Setting Up Secured Features

Purpose: You set up secured features to give certain users and user classes the authority to perform sensitive procedures that you may not want to establish for all users on your system.

Secured features are procedures or functions that occur within a function, such as the ability to maintain batch totals within Order Entry.

Secured features control a user's ability to:

         Perform price overrides

         Enter returns

         Perform inventory transactions

         Receive a non-inventory item

Secured feature authority settings:

         ALLOW = The user has authority to perform the secured feature.

         EXCLUDE = The user cannot perform the secured feature.

Secured feature authority hierarchy: The system uses the following hierarchy to determine whether a user has authority to a secured feature.

1.      Use the authority setting defined for the user on the Work With Secure Feature Authority Screen.

2.      If an authority setting for a secured feature has not been defined at the user level, use the authority setting defined for the user class assigned to the user on the Work With User Class Feature Authority Screen.

3.      If an authority setting for a secured feature has not been defined at the user class level, use the authority setting defined for the secured feature on the Work with Secure Features Screen.

Secured features are grouped by application area. Since the fields to create and update a secured feature are the same for each application area, they are described once. A separate screen is not shown for each secured feature; however, a description of each feature within each application area is provided.

Secured Feature Descriptions

The secured features are grouped by application area, specifically:

         Order Entry Secured Features

         Inventory Secured Features

         Purchase Order Secured Features

         Fulfillment Secured Features

         Customer Service Secured Features

         General Usage Secured Features

         Interface Secured Features

Note:            When using the term “user” in reference to the ability to access a secured feature, the term “user class” is also implied.

In this topic:

         Work with Secure Features Screen

         Create Secure Feature Screen

         Change Secure Feature Screen

         Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Secured Feature)

Summary of Secured Features

This table summarizes the system secured features for each application area on the system and lists the company to which these secured features apply, the secured feature, application area, and the global authority (Allow or Exclude) you have assigned to this feature. When you assign an authority using the Work with Secure Features screen, the authority you assign applies to all users and user classes, unless you override the authority at the user or user class level.

If you are working with more than one company, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

Secured Feature

Application Area

Authority Level (ALLOW or EXCLUDE)

C/C Authorization Field Access (A25)

Order Entry


Price Overrides (A23)

Order Entry


Additional Charges Access (A24)

Order Entry


Order Maintenance Access (A22)

Order Entry


Modify Existing Messages (A30)

Order Entry


Discount Percentage Access (A39)

Order Entry


Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40)

Order Entry


Convert Contribution Authority (A41)

Order Entry


O/E Hold, Release Order Lines (A46)

Order Entry


Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (A60)

Order Entry


Override Price Override Limit (A64)

Order Entry


Display Gross Margin (A65)

Order Entry


Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69)

Order Entry


Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70)

Order Entry


Allow Number of Copies to Maintain in Catalog Request (A75)

Order Entry


Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80)

Order Entry


Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81)

Order Entry


Enter or Override S/H Price (B12)

Order Entry


Set Component Maintenance (J01)

Order Entry


Display Reserved and Exp Date in OEOM (J02)

Order Entry


Maintain Sales Rep # During Order Maintenance (B22)

Order Entry


Maintain Originating Store # During Order Maintenance (B23)

Order Entry


Override One Time Use Promotion (J08)

Order Entry


Allow Entry of PO Number in Inventory Transactions (A86)



Location Generation (A05)



Display Cost in Inventory (A38)



Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91)



Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92)



Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05)



Copy Item to Company Security (B15)



Override Tolerance (A18)

Purchase Order


Override PO Cost (A17)

Purchase Order


Approve Purchase Order (A31)

Purchase Order


Non-Inventory Entry (A09)

Purchase Order


Override Vendor's Discount Percentage (A10)

Purchase Order


Maintain from within Inquiry (A16)

Purchase Order


Update Existing Vendor Notes (A14)

Purchase Order


Update Existing P/O Messages (A13)

Purchase Order


Receipt of Non-inventory Item (A19)

Purchase Order


Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21)

Purchase Order


Access Estimated Charge Percent (B01)

Purchase Order


Display Purchase Order Quantity in Receiving (B02)

Purchase Order


Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04)

Purchase Order


Receive All Permission (B21)

Purchase Order


Change Pick Slips (A32)



Reprint Pick Slips (A33)



Access to Void/Reprint All (A76)



Enter Return Authorization (A28)

Customer Service


Receive Return Authorization (A29)

Customer Service


Credit Return Authorization (A34)

Customer Service


Modify Existing Messages (A30)

Customer Service


Display Invoice Cost in O/I (A36)

Customer Service


Maintenance of Hold/Fraud/Bypass Flag (A57)

Customer Service


Access to Customer Pop-up Messages (A79)

Customer Service


Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77)

Customer Service


Return Disposition Code Authority (A83)

Customer Service


Change Invoice Payment Information (A82)

Customer Service


Delete Customer Call Log Records (A78)

Customer Service


Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88)

Customer Service


Continue Authorization without Receipt (A90)

Customer Service


Maintenance of Bypass Credit Check Field in Source Code File (A87)

Customer Service


Change Customer Action Notes Description (A93)

Customer Service


Add Customer Action Detail Notes (A94)

Customer Service


Change Customer Action Detail Notes (A95)

Customer Service


Delete Customer Action Notes (A96)

Customer Service


Change Customer Action Notes Status/Work in Process (A97)

Customer Service


Change Customer Action Notes Status/Resolve (A98)

Customer Service


Maintain Check Interface Download Date (A99)

Customer Service


Delete Return Authorizations (B03)

Customer Service


Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07)

Customer Service


Changed Routed Email (B08)

Customer Service


Update All Ticklers (B09)

Customer Service


Change Associate Customer Flag (B10)

Customer Service


Change Alternate Customer Number (B11)

Customer Service


Create Manual Tickler (B13)

Customer Service


Display Order Statistics and Recap (J03)

Customer Service


Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05)

Customer Service


Allow Generate List in Merge/Purge (J06)

Customer Service


Bypass CTI Reason Code (B24)

Customer Service


Display Full Credit Card Number (B14)

General Usage


Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19)



Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)



External Authorization Service Access (B25)



Work with Secure Features Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display a secured feature

How to display this screen: Select Secured Features for an application area at the Work with System Values/Features Screen (WSYS).



Group (Application group)

Enter an application group to display secured features related to the application group you entered.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


Enter a partial or full description of a secured feature to display secured features that contain the text you entered.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.


Enter an authority level to display secured features that match your entry.

Valid values are:




Screen Options


Create a secured feature

Select Create to advance to the Create Secure Feature Screen.

