5        Critical Data Elements

Critical Data Elements are Business Terms that are critical for a specific business process. These terms and their values are vital and significant for specific processes, for example, regulatory reporting or management reporting.

These data elements are marked critical as per their context, justification, level of criticality, and approval for the classification. They are ensured to have additional rigor in their data quality checks, controls, and so on and have sufficient metrics around it to ensure timeliness and accuracy of the values.

Critical Data Elements (CDEs) are defined for each report in Regulatory Reporting. DGAPRA contains all CDEs for a particular report. The list of Critical Data Elements is identified for a particular report and the level of criticality will be defined and is stored in the FSI_GL_CDE_DETAILS table. These elements are monitored for accuracy and consistency of data within the Key Indicator and Control section.


·        User Roles and Actions

·        Viewing Critical Data Elements

User Roles and Actions

All the users are required to be mapped to the DGSAUTHGRP, DGSADMINGRP, and DGSANALYSTGRP groups along with their respective following groups.

The following is the user role for critical data elements:

·        Critical Data Elements: Permits the user to view the critical data elements.

Viewing Critical Data Elements

To view a Critical Data Element, follow these steps:


1.     From the Financial Services Data Governance for US Regulatory Reporting, window navigate to Standards and Policies and select Critical Data Element.

Figure 10: Standards and Policies - Critical Data Element

Description of the Standards and Policies - Critical Data Element Page follows This illustration shows the navigation to the Standards and Policies - Critical Data Element starting from OFSAA and then selecting the Standards and Policies menu.

The Critical Data Element window is displayed.

Figure 11: Critical Data Element


Description of Critical Data Element page follows This illustration shows Critical Data Element summary table details. It lists the Critical Data Elements that are critical for a specific business process. 

2.     In the Search section, enter the search details and click Search icon Search icon to view the results in the summary table.

3.     Enter the required CDE Name.

4.     Select the Status from the drop-down list. The status can be Draft, Pending Approval, or Active.

5.     Enter the Business Term.

Figure 12: Critical Data Element Search


This illustration shows the search results of Critical Data Element.

6.     To view a CDE, select a CDE Name and click View icon View iconicon.

Figure 13: Critical Data Element View


This illustration shows View icon to select and View a Critical Data Element.

7.     In the Critical Data Elements Details window, you can view the following details:

Table 4: Critical Data Elements Details



CDE Name*

CDE Name.

Business Term*

Business Term Name.

Access Level*

Access level:

1         Public

2        Confidential

3        Restricted

Data Classification Level*

Data classification level from the drop-down list:

4       Legal

5        Financial

6       PHI

7        PII


Figure 14: Critical Data Elements Details

This illustration shows the fields under the Details tab.

8.     You can also view the Entity Attribute Details associated with the CDE.

Figure 15: Entity Attribute Details

This illustration shows the Entity Attribute Details associated with the CDE.

9.     In Summary Table, you can search for a particular CDE from the table.

For example, enter a search keyword “Code”, the table lists the results with the matching keyword.

Figure 16: Critical Data Element Search

This illustration shows the summary table which lists the results with the matching keyword.

10.  To export the summary table into an Excel or CSV file, in the Summary Table, click the Export drop-down Export icon Export icon. This downloads the CDE Summary details.