Setting Up Purchase Order Values

Purpose: The Purchase Order section of the System Control table defines Purchase Order parameters that control:



         Default values

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see System Control Table Components.

Quick Reference of Purchase Order System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the Purchase Order application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you are working with multiple companies, make a copy of this page for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

# of Days Before PO Purge (A58)

Defines the number of days that a purchase will be eligible to be purged after it has been closed or cancelled.


Allow Receipt to Suspense (A59)

Indicates if inventory can be received into suspense.



Allow Additional Costs to P/O Receipts (A60)

Indicates if additional charges can be entered during PO Receipts.



Over Receipt % (A61)

Defines the percentage over the quantity ordered that can be received.


Under Receipt % (A62)

Defines the percentage under which the quantity ordered can be under received.


P/O Receipt Detail Entry Method (A63)

Defines the default method for receiving purchase orders.


Labels at PO Receipts (C16)

Indicates if you want to print labels at PO Receipts and PO Suspense.


PO Print Program (C64)

Defines the program that prints Purchase Orders

System name:

PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76)

Defines the program that prints Purchase Orders in purchase order sequence.

System name:

Vendor Name Display (D41)

Indicates whether the vendor's name appears on the Open PO by Item screen



Vendor Discount % to Costing at Receiving (D76)

Defines whether the vendor terms discount is applied to the cost of an item during Purchase Order Receiving.



Default Staging Warehouse (E15)

Indicates the warehouse where the system suggests placing inventory receipts awaiting putaway.


Vendor/PO Discount Values (E18)

Defines the vendor and purchase order discount values used in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.


Apply Discount To Manual Cost (D96)

Defines whether purchase order discounts are applied against a manually entered cost in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.



Discount 1 Field (D97)

Defines the text to display for the first purchase order discount specified in the Vendor Discount table.


Discount 2 Field (D98)

Defines the text to display for the second purchase order discount specified in the Vendor Discount table.


Discount 3 Field (D99)

Defines the text to display for the third purchase order discount specified in the Vendor Discount table.


Validate Primary Locations for Purchase Orders (E19)

Indicates whether the system validates that each item on a purchase order you are docking is assigned to a primary location.



Quantity Required for Purchase Order SKU Scanning (F15)

Defines whether the Quantity field on the Create Purchase Order Detail Standard screen in Enter/Maintain Purchase Orders is required before advancing to the SKU Scan screen.



Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (F29)

Defines whether the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window displays when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.



Include PO Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation (G29)

Defines whether the system includes purchase order estimated additional charges in the receipt cost of an item.



System Assigned Vendor Number (G70)

Defines whether the system will automatically assign sequential vendor numbers when you create new vendors.



Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (I21)

Defines whether the system defaults vendor item additional charges to a purchase order during purchase order maintenance.


Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35)

Defines whether to update the primary” location in the SKU table at purchase order receiving.


Email Purchase Order (K80)

Defines whether to send purchase orders via email.


# of Days Before PO Purge (A58)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days that a purchase will be eligible to be purged after it has been closed or canceled.

Number field: Enter the number of days after which the purchase order has been canceled or closed that it is eligible to be purged through the PO Purge program.

This purge option allows you to specify whether you want to delete only canceled or closed purchase orders or both, and the type of report that should print when the purge processing has completed (either summary or detail).

A purchase order receives a closed status if the activity that closes the purchase order was a receipt; a purchase order receives a canceled status if the activity that closes the purchase order was a cancellation.

For more information: See Additional Purges.

Allow Receipt to Suspense (A59)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether inventory can be received into suspense prior to being transferred into active inventory.

Placing merchandise into suspense can help you quickly move merchandise from the loading dock to a secured setting where it can be processed for quality control.

When merchandise is received into suspense:

         It is not available for order fulfillment.

         Inventory is not updated until the merchandise is transferred from suspense to inventory.

         Suspended merchandise is not available for reservation and picking.

Yes/no field: If you select this field, inventory can be received into suspense prior to being transferred into on-hand.

Inventory can be received into suspense using the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen:

         You can receive the entire balance of the purchase order into suspense using the Receive Suspense option. In this situation, the quantity due for each item on the purchase order is placed into suspense and the purchase order is closed. See Receiving an Entire Purchase Order Into Suspense for instructions.

         You can receive a purchase order line into suspense using the Suspense On/Off option: Select this option for an item on a purchase order to change the suspense receiving status of the line. The word Suspense displays next to the Location field and indicates the line item will be placed into suspense when the purchase order is accepted. If the word Suspense is not displayed, the quantity received for the line will be placed into inventory. A Location is not required if you are placing the item into suspense. See Using the Direct Entry Method or Using the Change Purchase Order Details Method for instructions on working with individual line items during PO Receipts.