Change a secured feature

Select Change for a secured feature to advance to the Change Secure Feature Screen.

Copy a secured feature

Select Copy for a secured feature to advance to the Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Secured Feature).

Delete a secured feature

Select Delete for a secured feature to delete it.

You cannot delete a secured feature that was delivered with the system. You can delete only secured features that you create.

Display a secured feature

Select Display for a secured feature to advance to the Display Secure Feature screen. You cannot change any of the information on this screen. See Create Secure Feature Screen for field descriptions.

Create Secure Feature Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a secured feature. All of the screens in each application area have the same fields.

Since secured features are delivered with the software, you will be modifying existing values. However, you can create a secured feature specific to your company if you are making modifications to the software and creating new options.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Secure Features Screen.




A description of this secured feature.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; required.

Default authority

The authority level assigned to the secured feature. The authority level determines whether all users on the system have global access to the feature or are prevented from using the feature. The default authority can be overridden at the user and user class level.

Valid values are:

         ALLOW = Permits all users to perform the secured feature, unless prohibited on a user or user class level.

         EXCLUDE = Prevents all users from performing the secured feature unless permitted on a user or user class level.


Application area

A group of functions related to a basic business activity, such as Customer Service. Application areas categorize similar system control values, secured features, and menu options by functional area.

Note:  Once you have assigned an application area to a secured feature, you cannot change it.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Application group

A set of related functions within an application area. For example, Refunds is an application group within Customer Service. Application groups further define functions within an application area and categorize similar control values, secured features, and menu options. Application groups are defined in and validated against the Application Group table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Sequence #

Controls the order in which the secured features display on the screen within the application group.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Feature code

A unique code representing the secured feature in the system. A feature code references an internal command within a program to implement the secured feature. Once you have assigned a feature code, you cannot change it.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Change Secure Feature Screen

To change: Select Change for a secured feature at the Work with Secure Features Screen to advance to the Change Secure Feature screen. At this screen, you can change these fields:


         Default authority

         Application group

         Sequence #

You cannot change the Application area or Feature code fields. See Create Secure Feature Screen for field descriptions.

Copy Company Info Window (Copying a Secured Feature)

How to print: Use this window to copy a secured feature from the company where you are working to another company on your system.

How to display this screen: Select Copy for the secured feature at the Work with Secure Features Screen.

To copy to one company: Enter the code for the company to which you want to copy this secured feature.

To copy to all companies: Do not enter a company code; select All Companies instead.

Order Entry Secured Features

Purpose: The Order Entry secured features permit (*ALLOW) or prohibit (*EXCLUDE) user access to Order Entry/Maintenance functions that require authorization.

Order Maintenance Access (A22)

This feature controls whether the user can maintain an order.

         Allow = the user can advance to order maintenance.

         Exclude = the user cannot advance to order maintenance.

Related secured features: See:

         Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05)

         Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19)

         Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)

Also, see Secured Features Controlling Access to Order Maintenance for an overview.

Price Overrides (A23)

This feature controls whether a user can override the price of an order line.

         Allow = a user can update the following fields on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) during order entry and maintenance:


         N/C (“No charge” flag) 

         Ovr (Price override reason code) 

         Offer price 

         Exclude = the fields above are display-only on the Work with Order Lines screen during order entry and maintenance.

Note:            If a user without authority to override price under this secured feature enters an item that is specified as a free gift for the source or offer associated with the order, and the user enters the Default Price Override Reason (B35), the system adds the item to the order at the price override amount entered.

Additional Charges Access (A24)

This feature controls whether the user can add or modify an additional charge code on an order.

         Allow = a user can add or modify an additional charge on the order by selecting Charges in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only). When the user selects Charges, the Enter Additional Charges Window opens so the user can select an additional charge code and specify the additional charge amount if there is not a default charge amount.

Examples of additional charges include a store-restocking fee, a duty fee, or long-distance telephone charges. Additional charges are defined in and validated against the Additional Charge table.

         Exclude = a user cannot display the additional charges pop-up window. When the user selects Charges, a message indicates that the user cannot use the function.

C/C Authorization Field Access (A25)

This feature controls whether the user can enter an authorization number and amount.

         Allow = a user can enter pre-authorized credit card transactions by entering an Auth # and amount. This feature is used primarily when:

         You do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders.

         Your connection to your authorization service is not active.

If you use an authorization service, the system updates the Authorization # field when you receive the authorization.

         Exclude = a user cannot enter an Authorization # and amount.

Modify Existing Messages (A30)

This feature enables a user to change or delete existing order or order line messages.

         Allow = the user can change or delete existing order or order line messages.

         Exclude = the user cannot change or delete existing order or order line messages.

For more information on working with order or order line messages, see:

         Adding Order Messages 

         Item Availability Screen 

         Third Streamlined Order Inquiry Screen (Order Summary) 

Discount Percentage Access (A39)

This feature enables a user to take a discount on an order in Order Entry or Order Maintenance.

         Allow = the user may take a discount on an order, up to the amount defined in the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value. To take a discount on an order, the user must enter the amount of the discount in the Disc % field on the Order Entry/Maintenance header screen.

         Exclude = the discount field is protected. The system issues a message if the user enters a discount:


You are not authorized to use discount %.


Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40)

This feature enables a user to add, change or delete a charge for custom special handling in Order Entry when the charge is established at the special handling format.

Custom special handling differs from standard special handling in that you can define a format with entry fields, valid and default responses, and pricing by individual features. You associate the custom special handling format with an item by defining an additional charge code for the special handling format, and entering that additional charge code for the item/SKU offer. You can also specify an override special handling price at the item/SKU offer for custom special handling. At the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen, charges that you specify in the item/SKU offer default to the S/H price field, while charges that you specify in the special handling format default to the Charge field(s). The Enter or Override Personalization Charge secured feature controls access to the Charge field(s) only.

         Allow = the user can add, delete or change custom special handling charges on orders.

         Exclude = the system issues a message when a user attempts to work with a custom special handling charge at the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in Order Entry:

Not authorized to Enter or Override charge amount.


This secured feature does not apply to Contact Center order entry.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview for a discussion of the different types of special handling, and how the system controls access to the related fields and screens.

Convert Contribution Authority (A41)

This feature enables a user to convert a contribution to a refund.

The Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) system control value defines whether overpayments on prepaid orders are applied as contributions or refunded to the customer. You can also convert individual contributions to refunds through standard order inquiry or the Work with Contributions function. To convert a contribution to a refund:

Standard Order Inquiry (OIOM):

         select the order containing the contribution

         select Payments at the Order Inquiry header screen to review payment information

         selecting Contribution for the payment method at the Display Order Payment Methods screen to display the contribution

         select Convert to Refund at the Display Contributions Screen to convert the contribution to a refund.

