associated with the control along with the data source and the number of scanned records and error information and warning.

To open this report, follow these steps:

3.     From the Dashboards, select Controls.

4.     Click Quality Controls and then select a required Control ID. This displays the data quality associated with the control with their data source along with total records scanned and error records.

Figure 88: Control DQ

Description of Data Quality Controls Page follows This illustration displays the Data Quality associated with the control along with the data source and the number of scanned records and error information and warning.

Controls by Regulatory Reports

Select the desired Regulatory Report and Date and then click Apply to view the Control Assessment Analysis dashboard.

The following details are listed in the Control Assessment Analysis report:

·        Rating Name

·        Reporting Line Item

Figure 89: Controls by Regulatory Reports

Description of Controls by Regulatory Reports Page follows This illustration displays the Control Assessment Analysis dashboard details.

Key Indicators Dashboards

Key Indicators dashboard displays the various types of reports based on the analysis of the Key Indicators in the system. For the Key Indicators, Dashboards refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart and execute the batch DGS_KI_BATCH for the date on which the Key Indicator needs to be executed. Refer to the OFS Data Governance Run Chart for further details.


The Key Indicators dashboard will reflect only those KIs for which the report or schedules or cells have been configured in the KI configuration.


The Key Indicators Dashboard provides data based on selecting the values from the following list of drop-downs:

·        Jurisdiction

·        Report Code

·        Schedule Code

·        Cell ID

·        Legal Entity

·        Date

Click Apply to generate the reports.

Click Reset to reset the values.

Key Indicators - Summary

TheSummary tab consists of these performance tiles:

·        Total Key Indicator Count: Displays the total number of Key Indicators.

·        Breached Key Indicator Count: Displays the total number of Breached Key Indicators.

·        Issue Count: Displays the total number of Issue-based Key Indicators.

·        Actions: Displays the total number of Action based Key Indicators.

Figure 90: Key Indicators

Description of Key Indicators - Summary Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicators - Summary dashboard details.

These are the KI Summary dashboard sections:

·        Rating Distribution for KIs: Displays the latest rating distribution for the assessed Key Indicators.

Figure 91: Rating Distribution for KIs

Description of Rating Distribution for KIs Page follows This illustration displays the latest rating distribution for the assessed Key Indicators.

KI Trends by Entities: Displays the trend of the latest entities for the assessed Key Indicators.

Figure 92: KI Trends by Entities

Description of KI Trends by Entities Page follows This illustration displays the trend of the latest entities for the assessed Key Indicators.

KI Trends across multiple executions: Displays the latest trend across multiple executions for the assessed Key Indicators.

Figure 93: KI across multiple executions

Description of KI Trends across multiple executions Page follows This illustration displays the latest trend across multiple executions for the assessed Key Indicators.


Issues and Actions:

Figure 94: Issues and Actions

Description of Issues and Actions Page follows This illustration displays the Issues and Actions window details.

Viewing Key Indicator Details

·        To view the Key Indicator details:

To view the Key Indicator details for a performance tile, click that performance tile.

The following Key Indicator details appear:

·        Key Indicator ID

·        Key Indicator Name

·        Key Indicator Description

·        Entity

·        Attribute

Figure 95: Breached Key Indicator Details


Description of Key Indicator Details Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicator details for a performance tile.

To view the Key Indicator Conditions details for a Key Indicator, click the required Key Indicator ID.

The Key Indicator Conditions page with dashboards appears.

Figure 96: Key Indicator Conditions

Description of Key Indicator Conditions Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicator Conditions page with dashboards .

Viewing Key Indicator Conditions Details

The Key Indicator Conditions page displays different Conditions based on which Key Indicators are assessed.

These are the sections of the Key Indicator Conditions dashboards:

Rating Distribution for Variance KIs: This report displays the latest rating distribution for the assessed Variance Key Indicators.

Figure 97: Rating Distribution for Variance KIs


Description of Rating Distribution for Variance KIs Page follows This illustration displays the latest rating distribution for the assessed Variance Key Indicators.