If you leave this field unselected, inventory must be placed into warehouse locations at Receiving, and on-hand is updated at receiving time. You are restricted from receiving into suspense: The Receive Suspense and Suspense On/Off options are not available on the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen.

For more information: See Receiving into Suspense.

Allow Additional Costs to P/O Receipts (A60)

Purpose: This system control value is not currently implemented.

Over Receipt % (A61)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the percentage over the quantity ordered that may be received through PO Receiving and Store Transfer Receiving.

Percentage field: Enter the percentage amount over the quantity ordered that may be received through PO Receiving and Store Transfer Receiving. This field is 6 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Example:                    If this value is 10% and you ordered 100 units, but the vendor shipped 120 units, you will receive a message in PO Receiving indicating that the quantity to be received is over the tolerance limit. With the appropriate authority (defined in the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature), you can override this tolerance limit.

This percentage is applied to each line of a purchase order or store transfer and is compared against the original order quantity on the line. For a partial shipment, the system compares the total quantity received-to-date against the original order quantity.

For more information: See Purchase Order Receiving Overview.

Under Receipt % (A62)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the percentage at which a PO may be under-received, but still be considered complete and closed.

Percentage field: Enter the percentage at which a PO may be under-received, but still be considered complete and closed. This field is 6 positions with a 2-place decimal.

For example, if this value is 10% and you originally ordered 100 units and have received 95% of the inventory, the purchase order will be closed because the total received-to-date is within the tolerance range for Receiving.

This percentage is applied to each line of a purchase order and is compared against the original order quantity on the line.

Enter zero (0) if you do not want POs closed automatically until each line has been received completely.

The system does allow you to close a purchase order in P/O Receipts if the tolerance is 0 or if you have received everything, but you are still under the tolerance limit.

For more information: See Purchase Order Receiving Overview.

P/O Receipt Detail Entry Method (A63)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default method for receiving purchase orders through the PO Receipt function.

Detail entry method is the only P/O Receiving method supported currently.

Code field: Enter the code that specifies the default method for receiving open items on purchase orders through the PO Receipt function.

Valid options are:

         D = Detail

         H = Horizontal

The detail entry method allows you to receive items with and without SKUs.

The horizontal entry method prompts you to enter a base item number and the first SKU element. A second screen appears for you to receive several purchase order lines for SKUs associated with the base item. This method allows multi-line entry.

Horizontal PO Receipts displays only those SKUs on the current purchase order that contain the specified first SKU element.

If you do not define a method here, a pop-up window opens in PO Receipts to inform you that you did not define a method for PO Receipts and any entries you make to the PO Receipts screen will not be accepted.

For more information: See Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC).

Labels at PO Receipts (C16)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate if labels will print at PO Receipts and PO Suspense, and to define the quantity of labels to print.

Code field: Enter the code that determines if labels will print and the quantity.

Valid values are:

         N = labels will not be printed.

         Y = a single label for the total quantity received will be printed at PO Receipts and PO Suspense.

         P = you will be prompted for the number of labels to be printed and the quantity to print of each at PO Receipts and PO Suspense.

PO Print Program (C64)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program that produces the purchase order. The program produces a .PDF file for printing or to send by email to the vendor.

System name field: Enter the name of the program that produces purchase orders. The standard graphical purchase order print program is PURCHORDG.

Note:            If you send purchase orders to vendors by email, you would normally use a graphical print program so that your company’s logo and other identifying information appears on the purchase order.

Two purchase order print program system control values: When you use the Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP) option, you must specify whether to print (or email) the POs in vendor number or purchase order number sequence. If you are printing or emailing in vendor number sequence, the system uses the program specified in this field; otherwise, if you select purchase order number sequence, the system uses the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76).

When you print or email a purchase order in purchase order maintenance or inquiry, it uses the program specified on this screen.

Email purchase order? Emailing the purchase order is available only if the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value is selected. See that system control value for a discussion.

The System name field is a 10-position, alphanumeric field. An entry to this field is required.

For more information: See Printing Purchase Orders.

PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the program that produces purchase orders in purchase order number sequence. The program produces a .PDF file for printing or to send by email to the vendor.

System name field: Enter the name of the program that produces purchase orders in purchase order number sequence. The standard graphical purchase order print program is PURCHORDG.