Working with Contributions (WCON):

         select Convert to Refund for the contribution to convert it to a refund.

Valid values:

         Allow = the user can convert contributions to refunds.

         Exclude = the system displays a message when a user attempts to convert a contribution to a refund:

User Not Authorized to Convert Contributions to Refunds.


O/E Hold, Release Order Lines (A46)

This feature controls the ability to place or release a hold on an order line in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

         Allow = the user can place or release an order line hold during order entry or order maintenance by selecting Hold or Release for the item. If an order line is held (Status = H), the system does not apply pick slip preparation to the item.

Only open, unprinted order lines are eligible to be held. If you try to place a hold on an order line that has printed pick slips, a message indicates:

Line (x) cannot be changed - pick slips pending.


If you try to place a hold on an order line that has already been shipped, a message indicates:

Line (x) cannot be changed - not currently open.


         Exclude = the system displays a message when the user tries to place a hold on (or release) an order line:

Not authorized to hold (or release) the order line.


Hold through special handling format? This secured feature does not control the ability to put a line on hold due through a special handling format flagged to hold order lines; similarly, it does not control the ability to release an order line by removing the special handling format. See Putting a Line on Hold through a Special Handling Format for a discussion.

Override Negative Additional Charge Limit (A60)

This feature controls the ability to override the dollar limit defined in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value.

         Allow = the user can exceed the dollar limit defined in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value.

You can enter negative additional charges at the Enter Additional Charges Window, which is available in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only) by selecting Charges.

         Exclude = the system displays a message when a user attempts to exceed the dollar limit for an order:

Negative additional charge exceeds the limit for this order.


Additional charges that the system adds to the order (for example, through a promotion) are not included in the negative additional charge total.

Override Price Override Limit (A64)

This feature controls the ability to override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

         Allow = the user can override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

         Exclude = the system displays a message when a user attempts to exceed the price override limit:

Entered price exceeds override limit.


Display Gross Margin (A65)

This feature controls the ability to display the gross profit margin and gross profit margin percent in order entry, order maintenance, standard order inquiry, and item availability.

         Allow = the G/M (Gross profit margin) and G/M% (Gross profit margin percent) fields display in order entry, maintenance, and inquiry and item availability.

         Exclude = the gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage fields do not display in order entry, maintenance, and inquiry and item availability.

Where are gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage displayed? The gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentages for individual orders or order lines are listed on the screens and reports below.


         Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) in order entry and order maintenance

         Work with Order/Recap Screen in order entry

         Display Invoice Header Screen in order inquiry

         Display Item/Offer Prices Screen, available from the Display Item Availability Screen


         Standard Sales Journal 

         Sales Journal by Division 

         Salesman Demand Report 

         Source Shipped Report 

Note:             The following reports list gross profit totals across multiple orders:

         Sales Journal Summary by Period 

         Sales Journal Summary by Offer 

         Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars 

         Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date 

         Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer 

For more information: See Determining Gross Profit for more information.

Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69)

This feature controls the ability to enter an order line whose total dollar value exceeds the amount specified in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value.

         Allow = a pop-up window opens in order entry and order maintenance informing the user that the order line total exceeds the specified maximum. The user must select Accept to add the line to the order. If the user selects Exit or OK, the line is not added to the order, and a message indicates that the order line exceeds the maximum:

Order line value of 800.00 exceeds maximum allowed in SCV E98.


         Exclude = no pop-up window opens when the user enters an order line that exceeds the maximum. Instead, the screen displays an error message.

Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70)

This feature controls the ability to enter an order line whose total quantity exceeds the amount specified in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.

         Allow = a pop-up window opens in order entry and order maintenance informing the user that the order line quantity exceeds the specified maximum.

The user must select Accept to add the line to the order. If the user selects Exit or OK, the line is not added to the order, and a message indicates that the order line exceeds the maximum:

Order Qty of 10 exceeds the maximum allowed in SCV C60.


         Exclude = no pop-up window opens when the user enters an order line that exceeds the maximum. Instead, a message displays.

Allow Number of Copies to Maintain in Catalog Request (A75)

This feature controls whether the user can enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Entering Catalog Requests (WCAT).

         Allow = operators can enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Work with Catalog Request.

         Exclude = operators cannot enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Work with Catalog Request. The Number of copies field is a display-only field and the number 1 defaults in the field.

Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80)

This feature controls whether the user can enter an amount at the Enter Additional Charges Window, which is available by selecting Charges in order entry, order maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only). This feature also controls entry at the Change Additional Charges Screen, which is available by selecting Change for an additional charge at the Enter Additional Charges pop-up window. Authority to the additional charge code on all other screens or windows is not affected.

         Allow = operators can enter or change the amount at the window and screen.

         Exclude = operators cannot enter an additional charge code at the window or screen unless there is a default charge amount specified for the code.

See the Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge (F43) system control value, as this value also affects whether the amount field is enterable.

Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81)

This feature controls whether the user can select a different deferred or installment payment plan to apply to the order other than the primary payment plan assigned by the system.

         Allow = operators can select a different deferred or installment payment plan other than the primary plan assigned by the system to apply to the order.

         Exclude = operators cannot select a different deferred or installment payment plan to apply to the order. The system:

         automatically assigns a primary payment plan to the order if the order is eligible for a deferred or installment payment plan and the payment plan is set to automatically apply.

         assigns the primary payment plan to the order if the payment plan is set to not automatically apply and the user selects the Pay plan field on the Work with Order/Recap Screen.

         advances the user to the Select Payment Plan Window, where the user can select the primary payment plan to assign to the order if the payment plan is set to prompt and there are no payment plans set up to automatically apply. An error message indicates if the user tries to select a payment plan other than the primary payment plan:

Not authorized to override payment plan.

Enter or Override S/H Price (B12)

This feature controls whether a user can add, change or delete the price for custom special handling in Order Entry when the charge is established at the item/offer or SKU/offer.

Unlike the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) secured feature, which controls access to the special handling charges established for the special handling format, the Enter or Override S/H Price secured feature controls access to the SH price field only.

         Allow = the user can add, delete or change the custom special handling price on orders. Also, the S/H charge field at the Work with Order Line screen is enterable when the order line is assigned a standard special handling format.

         Exclude = the custom special handling price at the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in Order Entry is display-only. Also, the S/H charge field at the Work with Order Line screen is display-only, regardless of the special handling format assigned to the order line.