Trend of Rating Distribution for Variance KIs: For the assessed Variance Key Indicators, this report displays the trend of the latest rating distribution.

Figure 98: Trend of Rating Distribution for Variance KIs

Description of Trend of Rating Distribution for Variance KIs Page follows This illustration displays the trend of the latest rating distribution for the assessed Variance Key Indicators.

Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs: This report displays the latest rating distribution for the assessed Value-Based Key Indicators.

Figure 99: Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs


Description of Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs Page follows This illustration displays latest rating distribution for the assessed Value-Based Key Indicators.

·        Trend of Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs: This report displays the trend of the latest rating distribution for the assessed Value-Based Key Indicators.

Figure 100: Trend of Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs

Description of Trend of Rating Distribution for Value-Based KIs Page follows This illustration displays the trend of the latest rating distribution for the assessed Value-Based Key Indicators.

To view the Key Indicator Conditions details:

To view the Key Indicator Conditions details for a performance tile, click that performance tile. The following Key Indicator Conditions details appear:

§       Key Indicator Condition ID

§       Name

§       Description

§       Comment

§       Type

Figure 101: Key Indicator Conditions

Description of Key Indicator Conditions details Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicator Conditions details for a performance tile.

To view the Assessment Details page for a required Key Indicator Condition, click the corresponding Key Indicator Condition ID.

The Assessment Details page appears with the following details:

§       Assessment ID: This is the Assessment ID corresponding to the selected Key Indicator ID.

§       Key Indicator ID: This is the selected Key Indicator ID.

Current Period Value: The current period value for the selected Key Indicator ID.

§       Previous Period Value: The previous period value for the selected Key Indicator ID.

§       Variance: The difference in Current and Previous Period Value for the selected Key Indicator ID.

Variance %: The percentage of Variance based on the Previous Period value.

§       RAG Score: The RAG value of the selected Key Indicator depending on the various values.

§       Status: The status of the selected Key Indicators depending on the various values.

Figure 102: Assessment Details

Description of Assessment Details Page follows This illustration displays the Assessment Details page for a required Key Indicator Condition. Click the corresponding Key Indicator Condition ID.

KIs by Regulatory Reports

The KIs by Regulatory Reporting page displays the Key Indicator Group Details with the following columns:

§       Key Indicator

§       Name

§       Owner

§       Status

To view the above-mentioned column values for a particular report, select the required report name in the Plan dropdown box, and column name in the Legal Entity dropdown box. Click Apply. A list of KI Group Details appears.

Figure 103: KIs by Regulatory Reporting

Description of KIs by Regulatory Reporting Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicator Group Details.

For the required Key Indicator, to view the Variance Analysis, Validation Check Analysis, and Trend Analysis, click any Key Indicator number. These details appear at the bottom of the page:

Variance Analysis: Variance Analysis provides these data for the selected report:

§       Report: Displays the reporting line item for the selected report.

§       Schedule: Displays the schedule code for the respective reporting line item.

Cell Reference: Displays the cell ID for the respective reporting line item.

§       KI Condition: Displays the KI condition name.

§       Current Value: Provides the current period value for the respective Reporting line item.

Previous Value: Provides the previous period value for the respective Reporting line item.

§       Variance %: Displays the percentage of Variance based on Previous Value.

§       Status: The status of the selected Key Indicators depending on the various values.

Dependent KIs: Displays the other Key Indicators on which this cell ID is dependent.

 To view the Assessment details of the selected Key Indicator, click Dependent KIs. The Assessment Details page appears.

Validation Checks: Displays all the Value-based Key Indicators associated with that Key Indicator Group key. For the selected report, these details appear:

§       Report: Displays the reporting line item for the selected report.

Schedule: Displays the schedule code for the respective reporting line item.

§       Cell Reference: This displays the cell ID for the respective reporting line item.

§       KI Condition: Displays the KI condition name.

Status: The status of the selected Key Indicators depending on the various values.