Note:            If you send purchase orders to vendors by email, you would normally use a graphical print program so that your company’s logo and other identifying information appears on the purchase order.

Two purchase order print program system control values: When you use the Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP) option, you must specify whether to print (or email) the POs in vendor number or purchase order number sequence. If you are printing or emailing in vendor number sequence, the system uses the PO Print Program (C64); otherwise, if you select purchase order number sequence, the system uses the program specified at this screen.

When you print or email a purchase order in purchase order maintenance or inquiry, it uses the PO Print Program (C64).

The System name field is a 10-position, alphanumeric field. An entry to this field is required.

Email purchase order? Emailing the purchase order is available only if the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value is selected. See that system control value for a discussion.

For more information: See Printing Purchase Orders.

Vendor Name Display (D41)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the vendor's name appears on the Display Open POs for Item screen.

Yes/no field: If you select this field, the vendor's name appears on the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen screen.

If you leave this field unselected, the column for vendor name is left blank.

You can display the Open POs for Item screen from:

         Inventory Inquiry (Open POs)

         Item Availability (Open P/Os)

         Item Relationships (Open P/Os)

         SKU Scan (POs)

         Display Open Orders by Item (Open POs)

Vendor Discount % to Costing at Receiving (D76)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the vendor terms discount is applied to the cost of an item during Purchase Order Receiving.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want the discount defined in the Terms field in Working with Vendors (WVEN) applied to the cost of an item during Purchase Order Receiving (PORC).

You can review the discounted cost for an item in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).

Apply Discount To Manual Cost (D96)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether purchase order discounts are applied against a manually entered cost in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want to apply purchase order discounts against a manually entered cost in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to apply purchase order discounts against a manually entered cost in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.

Default Staging Warehouse (E15)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the warehouse for the system to use when suggesting staging warehouse/location placement during PO Receipts.

Number field: Enter the warehouse code for the staging area where you keep PO receipts that are awaiting putaway. The warehouse code is a 3-position, numeric code that is defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Normally, you would define the staging warehouse to be non-allocatable and non-viewable in Order Entry.

Staging Warehouse/Location Placement

If you use staging warehouse/location placement, the system will suggest you place PO receipts in the staging warehouse. You must define locations in the Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) for the system to use in the suggest location placement process. Each default location has a specific type, such as bulk, primary, or in-transit. For example, if you receive a shipment that should be used to replenish an item's primary location, the system will suggest you place the stock in the default primary location in the staging warehouse. When you are ready to move the stock from the staging area to the actual primary location, you would process an additional transaction to register that the inventory is available in that location.

Leave this field blank if you wish to use the Standard Warehouse/Location Placement routine to suggest inventory placement during PO Receipts.

Vendor/PO Discount Values (E18)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the vendor and purchase order discount values used in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.

Apply Discount to Manual Cost (D96)

Select this field to apply purchase order discounts to a manually entered cost in Purchase Order Maintenance and Receiving.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want purchase order discounts to apply to a manually entered cost.

Discount 1 Field (D97)

Enter the text for the first purchase order discount defined in the Vendor Discount table. You can enter either a percent or unit discount value for this field.

Discount 2 Field (D98)

Enter the text for the second purchase order discount defined in the table. You can enter either a percent or unit discount value for this field.

Discount 3 Field (D99)

Enter the text for the third purchase order discount defined in the Vendor Discount table. You can enter either a percent or unit discount value for this field.

For more information: See Working with Vendors (WVEN) for more information on the three purchase order discount fields.

Validate Primary Locations for Purchase Orders (E19)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether the system should confirm that each item on a purchase order has a primary location before allowing you to dock it.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want the system to confirm that each item on a purchase order is assigned to a primary location before allowing you to dock it.

The Dock Purchase Orders function allows you to confirm that you have received a shipment against a purchase order, without confirming the contents. You can dock a purchase order once or many times if you receive multiple shipments. The fact that a purchase order is docked is not visible in most inquiries or Order Entry; instead, docking allows you to confirm the date that you actually received a shipment, as opposed to the date that you actually receive it through the Purchase Order Receipts function.

If you attempt to dock a purchase order containing one or more items not assigned to a primary location, a message displays:


Primary location not defined for PO (876/1/BALLOON BLUE MEDM).


For more information: See Docking Purchase Orders (MDPO).

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to require items be assigned to primary locations for purchase orders you are docking.

Quantity Required for Purchase Order SKU Scanning (F15)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the Quantity field on the Create Purchase Order Detail Standard screen in Maintain Purchase Orders is required before advancing to the SKU Scan screen.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want the Quantity field on the Create Purchase Order Detail Standard screen to be required before advancing to the SKU Scan screen.