This secured feature does not apply to Contact Center order entry.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview for a discussion of the different types of special handling, and how the system controls access to the related fields and screens.

Set Component Maintenance (J01)

This feature controls the ability to work change, delete, sell out, or cancel a set component in order entry and order maintenance.

         Allow = the user can:

         use the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) to work with a set component in order entry or order maintenance

         delete a set component in order entry

         cancel a set component in order maintenance

         sell out a set component in order entry or order maintenance

         Exclude = the system displays an error message if the user selects Change, Cancel/Delete, or Sell Out for a set component in order entry or order maintenance: Not authorized to change, delete, cancel, or sell out a set component.


         This feature only controls actions the user attempts against an individual set component on an order. For example, it does not prevent a user from canceling the main set item itself. Also, if a set component item is added to an order through any other means besides ordering the main set item, the system does not prevent the user from updating the item.

         This feature does not control access to any other options for set components within order entry or order maintenance. For example, it does not prevent the user from:

         putting a set component item on hold

         performing a merchandise locator search for a set component item

         processing a return or exchange for a set component item

         This feature does not control additional menu options and processes that can update order lines. For example, it does not prevent a user from:

         selling out set components through Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).

         canceling set components through Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB).

Display Reserved and Exp Date in OEOM (J02)

This feature controls whether the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance displays the reserved quantity or expected receipt date for items on the order.

         Allow = the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance displays:

         the reserved quantity for reserved items on the order

         the expected receipt date for backordered items on the order that are on open purchase orders

         Exclude = the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance does not display the reserved quantity or the expected ship date for any order lines. Also, the screen does not display the field labels (Rsv for reserve quantity and Exp for expected date).

This secured feature does not control the display of these fields on any other screens.

For more information: See the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Maintain Sales Rep # During Order Maintenance (B22)

This feature controls whether you can update the Salesrep field on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance.

         Allow = The system allows you to update the Salesrep field on the Work with Order screen in Order Maintenance.

         Exclude = The system prevents you from updating the Salesrep field on the Work with Order screen in Order Maintenance. The field is display-only.

Maintain Originating Store # During Order Maintenance (B23)

This feature controls whether you can update the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship to Properties Screen in Order Maintenance.

         Allow = The system allows you to update the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance.

         Exclude = The system prevents you from updating the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance. The field is display-only.

ORCE Issue Awards/Points (J07)

This feature controls whether the Issue Points and Issue Awards options display on the Display Loyalty Account Screen.

         Allow (default) = The Issue Points and Issue Awards options display on the Display Loyalty Account Screen.

         Exclude = The Issue Points and Issue Awards options do not display on the Display Loyalty Account Screen.

For more information: See Customer Engagement Loyalty Integration for an overview and required setup.

Override One Time Use Promotion (J08)

This feature controls whether you can apply a promotion flagged for one-time use in order entry even if the promotion has already applied to an order for the customer.

         Allow = In order entry, you can apply a promotion whose Use once field is selected, even if the promotion has already been applied to an order for the customer.

         Exclude (default) = In order entry, you cannot apply a promotion whose Use once field is selected if the promotion has already been applied to an order for the customer.

This feature applies only in order entry, and only if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is selected. It does not apply to the order API.

For more information: See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for an overview.

Inventory Secured Features

Purpose: The Inventory secured features permit (*ALLOW) or prohibit (*EXCLUDE) user access to Inventory Transactions and Warehouse Management functions that require authorization.

Allow Entry of PO Number in Inventory Transactions (A86)

This feature controls the ability to enter a purchase order number to associate with a transaction entered in Working with Inventory Transactions (WITI).

         Allow = the user can enter a purchase order number to associate with a transaction entered in Work with Inventory Transactions (WITI).

You can enter a purchase order number for adjustment (A) transactions only. The purchase order number field is display-only for users who do not have authority.

If you use FIFO costing, any FIFO cost layer created through the adjustment transaction is associated with the purchase order number you enter; additionally, the purchase order number is included in the inventory transaction history record. If you do not use FIFO costing, only the inventory transaction history record is affected.

         Exclude = the user cannot enter a purchase order number to associate with a transaction entered in Work with Inventory Transactions (WITI).

For more information: See FIFO Costing Overview for more information on FIFO costing and the role the purchase order number plays in the FIFO costing hierarchy.

Location Generation (A05)

This feature allows a user access to Using the Location Generator (MLOC).

         Allow = a user has access to Using the Location Generator (MLOC).

         Exclude = a user does not have access to Using the Location Generator (MLOC).

Display Cost in Inventory (A38)

This feature controls whether a user can see the cost of an item or SKU on certain screens.

         Allow = the user can see the fields noted below.

         Exclude = the user cannot see the fields noted below.

Vendor Item screens:

         Price at the Change Vendor Item and Display Vendor Item screens (but not the Create Vendor Item Screen)

         Last purchase cost and Value purchases at the Display Vendor Item History Screen 

         Cost of goods at the Display Item Warehouse Screen (Displaying Item Warehouse Details) 

         Gross Cost and Net Cost at the P/O Receipt Detail Screen 

         Price at the Display Prior P/O Receipts Screen 

         Price and Extension at the Display Current Receipts Screen 

         Default cost at the Change Item and Display Item screens (see the Create Item Screen for field descriptions)

         Cost at the Change Item (Base Information) and Display Item (Base Information) screens (see the Create Item (Base Information) Screen for field descriptions)

         Cost at the Change SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) and Display SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) screens (see the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen for field descriptions)

         Cost or Extended cost (Extended C) at the Inventory Transaction History Screen (2 of 2) 

Report: Cost on the Inventory Transaction History Report 

Standard cost update: This feature also controls whether the user can update an item's standard cost through the Work with, Create, or Change Vendor Item screens. See Working with Vendor Items (WVNI).

Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91)

This feature controls whether the user can change the Protect price, Original retail price, and Current retail price fields on the Create Item Warehouse Screen and Change Item Warehouse screen in Work with Warehouses or Work with Item/SKUs.

         Allow = the user can change the Protect price, Original retail price, and Current retail price on the Create Item Warehouse screen and Change Item Warehouse screen.

         Exclude = the user cannot change the Protect price, Original retail price, and Current retail price on the Create Item Warehouse screen or Change Item Warehouse screen: An error message indicates:

Not authorized to change.


Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92)

This feature controls whether the user can change the Protect minimum/maximum, Minimum quantity, and Maximum quantity fields on the Create Item Warehouse Screen and Change Item Warehouse screen in Work with Warehouses.