§       Dependent KIs: Displays the other Key Indicators on which this cell ID is dependent.

·        Trend Analysis: Displays the trend of total assessed Key Indicators and breached Key Indicators for a particular time interval.

Figure 104: Trend Analysis

 Description of Trend Analysis Page follows This illustration displays the trend of total assessed Key Indicators and breached Key Indicators for a particular time interval.

To view the Key Indicator Details drill down report, click the graph points.

Figure 105: Key Indicator Details

Description of Key Indicator Details Page follows This illustration displays the Key Indicator Details drill down report when you click the graph points.

In the Key Indicator ID column, click the link of the required KI ID to view the Assessment Details report.

Regulatory Report Monitoring

Select a Plan Name from the dropdown, and then select a date from the calendar and click Apply to view the Regulatory Report Monitoring.

The following values appear in terms of Performance Tiles:

§       Reporting Elements with Errors: Displays the percentage of Reporting Elements with Errors.

§       Reporting Elements with a breach in Variance Indicators: Displays the percentage of Reporting Elements associated with breached Variance Key Indicators.

§       Reporting Elements with a breach in Key Indicators: Displays the percentage of Reporting Elements associated with breached Key Indicators.

§       Reporting Elements with Control Failures: Displays the percentage of Reporting Elements associated with failed controls.

§       Issues in total: Displays the total number of issues associated with Controls and KI.

§       Outstanding Issues: Displays the total number of open issues.

Figure 106: Regulatory Report Monitoring

Description of Regulatory Report Monitoring Page follows This illustration displays the percentage of Reporting Elements with Errors, the percentage of Reporting Elements associated with breached Key Indicators, the percentage of Reporting Elements associated with failed controls, the total number of issues associated with Controls and KI and the total number of open issues.

Regulatory Report Monitoring dashboard displays the following grids:

·        Plan Analysis by Report

·        Issue and Action Tracking

Plan Analysis by Report

This analysis displays reports, schedules, and count of Reporting Elements associated with the selected Plan.

5.     Select the Report Name from the drop-down to view the following data:

    Report/Schedule Name: Displays the name of the report/schedule.

    Total: Displays the number of reporting elements linked to a schedule.

    No Errors: Displays the number of reporting elements without errors.

    Variance Indicator Breach: Displays the number of reporting elements linked to the breached Variance Indicators.

    KI Breach: Displays the number of reporting elements linked to the breached Value-Based Key Indicators.

    Control Failure: Displays the number of reporting elements linked to failed controls.

Figure 107: Plan Analysis by Report

Description of Plan Analysis by Report Page follows This illustration displays reports, schedules, and count of Reporting Elements associated with the selected Plan.

6.     Click Total associated with each schedule to display the Reporting Element drill-down Report. The following details appear:

    Schedule: Displays the name of the schedule.

    Cell Reference: Displays the reporting elements associated with the schedule.

    Breached Variance KI: Displays if there are any Breached Variance KIs.

    Breached Value-Based KI: Displays if there are any Breached Value-Based KIs.

    Ineffective Control: Displays if there are any Ineffective Controls.

Figure 108: Regulatory Report Monitoring

Description of Regulatory Report Monitoring Page follows This illustration displays the Reporting Element drill-down Report.

7.     Click No Errors associated with each schedule to display the Reporting Element drill-down Report. The following details appear:

    Schedule: Displays the name of the schedule.

    Cell Reference: Displays the reporting elements associated with the schedule.

    Breached Variance KI: Displays if there are any Breached Variance KIs.

    Breached Value-Based KI: Displays if there are any Breached Value-Based KIs.

    Ineffective Control: Displays if there are any Ineffective Controls.

Figure 109: Regulatory Report Monitoring


Description of Regulatory Report Monitoring Page follows This illustration displays the Reporting Element drill-down Report.