An error message indicates if you enter a SKU’d or non-SKU’d item on the Create Purchase Order Detail Standard screen and do not enter a value in the Quantity field:

Order quantity must be entered.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the Quantity field on the Create Purchase Order Detail Standard screen to be required before advancing to the SKU Scan screen.

When you enter a SKU’ed item, the system advances you to the SKU Scan screen where you can enter a quantity for each SKU of the item.

For more information: See Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE).

Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message (F29)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window displays in Purchase Order Receipts when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the PO Receiving Overage Warning Window to display in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC) when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

When the Overage Warning Pop-up Window displays:

The system determines when to display the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window based on the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value and the authority defined for the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

Related system control value: The Over Receipt % (A61) system control value defines the percentage over the quantity ordered that you can receive. If you enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value, an error message indicates:

Invalid over receipt quantity...

Related secured feature: The Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature controls whether you can override the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

If the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature authority is set to *ALLOW, the system:

         Allows you to enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

         Displays the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window each time the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

If the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature authority is set to *EXCLUDE, the system:

         Does not allow you to enter a receipt quantity that is greater than the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

         Displays the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window only when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered and less than the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

         Displays the Invalid over receipt quantity... error message if you select OK on the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window without changing the receipt quantity to a quantity that does not exceed the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

The system displays a Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window for each purchase order line that contains a receipt quantity that is greater than the ordered quantity each time you select an option or select OK.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning pop-up window to display when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered.

The system continues to use the percent defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value to determine the percentage over the quantity ordered that you can receive and to check the authority defined for the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

This table explains what happens based on the settings of the Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message system control value, the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value and the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

Display Overage Warning Message?

Override Tolerance Authority

Over Receipt Percent Defined?

Expected Results




The system allows you to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered. The Overage Warning pop-up window does not display.




The system allows you to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered and the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value. The Overage Warning pop-up window does not display.




The error message Invalid over receipt quantity indicates when you try to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered. The Overage Warning pop-up window does not display.




The error message Invalid over receipt quantity indicates when you try to receive a quantity greater than the allowed percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value. The Overage Warning pop-up window does not display.




The system allows you to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered and the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value. The Overage Warning pop-up window displays if the receipt quantity is greater than the quantity ordered.




The system allows you to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered. The Overage Warning pop-up window displays if the receipt quantity is greater than the quantity ordered.




The error message Invalid over receipt quantity indicates when you try to receive a quantity greater than the allowed percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value. The Overage Warning pop-up window displays only when the quantity received is greater than the quantity ordered and less than the percentage defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.




The error message Invalid over receipt quantity indicates when you try to receive a quantity greater than the quantity ordered. The Overage Warning pop-up window does not display.

PO Receipt In API: See Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity for more information on the processing that occurs when the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) contains a receipt quantity that is greater than the PO order quantity.

Include PO Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation (G29)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system includes purchase order estimated additional charges in the receipt cost of an item when a purchase order is received, fully or partially.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to include purchase order estimated additional charges in the receipt cost of an item when a purchase order is received, fully or partially.

Costing method: In order to include estimated charges in the receipt cost of an item, you can not use standard costing; instead you must define FIFO or AVERAGE in the Costing Method (A25) system control value.

This system control value controls the inclusion of purchase order estimated additional charges, including vendor item additional charges.

You can define estimated additional charges for an item during purchase order maintenance using these screens:

         The Work with PO Header Estimated Charges Screen allows you to define an estimated charge to apply to all of the detail lines on the purchase order.

         The Work with PO Detail Estimated Charges Screen allows you to define an estimated charge to apply to a specific detail line on the purchase order. If the Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (I21) system control value is selected, the system defaults any vendor item additional charges to the Work with PO Detail Estimated Charges screen.

For more information: See Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) for more information on working with estimated charges on a purchase order.

Example of receipt cost when SCV G29 is selected: An example of how the system determines the receipt cost of an item when the Include Purchase Order Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation system control value is selected.

Purchase order detail line:



Cost of item




Vendor item addl charges

16% (duty) Note: The system includes vendor item charges only if the Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (I21) system control value is selected.

PO addl charges

3.00 (freight)


2.00 (brokerage)

Receipt cost calculation: (item cost + vendor item charges + PO charges) = receipt cost

(25.00 + 16% + 3.00 + 2.00) = 34.00 x 10 = 340.00


Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to include purchase order estimated additional charges, including vendor item additional charges, in the receipt cost of an item.