         Allow = the user can change the Protect minimum/maximum, Minimum quantity, and Maximum quantity on the Create Item Warehouse screen and Change Item Warehouse screen.

         Exclude = the user cannot change the Protect minimum/maximum, Minimum quantity, or maximum quantity on the Create Item Warehouse screen or Change Item Warehouse screen. Instead, an error message indicates:

Not authorized to change.


Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05)

This feature controls whether the user can enter long SKU values at the Create Item Screen and Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen and change long SKU values when Working with Existing Items (MITM) or when correcting item upload errors at the Work with Retail Item Upload Screen.

         Allow = the user can create and change the value for the L/S Department, L/S Class, L/S Style, L/S subclass, and L/S Vendor fields at the Create/Change Item screen, and the L/S Class, L/S Style, L/S Vendor, L/S Color, L/S Size, L/S Width fields at the Create/Change SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

         Exclude = the user cannot enter or maintain long SKU values when creating or changing item/SKU information. If these fields are required for items, this means that the user cannot enter or maintain item-level information, although it is possible to maintain SKU-level information.

Long SKU values are an important part of integrating merchandise information from a retail store into Order Management System. If you have the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value selected, the long SKU values for a base item are required. However, when you exclude authorization to this feature, users cannot modify these values once passed to Order Management System through the item upload, or when Creating and Working with Items (MITM) manually in Order Management System. The system displays a message if the user attempts to modify one of these values: You are not allowed to change the L/S values.

Note:            If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is selected, users without required authority cannot create base items.

For more information on Retail Integration (external system to Order Management System) and the role of long SKU values, see Retail Integration (External System into Order Management System) Overview and Setup. Also, see Importing Enterprise Foundation Data through Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) for more information on the OCDS integration.

Copy Item to Company Security (B15)

This feature controls the ability to add, change, or delete item information, for an item with the same item number as the copied item, in one or more shared companies.

         Allow = the user can select Copy to Company for an item on the Work with Items Screen to advance to the Copy Item to Company Window.

         Exclude = the user cannot select Copy to Company for an item on the Work with Items Screen. Instead, an error message indicates: Not authorized to Copy.

Note:            If you allow access to this feature, the screen still displays an error message if a shared company is not defined for the current company: Shared companies do not exist for the parent. You can define shared companies for a company in Working with Companies (WCMP).

For more information: See Copying Items for an overview on copying items.

Purchase Order Secured Features

Purpose: The Purchase Order secured features permit (ALLOW) or prohibit (EXCLUDE) user access to Purchase Order functions that require authorization.

Override Tolerance (A18)

This feature enables a user to override the tolerance limit defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

         Allow = a user can override the tolerance limit defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

         Exclude = a user cannot receive more merchandise than the specified tolerance limit.

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

         If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can override the Over Receipt % (A61) and receive any amount greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line.

         If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you can receive an amount greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line as long as it does not exceed the Over Receipt % (A61).

See Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity for more information on purchase order receiving.

Note:            To review the over receipt before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option for review. In order to process the over receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option must have authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

Override PO Cost (A17)

This feature enables a user to change the value in the Cost field during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC). The system checks Vendor/Item price breaks, the Vendor/Item table, and the Item/SKU table for a vendor cost. The amount defaults to the Cost field, and a user with authority under this secured feature can override it.

Valid values:

         Allow = a user can override the PO receipt cost.

         Exclude = a user cannot override the PO receipt cost.

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

         If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can override the cost of the PO line during receiving, using the cost tag in the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn).

         If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you cannot override the cost of the PO line during receiving, using the cost in the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn): Not Auth to Override Cost.

Note:            To review the override PO cost before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE)menu option for review. In order to process the PO receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE)menu option must have authority to the Override PO Cost (A17)secured feature. If the user correcting the error does not have authority to the Override PO Cost (A17) secured feature, the Cost field is display-only on the Change PO Receipt Error Screen.

Approve Purchase Order (A31)

This feature enables a user to approve a held purchase order when Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) by selecting Approve.

         Allow = a user can approve a held purchase order when Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) by selecting Approve.

         Exclude = a user cannot release a purchase order from hold.

Note:            You cannot approve a purchase order when you advance to PO maintenance from PO inquiry. You need to select the purchase order in PO maintenance in order to approve it.

Non-Inventory Entry (A09)

This feature enables a user to enter non-inventory items during Purchase Order Maintenance. The user selects Non-Inv. Entry to advance to the PO Detail Non Inventory screen. A non-inventory item is an item that is not defined in the Item table (for example, supply items).

         Allow = a user can enter non-inventory items during Purchase Order Maintenance.

         Exclude = a message indicates that the user cannot use the function when Non-Inv. Entry is selected.

Override Vendor's Discount Percentage (A10)

This feature enables a user to override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order. This Primary disc (Primary discount) defaults from the Vendor table.

         Allow = a user can override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order.

         Exclude = a user cannot override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order.

Maintain from within Inquiry (A16)

This feature enables a user to maintain a purchase order while in Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI) by selecting Change for the purchase order.

         Allow = a user can maintain a purchase order while in Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI) by selecting Change for the purchase order.

         Exclude = a message indicates that the user cannot maintain purchase orders while in Purchase Order Inquiry.

Update Existing Vendor Notes (A14)

This feature enables a user to update previously entered vendor notes by selecting Vendor Notes during purchase order maintenance. Users are able to add new purchase order messages if they have authority to use the Purchase Order Maintenance, PO Receipts and PO Inquiry functions.

         Allow = a user can update previously entered vendor notes.

         Exclude = a user cannot update previously entered vendor notes.

Update Existing P/O Messages (A13)

This feature enables a user to update existing Purchase Order messages by selecting P/O Msg during Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE), Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) and Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI). Users are able to add new purchase order messages if they have authority to use the Purchase Order Maintenance, PO Receipts and PO Inquiry functions.

         Allow = a user can update existing Purchase Order messages.

         Exclude = a user cannot update existing Purchase Order messages.

Receipt of Non-inventory Item (A19)

This feature enables a user to receive non-inventory items (items that are not defined in the Item table) in Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) (for example, supply items).

         Allow = a user can receive non-inventory items.

         Exclude = a user cannot receive a non-inventory item. Any non-inventory items on the purchase order that do not exist in the Item table do not display in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC).

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

         If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can receive a non-inventory item that does not exist in the Item table.

         If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you cannot receive a non-inventory item that does not exist in the Item table.

Note:            To review the non-inventory receipt before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option for review. In order to process the non-inventory receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option must have authority to the Receipt of Non-inventory Item (A19) secured feature.