8.     Click Variance Indicator Breach associated with each schedule to display the Variance Indicators and Issue Details – Variance Based Indicators drill-down Report. The following details appear in Variance Based Indicators:

    Plan Name

    Report Name



    Variance Indicator



    Cell Reference

    Current Value

    Previous Value


    Variance %

    Variance % (Last Period)


    Status (Last Period)

Figure 110: Variance Indicators

Description of Variance Indicators Page follows This illustration displays the Reporting Element drill-down Report.

The following details appear in Issue Details-Variance Based Indicators:

    Issue Key

    Issue Name

    Variance Indicator

    Cell Reference

    Issue Owner

    Target Completion Date

    Issue Status

    Action Name

    Action Status

    Action Owner

    Create Action

Figure 111: Issue Details-Variance Based Indicators

Description of Issue Details-Variance Based Indicators Page follows This illustration displays the Issue Details-Variance Based Indicators details.

9.     Click KI Breach associated with each schedule to display Value-Based Indicators and Issue Details – Value-Based Indicators drill-down Report. The following details appear in Value-Based Indicators:

    Plan Name







    Cell Reference


    Status (Last Period)

Figure 112: Value Based Indicators

Description of Value-Based Indicators Page follows This illustration displays the Value-Based Indicators and Issue Details – Value-Based Indicators drill-down Report.

The following details appear in Issue Details - Value-Based Indicators:

    Issue Name

    Key Indicator

    Cell Reference

    Issue Owner

    Target Completion Date

    Issue Status

    Action Name

    Action Status

    Action Owner

    Create Action

Figure 113: Value Based Indicators

Description of Value-Based Indicators Page follows This illustration displays the Value-Based Indicators and Issue Details – Value-Based Indicators drill-down Report.

10.  Click Control Failure associated with each schedule to display Control details and Issue Details – Value-Based Indicators drill-down Report. The following details appear in Control Details:

    Plan Name




    Control Name

    Data Quality Checks



    Cell Reference

Figure 114: Control Details – Schedule Report

Description of Control Failure Schedule Report Page follows This illustration displays Control details and Issue Details – Value-Based Indicators drill-down Report.

The following details appear in Issue Details - Controls:

    Issue Name

    Control Name

    Cell Reference

    Issue Owner

    Target Completion Date

    Issue Status

    Action Name

    Action Status

    Action Owner

    Create Action

Figure 115: Issue Details – Controls

Description of Issue Details Controls Page follows This illustration displays Issue Details - Controls details.

11.  Click Data Quality Checks associated with each Control to display the following Data Quality Details:


    DQ Check





Figure 116: Data Quality Checks

Description of Data Quality Checks Page follows This illustration displays the Data Quality Checks associated with each Control which display the Data Quality Details.

Create a New Issue

Click the Create a New Issue hyperlink to navigate to the OFSAA Create Issue page where the user can log a new issue.

Figure 117: Create a New Issue

Description of Create a New Issue Page follows This illustration displays the Create a New Issue hyperlink to navigate to the OFSAA Create Issue page where the user can log a new issue.

Create Action

Click Create Action hyperlink to navigate to the OFSAA Create Action page where the user can create an action.

Figure 118: Create Action

Description of Create Action Page follows This illustration displays the Create Action hyperlink to navigate to the OFSAA Create Action page where the user can create an action.

Data Origin Analysis

This report enables users to validate the regulatory reporting of cell values by SOR Data.

Figure 119: Data Origin Analysis

Description of Data Origin Analysis Page follows This illustration enables users to validate the regulatory reporting of cell values by SOR Data.

Scenario Analysis Dashboard

This section contains two dashboard pages:

·        Scenario Analysis Dashboard

·        Details

Scenario Analysis Dashboard

The Scenario Analysis Dashboard provides data based on the following list of drop-downs:

·        Legal Entity

·        Date

·        Click Apply to generate the reports.

·        Click Reset to reset the values.

Scenario Analysis

In the Choose a Line Item drop-down box, select a line item and then click Apply to generate the report.

Click Reset to reset the values.

