Customer Exposure Report by Reason Code

How to print: Complete the Customer Exposure Report Selection Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         the date range you entered at the Customer Exposure Report Selection Screen

         the customer action reason code selected for the customer action note. Notes not associated with a reason code are included in the first reason line (notice that the code and description, described below, are blank).

         the description of the customer action reason code

         the number of open action notes entered within the date range for each reason code

         the number of work-in-process customer action notes entered within the date range for each reason code

         the number of resolved action notes entered within the date range for each reason code

         the number of customer action notes entered outside of the date range for each reason code

         total numbers of open, resolved, and remaining action notes (final totals)

Customer Exposure Report by User

How to print: Complete the Customer Exposure Report Selection Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         the date range you entered at the Customer Exposure Report Selection Screen

         the name of the user who entered the note (not the user assigned to resolve the note).

         the customer action reason code selected for the customer action note. Notes not associated with a reason code are included in the first reason line (notice that the code and description, described below, are blank).

         the description of the customer action reason code

         the number of open action notes entered within the date range for each reason code for the user

         the number of work-in-process action notes entered within the date range for each reason code for the user

         the number of resolved action notes entered within the date range for each reason code for the user

         the number of customer action notes entered outside of the date range for each reason code (number remaining) for the user

         subtotals in each category for the user

         total numbers of open, work in process, resolved, and remaining action notes (final totals)