See Receiving a Non-Inventory Item that Does Not Exist in the Item Table for more information.

Edit All PO Receipts (A20)

This feature is not implemented.

Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21)

This feature enables a user to add a detail line to a purchase order during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) by selecting Create Dtl.

         Allow = a user can add a detail line in PO Receipts.

         Exclude = a user cannot add a line in PO Receipts and receives a message indicating that the user cannot use the function.

Note:            Regardless of the setting of this secured feature, you cannot add a detail line to a purchase order through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

Access Estimated Charge Percent (B01)

This feature controls whether a user can enter an amount in the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge in purchase order maintenance. You can define purchase order estimated charges on the Work with Purchase Order Header Estimated Charges screen and on the Work with Purchase Order Detail Estimated Charges screen.

         Allow = the user can enter an amount in the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge.

         Exclude = the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge is display-only. The user must define a unit cost for a purchase order estimated additional charge.

Display Purchase Order Quantity in Receiving (B02)

This feature enables a user to display the purchase order quantity on the Work with Purchase Order (Header) Screen (MPOE) and the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen (PORC).

         Allow = the user can display the purchase order quantity at the Work with Purchase Order screen and the Work with Purchase Order Receipt Detail screen.

         Exclude = the purchase order quantity does not display on the Work with Purchase Order and Work with Purchase Order Receipt Detail screens.

Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04)

This feature enables a user to cancel an Order Broker drop ship purchase order line using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

Allow = the user can cancel an Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail screen.

In this situation, the system does not send a cancel request to Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, and instead immediately performs a full cancellation, cancelling the purchase order line and order line, removing the printed quantity on the order line, writing an order transaction history message: DS PO line canceled, and updating the drop ship status of the line to cancelled.

Important:                           You should cancel an Order Broker drop ship purchase order line using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail screen only if you have previously sent a cancel request to Order Broker and did not receive a response indicating whether the vendor confirmed or rejected the cancellation.


         Because the cancellation updates the drop ship status of the line to cancelled, you cannot then use the cancel request option on the Display P/O Drop Ship Screen to send a cancellation request to Order Broker. However, if the CDC Async receives an update for the order line that updates its status to Open after the cancellation has been performed, the system will allow you to use the cancel request option to send a cancellation request to Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

         If you receive a shipment confirmation from Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module after the line has been cancelled, Order Management System does not ship the line, but does update order transaction history with the shipment confirmation.

Exclude = the user cannot cancel an Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel Request option on the Display P/O Drop Ship Screen. You receive the following error if you try to cancel an Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen: Use D/S Status option in PO or Order Inquiry to cancel D/S integration PO line.

Note:            Canceling an Order Broker drop ship item requires authority to the secured feature Order Maintenance Access (A22).

Receive All Permission (B21)

This feature controls access to the Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC).

Allow = The user can use the Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC) and the Receive All option in Work with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT).

Exclude = The Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC) and the Receive All option in Work with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT) do not display for the user.

Fulfillment Secured Features

Purpose: The Fulfillment secured features permit (*ALLOW) or prohibit (*EXCLUDE) user access to functions that require authorization.

Change Pick Slips (A32)

This feature enables a user to access all options in Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). These options include:

         changing pick slips

         reprinting pick slips (unless you prohibit access to the Reprint Pick Slips (A33) function)

         voiding pick slips

         displaying pick slips

         overriding the warehouse

Valid values:

         Allow = a user has access to all options in Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP).

         Exclude = a user has access only to reprinting (if you enable access to the Reprint Pick Slips (A33) function) and displaying pick slips.

Note:            This feature does not control access to the Void Pick Batch (WSVP) menu option.

Reprint Pick Slips (A33)

This feature enables a user to access the two reprint options in Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP), which include reprinting one or all pick slips. A user can also void and change pick slips unless you prohibit access to the Change Pick Slips (A32) function.

         Allow = a user can reprint a pick slip and also void and change a pick slip, unless you prohibit access to the Change Pick Slips (A32) function.

         Exclude = the user cannot reprint a pick slip; however, the change/void options are accessible unless you prohibit access to the Change Pick Slips (A32) function.

The display option is available to all users, regardless of how the Change Pick Slips and Reprint Pick Slips features are set.

Access to Void/Reprint All (A76)

This feature controls whether a user has the ability to select Reprint All to reprint all pick slips and select Void All to void all pick slips in Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP).

         Allow = users are able to select Reprint All to reprint all pick slips and select Void All to void all pick slips in Void/Reprint Picks. However, if authority to the Reprint Pick Slips (A33) secured feature is Excluded, you cannot reprint or void pick slips.

         Exclude = an error message indicates when a user selects Reprint All to reprint all pick slips or selects Void All to void all pick slips:

User Not Authorized to Function.

However, a user can still select Reprint to reprint a specific pick slip or select Void to void a specific pick slip.

Note:            This feature does not control access to the Void Pick Batch (WSVP) menu option.

Customer Service Secured Features

Enter Return Authorization (A28)

This feature enables a user to enter returns through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), order entry, and order maintenance. See Managing Returns.

         Allow = a user can enter returns through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), order entry, and order maintenance.

         Exclude = a user cannot enter returns through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), order entry, and order maintenance.

Note:            You do not need authority to this secured feature in order to process a return received through the Inbound Return API.

Receive Return Authorization (A29)

This feature enables a user to receive returned merchandise through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), order entry, and order maintenance. See Managing Returns.

         Allow = a user can receive returned merchandise through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), order entry, and order maintenance.

You must also have authority to enter return authorizations in order to receive them.

         Exclude = a user cannot receive returned merchandise through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), order entry, and order maintenance.

Note:            You do not need authority to this secured feature in order to process a return received through the Inbound Return API.

Credit Return Authorization (A34)

This feature enables a user to post the credit associated with the return or exchange through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), Credit Return Authorizations (WRAC), order entry, and order maintenance. See Managing Returns.

         Allow = a user can post the credit associated with the return or exchange through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), Credit Return Authorizations (WRAC), order entry, and order maintenance.

You must also have authority to enter and receive return authorizations in order to credit them.

You must have full authority to create, receive, and credit return authorizations to process a return through order entry and order maintenance.

         Exclude = a user cannot post the credit associated with the return or exchange through Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), Receive Return Authorizations (WRAR), Credit Return Authorizations (WRAC), order entry, and order maintenance.

Note:            You do not need authority to this secured feature in order to process a return received through the Inbound Return API.

Modify Existing Messages (A30)

This feature enables a user to modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance. Users are able to add new messages regardless of how this secured feature is set.