This grid displays the following data:

·        Scenario

·        Actual

This report displays the actual and projected amount in millions (dollars) for each scenario in a tabular format for a selected line item.

The second grid displays the following data:

·        BHC Adverse Scenario

·        BHC Baseline Scenario

This report displays the same data in a line graph format.

Figure 120: Scenario Analysis

Description of Scenario Analysis Page follows This illustration displays the actual and projected amount in millions (dollars) for each scenario in a tabular format for a selected line item.

Details Dashboard

In the Choose a Line Item drop-down box, select a line item and then click Apply to generate the report.

Click Reset to reset the values.

This grid displays the following data:

·        Scenario

·        Actual

This report shows the actual and projected amount in millions (dollars) for a scenario in a tabular format for a selected line item.

Figure 121: Scenario Analysis

Description of Details Dashboard Page follows This illustration displays actual and projected amount in millions (dollars) for a scenario in a tabular format for a selected line item.

Validation Checks Dashboard

This section contains two dashboard pages:

·        Validation Checks Dashboard

·        Cross Report Validation Dashboard

Validation Checks Dashboard

The Validation Checks Dashboard provides data based on selecting the values from the following list of drop-downs:

·        Legal Entity

·        Date

·        Report

·        Schedule

Click Apply to generate the reports.

Click Reset to reset the values.

The generated report contains the following details:

·        Report: Provides the value that you selected in the Report drop-down box.

·        Schedule: Provides the value that you selected in the Schedule drop-down box.

·        Cell Id: Provides the ID of the cell.

·        Cell Description: Provides a description of the cell.

·        Validation Check: Provides a validation check on the cell.

·        Result: Provides the result of the validation, which can be either Validation Pass icon Validation Pass iconPass or Validation Fail icon Validation Fail iconFailed.

Figure 122: Validation Checks

Description of Validation Checks Dashboard Page follows This illustration displays Validation Checks Dashboard details. It provides data based on selecting the values from the a list of drop-downs: Legal Entity, Date, Report and Schedule.

Cross Report Validation Dashboard

The Validation Checks Dashboard provides data based on selecting the values from the following list of drop-downs:

·        Legal Entity

·        Date

·        Report 1

·        Report 2

Click Apply to generate the reports.

Click Reset to reset the values.

The generated report contains the following details:

·        Report 1: Provides the value that you selected in the Report 1 drop-down box.

·        Report 1 Cell Identifier: Provides the ID of the Report 1 cell.

·        Report 2: Provides the value that you selected in the Report 2 drop-down box.

·        Report 2 Cell Identifier: Provides the ID of the Report 1 cell.

·        Report 1 Cell Identifier Value: Provides the identifier value of the Report 1 cell.

·        Report 2 Cell Identifier Value: Provides the identifier value of the Report 2 cell.

·        Description: Provides a description of the report

·        Variance: Provides the value of the variance between the reports.

·        Variance %: Provides the percentage value of the variance between the reports.

Figure 123: Cross Report Validation Dashboard

Description of Cross Report Validation Dashboard Page follows This illustration displays the Validation Checks Dashboard details. It provides data based on selecting the values from the list of drop-downs Legal Entity, Date, Report 1, Report 2.

Variance Analysis Dashboard

Variance analysis the process of identifying the causes of variations in the MDRM values between current and prior periods. It helps understand why fluctuations happen and what can or must be done to reduce the adverse variance. This eventually helps in finalizing the report cell (MDRM) values.

Variance analysis helps users identify threshold breaches set at the Report/Cell level before generating the final numbers. Based on the breached cell values, you can decide the course of action by either rectifying it using Cell level adjustment or take no action. This enables you to confidently submit the final numbers to the regulators.


12.  The Indicator assessment must be performed before verifying the variance analysis dashboard. Execute the batch DGS_KI_BATCH for the date on which the data needs to be analyzed. Refer to the KI assessment section for more details.

