Purge Purchase Order (MPOP)

Purpose: Use this option to purge canceled and/or completed records in the following tables:

         PO Detail

         PO Detail Audit

         PO Detail Estimated Charges

         PO Detail Hold

         PO Detail Messages

         PO Detail Noninventory

         PO Header

         PO Header Audit

         PO Message

         PO Receipt Header

         PO Suspense   

Purge dates: Records are eligible for purging if the date they were canceled or received is older than number of days specified in the # of Days Before PO Purge (A58) system control value.

Report: This option also generates the Purchase Order Purge Listing listing the purchase orders deleted through the purge.

Purchase Order Purge Selection Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MPOP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Purchase Order from a menu.

Completing this screen:

         Select the Purge completed orders flag to delete purchase orders that are completed; otherwise, leave this flag unselected.

         Select the Purge cancelled orders flag to delete purchase orders that are canceled; otherwise, leave this flag unselected.

Note:             You must select either completed or canceled purchase orders for purge at this screen.

         Leave the Purge report field set to Detail (default) to print the Purchase Order Purge Listing with information on purchase order detail lines, or change the setting to Summary to print the summary version.

         Select Accept to submit the PO_PURGE job. This job purges the records based on your screen selections and the setting of the # of Days Before PO Purge (A58) system control value, and generates the Purchase Order Purge Listing.

For more information: For background on purchase orders, see Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) and Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI).

Purge Empty Item Locations (PITL)

Purpose: Use this option to purge Item Location records that have zero:

         on-hand quantity

         pending transaction quantity

         printed quantity

You need to specify the warehouse where empty item locations should be deleted. In addition, the prompt screen allows you to specify the number of days since placement date. For example, if you specify 45 days, only item locations whose placement dates were more than 45 days ago and which match all the other criteria will be deleted.

Even if the purge deletes the item location record, it is possible that the item/SKU has this warehouse and location identified in the SKU table as the “primary primary” location. The record in the SKU table is not cleared by this purge.

Note:             Ordinarily, the system automatically deletes all item locations when the above quantities are zero, except in the case of primary locations.

Purge Empty Item Locations Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PITL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Empty Item Locations from a menu.

Completing this screen:

         Enter the 3-position warehouse number where the item locations should be deleted. This entry is required.

         Enter the number of days required since placement date for an item location to be eligible for deletion. For example, if you enter 45, and an empty item location has a placement date of 50 days ago, it is eligible for deletion.

         Select Accept to submit the PURGITL job.

Purge Order Billing History (POBH)

Purpose: Use this option to purge Order Billing History records on or earlier than a specified date.

Purge Order Billing History Screen

How to display this screen: Enter POBH in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Order Billing History from a menu.

Completing this screen:

         Use the Purge transactions up to field to indicate the latest date to purge in the Order Billing History table.

         Select Submit and then click OK at the confirmation window to submit the PURGE_OBH job and generate the Order Billing History Purge report.

Note:             The job is submitted in held status; you will need to release it in order to perform the purge and generate the report.

For more information: For background on Order Billing History, see Order Billing History Detail Screen.

Purge Orders by Order Number (MORP)

Purpose: Use this option to purge individual orders.

Purge an Order Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MORP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Orders by Order Number from a menu.

Purging an order: Enter the order number to purge and select the Confirm flag to purge the order.

Eligible to purge? The system displays an error message after you select the Confirm flag if the order is ineligible for purge. An order is eligible for purge if it is suspended, canceled, or closed and there are no pending transactions or activity, such as refunds. For example, an order might be ineligible for purge for any of the following reasons:

         Order Header not found (Indicates that the order number you entered does not exist.)

         Open R/A for order

         Order Status is Open

         Open refund for order

         Order status is Held

         Order status is Quote

         Order status is Error

Updates: If the order is eligible to purge, the system deletes the Order Header and records in all related tables, and displays a message indicating that the order has been purged. See Order-Related Tables for a list. It also writes a record in the Deleted Order Table. The Process indicated is Individual Order Purge.

Purging suspended orders: You can also use the Purging Suspended Orders (PSOR) option to purge suspended orders.

Purging all eligible orders: See Purging Orders (MPOR) for information on submitting a job to purge all eligible orders.