         Allow = a user can modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

         Exclude = a user cannot modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

Display Invoice Cost in O/I (A36)

This feature enables a user to display the invoice cost in standard order inquiry. This information is included in the Display Invoice Header Screen. You can advance to this screen by selecting Invoices and then Display for an invoice in standard order inquiry.

         Allow = a user can display the invoice cost in Order Inquiry.

         Exclude = the Cost field does not appear on the Display Invoice Header screen.

Maintenance of Hold/Fraud/Bypass Flag (A57)

This feature enables a user to change the value in the Hold/bypass/fraud field for a sold-to customer.

         Allow = a user can change the value in the Hold/bypass/fraud field for a sold-to customer.

         Exclude = the field is still on the screen. However, if the user attempts to change the value in the field, a message indicates:

Not authorized to maintain.


The valid values for the Hold/bypass/fraud field are:

         Hold = Hold all orders for the customer

         Fraud = Hold all orders for the customer and flag the customer as             fraudulent

         Bypass = Bypass the normal credit check for this customer's orders


Access to Customer Pop-up Messages (A79)

This feature controls access to the four Pop up window messages 1-4 message fields in Work with Customers (fast path = WCST).

         Allow = the user can create or change the four pop-up window message fields in Work with Customers.

         Exclude = the four pop-up window message fields in Work with Customers are display-only.

Order Hold Reason Release Authority (A77)

This feature controls the ability to release orders from hold. Orders can be on hold at the pay type level or the recipient level as well as the header level; however, this feature does not control user holds.

This feature controls your ability to release an order from hold by:

         clearing the Hold reason field at the header screen in order maintenance

         selecting Release for an order in Releasing Held Orders (ERHO)

         using Manual Credit Card Authorization (MCCA) to authorize an order when the Release from hold flag is selected

         using the Order Holds window in Contact Center

Valid values:

         Allow = the user can release an order from header-level hold.

         Exclude = the user cannot release an order from header-level hold.

Authority to specific hold reason codes: You can also set authority to specific order hold reason codes for a user or user class. Any authority level you set for a user class acts as an override to the secured feature setting; similarly, any authority level for a user overrides any other authority setting. The complete hierarchy for determining a user's authority to release orders is:

         user authority for specific order hold reason code

         user class authority for specific order hold reason code

         user authority for secured feature

         user class authority for secured feature

         secured feature default setting

The system checks each setting in order, skipping any blank settings, until it finds a ALLOW or EXCLUDE setting.

In the Order Holds window in Contact Center, authority to the Selecting Held Orders (ERHO) menu option is also required, except for releasing user holds.

For more information: See Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR) for more information on setting authority levels for specific order hold reason codes.

Return Disposition Code Authority (A83)

This feature controls the ability to process a return in order entry, order maintenance, and Return Authorization (fast path = WRTA) using a specific return disposition value.

         Allow = the user can process a return using the return disposition value specified.

         Exclude = the user cannot process a return using the return disposition value specified, unless the individual return disposition value authority is set to *ALLOW.

Authority to specific return disposition values: You can also set authority to specific return disposition values for a user or user class. Any authority level you set for a user class acts as an override to the secured feature setting; similarly, any authority level for a user overrides any other authority setting. The complete hierarchy for determining a user's authority to processing a return using a specific return disposition value is:

         user authority for specific return disposition value

         user class authority for specific return disposition value

         user authority for secured feature

         user class authority for secured feature

         secured feature default setting

The system checks each setting in order, skipping any blank settings, until it finds a ALLOW or EXCLUDE setting.

Note:            You do not need authority to this secured feature in order to process a return received through the Inbound Return API.

For more information: See Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV) for more information on setting authority levels for specific return disposition values.

Change Invoice Payment Information (A82)

This feature controls whether the user can change information regarding a deferred or installment payment plan, such as the credit card number and the deposit release date, once the invoice has been created.

         Allow = the user can change information regarding a deferred or installment payment plan once the invoice has been created. To change invoice payment method information, select Change for an invoice payment method record on the Invoice Pay Summary Screen in standard order inquiry.

         Exclude = the user cannot change information regarding a deferred or installment payment plan once the invoice has been created. An error message indicates when the user selects Change for an invoice payment record on the Invoice Pay Summary screen in standard order inquiry:

Not authorized to change invoice payment information.


For more information: See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview.

Delete Customer Call Log Records (A78)

This feature controls the ability to delete log entries describing calls or attempted calls between a customer and an operator.

Note:            CTI is not currently implemented.

About call logs: A call log entry records information such as the time and date of a call, whether it was inbound or outbound, the results of the call, and the customer's telephone number. You can log calls if you actually use the CTI (computer telephony integration) interface, or if you simply use the CTI Customer Selection screen for order entry and customer service purposes. The user can create call log entries; also, the system automatically creates a call log record for each call activity if the Update CTI Customer Call Log (F27) system control value is selected.

To work with call logs: You can work with call log entries by selecting Call Log at the CTI Customer Selection screen. This screen opens automatically when you are selecting a customer in order entry if the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is selected, and if your user profile indicates this screen should default. The Work with Customer Call Log Screen (WCLL) is also available through a separate menu option.

         Allow = the user can delete a call log entry at the Work with Customer Call Log screen by selecting Delete for a log entry.

         Exclude = the user cannot delete a call log entry; instead, an error message indicates: Not authorized to Delete.

Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88)

This feature controls:

         whether the user has access to the credit card number and credit card expiration date in order maintenance and inquiry.

         whether the user has access to the stored value card number in order maintenance and inquiry.

Valid values:

         Allow = the user has access to the number. If you use credit card tokenization, the number may be a token rather than the actual credit card number.

If the user does not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. For example, ************1111 may display instead of the entire credit card number. See Credit Card Number Format in the online help for an overview.

Credit card audit logging: If a user has access to both this secured feature and the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit table whenever the user displays a screen that includes a credit card number. See Logging Credit Card Data Access in the Security Guide for more information.

         Exclude = the user cannot view the number.

Also, the user cannot change a credit card payment method on an order. If the credit card information requires a change, the user must delete the payment method and reenter a new credit card payment method.

Continue Authorization without Receipt (A90)

This feature controls whether a user can approve authorizations automatically without receiving the authorizations from the service bureau.

         Allow = the user can approve authorizations automatically without receiving the authorizations from the service bureau.

         Exclude = the user cannot approve authorizations automatically without receiving the authorizations from the service bureau.

This secured feature works with the Default Vendor Response for Automatic Authorizations (G10) system control value.