13.  Execute the account granularity batch ACCT_MAPPER_INSERT for generating Accounts, Accounts Writeoff, and Accounts Recovery. Account granularity currently supports FRY-11, FR-2314, FRY7N, FRY9LP. For more details on the parameter to be passed for generating the account level granularity, refer to the section Populating Data for Account Drill down Granularity (Variance Analysis dashboard).

14.  Execute the Account and Party granularity batch ACCT_MAPPER_INSERT for generating the account and party. The account and party granularity are for the report FDIC 370. For more details on the parameter to be passed for generating the account and party level granularity, refer to the section Populating Data for Account Drill down Granularity (Variance Analysis dashboard).

Populating Data for Account Drill down Granularity (Variance Analysis dashboard)

Perform the following steps for the Variance Analysis dashboard before verifying the dashboard. After selecting Financial Services Data Governance for the preferred jurisdiction, navigate to Applications.


Note the following:

·        Account granularity generation is only for the reports FRY-11, FR-2314, FRY7N, and, FRY9LP.

·        Account and Party granularity generation are only for the report (FDIC 370).

·        Variance analysis drill-down feature is not enabled for the cells which are count-based.


15.  Navigate to Common Tasks > Operations > Batch Maintenance.

16.  Select the required batch. See OFS Data Governance Run Chart for more details.


·        The batch ACCT_MAPPER_INSERT is used to load data from inter-mediatory tables of Account drill down with the matching Account number.

·        The data must be available in the fct_gl_data for the Repline granularity. The data must be moved to the fct_gl_data by executing the T2T as a part of the FSDFF run.

Viewing the Variance Analysis Dashboard

The Variance Analysis Dashboard provides data based on selecting the values from the following list of drop-downs:

·        Report: Based on the KI configuration this drop-down is populated.  Select a pre-configured report.

·        Schedule: Based on the KI configuration this drop-down is populated. Select a schedule.

·        Cell Identifier: Based on the KI configuration this drop-down is populated. Select a cell identifier.

·        Entity Name: Select an entity name.

·        *Current Date: Select a date on which the assessment has been done.

·        Variance %: Select a variance %

·        Variance Amount Between: Enter the Variance Amount range.

·        Breached: Select 'Yes' or 'No' or both.


Ensure you have configured the Key Indicators. Refer to the Configure a Key Indicator section.

17.  Click Apply to generate the reports.

18.  Click Reset to reset the values. The generated report contains the following details:

§       Report Code: Provides report code of the cell.

§       Schedule Code: Provides schedule code of the cell.

§       Cell Identifier: Provides the MDRM code of the cell.

§       Cell Line Item: Provides line item of the cell.

§       Cell Description: Provides the description of the code.

§       Entity: The entity for which the assessment was done.

§       Current Value: Provides the current value of the assessment.

§       Previous Value: Provides the previous value of the assessment.

§       Variance: Provides the difference between the current and previous values.

§       Variance %: Provides the percentage value of the variance.

Figure 124: Variance Analysis Dashboard

§       Description of Variance Analysis Dashboard Page follows This illustration displays data based on selecting the values from the list of drop-downs.

§       Issues: Provides the count of issues against each cell. There is a drill-down that displays the details of the issues.

Figure 125: Variance Analysis – Issue Details

 Description of Issue Details Page follows This illustration displays the count of issues against each cell. There is a drill-down that displays the details of the issues.

§       Actions: Provides the actions taken for each issue. The drill-down shows the action count.

Figure 126: Variance Analysis – Issue Details


Description of Actions Details Page follows This illustration displays the actions taken for each issue. The drill-down shows the action count.

§       Trend: Displays the graphical representation of the assessment across time. You can select between:

    Trend for All Dates

    Trend for Date Range


Trend graphs can be exported to PDF and Excel.

Figure 127: Trend

Description of Trend Page follows This illustration displays the graphical representation of the assessment across time. You can select between Trend for All Dates and Trend for Date Range.