Example of receipt cost when SCV G29 is not selected: An example of how the system determines the receipt cost of an item when the Include Purchase Order Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation system control value is unselected.

Purchase order detail line:



Cost of item




Vendor item addl charges

16% (duty)

PO addl charges

3.00 (freight)


2.00 (brokerage)

Receipt cost calculation: (item cost + receipt charges) = receipt cost

(25.00 + 16%) = 29.00 x 10 = 290.00


System Assigned Vendor Number (G70)

Purpose: Use this screen to determine whether the system will automatically assign sequential vendor numbers when you create new vendors.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have the system automatically assign a vendor number when you create a new vendor, increasing the number sequentially but skipping over numbers already assigned to vendors.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to automatically assign vendor numbers when you create new vendors; you must assign vendor numbers manually.

System-assigned vendor numbers are specified using the Setting Up the Number Assignment Table (WNUM) menu option.

Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (I21)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system defaults vendor item additional charges to a purchase order during purchase order maintenance.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to default vendor item additional charges to a purchase order during purchase order maintenance.

You can define vendor item additional charges at the Work with Vendor Item Add’l Charges Screen.

When you enter or maintain a purchase order and the Default Vendor Item Additional Charges (I21) system control value is selected, the system defaults the vendor item additional charges to the Work with PO Detail Estimated Charges Screen.

Including vendor item additional charges in receipt cost calculation: This system control value only controls defaulting vendor item additional charges to the purchase order, not whether the vendor item additional charges are included in the receipt cost calculation. See Receipt Cost Calculation for more information on when the system includes the vendor item additional charges in the receipt cost calculation.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to default vendor item additional charges to a purchase order during purchase order maintenance.

Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving (I35)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to update an item’s primary location in the SKU table (the “primary primary”) when receiving a purchase order.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want to update the “primary primary” location for an item when receiving a purchase order as described below.

Primary primary: The primary location stored in the Primary location field in the SKU table.

If this field is selected, and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) is set to CONFIRM or ALLOW, the system uses the following rules to determine whether to update the item’s “primary primary” location during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) and Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP) when you specify a primary location to place the item:

         If there is no “primary primary” specified in the SKU table, update the SKU table with the location where you are placing the item.

         If a “primary primary” is specified in the SKU table:

         If there is no on-hand quantity in the “primary primary,” update the SKU table with the location where you are placing the item, and delete the previous “primary primary” item location.

         If the on-hand quantity in the “primary primary” is greater than zero, do not update the SKU table with the location where you are placing the item.

If this field is selected, and the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) is set to NOT ALLOW, the system uses the following rules to determine whether to update the item’s “primary primary” location during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) and Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP) when you specify a primary location to place the item:

         If there is no “primary primary” specified in the SKU table, update the SKU table with the location where you are placing the item.

         If a “primary primary” is specified in the SKU table, you cannot place the stock into a different primary location; instead, the system displays an error message such as Multiple Primary Item Location (AB100/LRGE/2/PRIM1) not created, where:

         AB100/LRGE represents the item and SKU codes

         2 and PRIM1 represent the warehouse and location where you are attempting to place the stock

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to update the “primary primary” location when receiving purchase orders or placing suspended stock.

Email Purchase Order (K80)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to send purchase orders to vendors via email.

Important:                           This system control value is not currently implemented.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want to be able to send purchase orders to vendors via email as well as automatically producing .PDF files for printing.

If this field is selected, the Email P/O flag is included on the Print PO Selection Screen in Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP), and the Email purchase order and Email address fields are included on the Print P/O Window in purchase order maintenance and inquiry.

Emailing the purchase order: Emailing the purchase order as well as printing it is available when:

         this system control value is selected, and

         the vendor’s Email P/O flag is selected, and

         the vendor has a valid Email address.

The purchase order is sent as a .PDF file that is attached to a plain-text email. Generating the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) for the purchase order is not supported.

Which print program is used? In most cases, the .PDF attached to the email is generated using the PO Print Program (C64); however, the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76) is used if you are using the Printing Purchase Orders (MPRP) option and choose to print by purchase order number sequence

Email template: The text in the email is derived from the Purchase Order template set up through Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT). This template is not available at the entity level, since the purchase order is not related to a specific entity. See the discussion of the template for Purchase Order Emails for more information.

Note:             Emailing the purchase order is not available through Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

Leave this field unselected if you do not need to send purchase orders by email. The option to send purchase orders by email will not be available on the Print PO Selection Screen or the Print P/O Window.