§       Create Issue: Create an issue from the dashboard itself against any cell irrespective of whether it has been breached or not. This issue can be modified on theDG Issues page. After you create an issue through this method, you can view the number of created issues in the OBI dashboard.


Before you create an issue, ensure that you have launched the DG application.


To create an issue through the Dashboards Page, perform the following steps:

a.     In the Create Issue column, click the icon.

b.     In the Issue Details page, enter values in the Name and Comments field.

c.     Click Save Draft.

This drill-down is only available for FRY-9C, FFIEC-031, FFIEC-041, and FDIC370

d.     In the Cell Identifier column, select the link.

You can view the following information:

    GL Details: Provides the GL account details along with the cell ID.

Figure 128: GL Details

Description of GL Details follows This illustration displays the GL account details along with the Cell ID.

    The current and previous period values for the source data, adjustment, and final cell value. The data in the final cell is a combination of the source and adjustment data.

Figure 129: GL Details

Description of GL Details follows This illustration displays current and previous period values for the source data, adjustment, and final cell value. The data in the final cell is a combination of the source and adjustment data.


Measure the value displayed at the product level is the variance amount.


The Final Value and Final Value (Previous Period) to the Intermediate and Account drill-down templates are displayed. The values from these cells tie back to the current and previous values in the tile. The column totals defined at each level ties back to the previous level.

Figure 130: Account Details


Description of Account Details follows This illustration displays the Final Value and Final Value (Previous Period) to the Intermediate and Account drill-down templates are displayed. The values from these cells tie back to the current and previous values in the tile. The column totals defined at each level ties back to the previous level.

Dimensions Supported in Variance Analysis drill-down

The following dimensions are supported in the variance analysis drill-down:

·        Account Name

·        Account Country Name

·        Currency Name

·        Data Source

·        Issuer Name

·        Entity Name

·        Line of Business

·        Organization Unit Name

·        Party Name

·        Product

·        Product Type

·        Region Description

·        Regulatory Instrument Classification

·        Regulatory Party Name

·        Regulatory Product Classification

Data Schedule Dashboard

The data schedule dashboard includes all student loan details as defined in the FR Y-9C, Schedule HC-C, lines. This covers the student’s loan for the segments which includes educational qualification and age. The A 10 reports are part of this dashboard. This dashboard provides the following three options: 

·        Data Schedule Report

·        Trend Analysis

·        Edit Check Analysis

For more information, see Data Schedule Dashboard in OBIEE to view the A 10 reports.

Integrating Agile Reporter with Data Governance Variance Analysis Dashboard

Agile Reporter can be integrated with Data Governance Variance Analysis reports from the Agile Reporter - Dashboard and Analysis Agile Reporter - Module Integration features.

Launching Data Governance Variance Analysis Dashboard with Agile Reporter

To launch the Data Governance Variance Analysis Dashboard with Agile Reporter, follow these steps:

19.  Log in to Agile Reporter with valid credentials.

20.  Click the Dashboard tab and then click the retrieved report link.

21.  Under Pages, select any schedule.

22.  Click the cell value and then click OFSAA Current Analysis OFSAA Current Analysis icon OFSAA Current Analysis icon.

23.  This opens the Variance Analysis Summary Agile Reporter window with the details of the selected cell.

24.  For more information on how to configure this, see the Integrating Agile Reporter with Data Governance Variance Analysis section in the Oracle Financial Services Data Management Installation Manual.

Launching Data Governance Variance Analysis from Agile Reporter Analysis

To launch Data Governance Variance Analysis from Agile Reporter Analysis, follow these steps:

25.  Log in to Agile Reporter with valid credentials.

26.  Under Select Return, enter the required details and then click Create.

27.  Under Cell Reference, click Name Name icon Name icon and then click OFSAA Variance Analysis.

28.  This opens the Variance Analysis Summary Agile Reporter window with the details of the selected cell.

29.  For more information on how to configure this, see the Integrating Agile Reporter with Data Governance Variance Analysis section in the Oracle Financial Services Data Management Installation Manual.