Maintenance of Bypass Credit Check Field in Source Code File (A87)

This feature controls whether a user can change the value defined in the Bypass credit check field on the Create Source Code and Change Source Code screens in Work with Source Codes. The bypass credit check field defines whether to bypass the credit checking the system performs for an order.

         Allow = the user can change the value defined in the Bypass credit check field on the Create Source Code and Change Source Code screens in Work with Source Codes.

         Exclude = a message indicates if the user tries to change the value defined in the Bypass credit check field on the Create Source Code and Change Source Code screens in Work with Source Codes:

Unauthorized to change Credit Check flag.


Change Customer Action Notes Description (A93)

This feature controls whether a user can change an existing customer action note description on the Edit Customer Actions Window and on the Work with Email by Order Number Screen.

         Allow = the user can change the description of a customer action note that has already been created. To change a customer action note description, select Change for the customer action note on the Work With Customer Action Notes screen, or enter over the description on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window accessed through Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations and Work with Customers.

         Exclude = the user cannot change the description on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window, and when the user selects Change for a customer action note on the Work With Customer Action Notes screen, a message indicates:

Not authorized to change.


Add Customer Action Detail Notes (A94)

This feature controls whether a user can add customer action detail notes to a customer action note that has already been created.

         Allow = the user can add extra lines of detail notes on the Customer Action Note Details Screen. To add detail notes, select Detail Notes for a customer action note on the Work with Customer Action Notes screen (fast path = WCAN), or on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window accessed through Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations, and Work with Customers.

         Exclude = the user cannot add extra lines of detail notes on the Customer Action Notes Detail screen, but can still view existing lines by selecting Detail Notes for a customer action note, and the user with access to the Change Customer Action Detail Notes (A95) secured feature can change the detail notes already created.

The Change Customer Action Detail Notes (A95) secured feature controls whether the user can change existing action detail notes.

Change Customer Action Detail Notes (A95)

This feature controls whether a user can change customer action detail notes that have already been created.

         Allow = the user can change detail notes that have already been created on the Customer Action Note Details Screen. To change detail notes select Detail Notes for a customer action note on the Work With Customer Action Notes screen (fast path = WCAN), or on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window accessed through Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations, and Work with Customers.

         Exclude = the user cannot change detail notes that have already been created on the Customer Action Notes Detail screen; the existing detail notes are display-only. However, a user with access to the Add Customer Action Detail Notes (A94) secured feature can add extra lines of detail notes to the display-only existing notes.

The Add Customer Action Detail Notes (A94) secured feature controls whether the user can add extra lines of detail notes to the existing detail notes.

Delete Customer Action Notes (A96)

This feature controls whether a user can delete customer action notes that have already been created.

         Allow = the user can delete a customer action note. Select Delete for a customer action note on the Work with Email by Order Number Screen or on the Edit Customer Actions Window accessed through Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations, and Work with Customers.

         Exclude = a message indicates when the user tries to delete a customer action note:

Not authorized to delete.


Change Customer Action Notes Status/Work in Process (A97)

This feature controls whether a user can change the status of a customer action note from O (open) to W (work in process). 

         Allow = the user can update the status of a customer action from Open to Work in Process. Select Work in Process for a customer action note on the Work with Email by Order Number Screen or on the Edit Customer Actions Window accessed through Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations, and Work with Customers.

If the current user is not the user assigned to follow up the issue when the customer action note was created, a pop-up window indicates the user ID that is already assigned. To override the assigned user, select Accept. In this case your name replaces the assigned user's name on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window, and in the Worked On User field on the Work With Customer Action Notes screen.

         Exclude = a message indicates when a user tries to use the Work in Process option:


Not authorized to this option.


Work in Process is similar to Detail Notes; both options advance you to the Customer Action Detail Notes screen, but only Work in Process changes the status of the customer action note.

Change Customer Action Notes Status/Resolve (A98)

This feature controls whether a user can resolve customer action notes.

         Allow = the user can update the status of a customer action note from Open or Work in Process, to Resolved. Select Resolve for a customer action on the Edit Customer Actions Window to change the status of the action to Resolved, or select Resolve for a customer action note on the Work with Email by Order Number Screen to remove the action note from the screen.

A resolved customer action note is not included on the Work With Customer Action Notes screen, but is still included, showing a status of Resolved, on the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window.

         Exclude = a message indicates when the user tries to resolve a customer action note:


Not authorized to this option.


Maintain Check Interface Download Date (A99)

This feature controls whether the user can change the date defined in the Check interface download date field on the Enter Cash Control Pop-Up window in order maintenance.

         Allow = the user can change the Check interface download date at the Enter Cash Control pop-up window in order maintenance.

         Exclude = the Check interface download date field on the Enter Cash Control pop-up window in order maintenance is display-only.

Delete Return Authorizations (B03)

This feature controls whether the user can delete a return authorization that has been created, but not yet received or credited.

         Allow = the user can delete a return authorization at the following screens:

         standard return authorization process: Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen 

         streamlined return authorization process: Work with RA Detail for Item Screen 

The Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44) system control value defines whether you use the streamlined or standard process.

         Exclude = the system displays the following message if the user attempts to delete a return authorization:


Not authorized to Delete


Note:            You cannot delete a return authorization once it has been received.

About creating a return authorization: Return authorization is broken out into the three discrete steps of creation, receiving, and crediting when you use either standard or streamlined return authorizations or the E-Commerce Interface. When you process a return through order entry or order maintenance, the system creates, receives, and credits the return at once “behind the scenes.”

Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07)

This feature controls whether the user can enter or maintain the customer class field at the following screens:

         order entry and order maintenance:

         Change Cust Sold to Name & Address Screen 

         Work with Order Screen 

         Expand Name/Address Screen 

         catalog requests: Create Catalog Request Screen 

         customer maintenance: 

         First Create Sold To Customer Screen 

         First Change Sold To Customer Screen

Valid values:

         Allow = the user can enter or maintain the customer class.

         Exclude = the system displays the following message if the user attempts to enter or maintain the customer class:

Not authorized to maintain customer class

Important:                           You can use the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value to require the customer class field at all of the above screens. If you select this system control value, a user who does not have authority to the customer class field cannot enter or maintain an order, enter a catalog request, or perform customer maintenance for any customer that does not already have a customer class assigned.

For more information: See Setting Up the Customer Class Table (WCCL) for a discussion of customer class.

Changed Routed Email (B08)

This feature controls whether the user can advance to the Change Email Screen for an email that has been assigned to a customer.

         Allow = you can use the Display Email Screen to review all of the same information.

         Exclude = the system displays an error message if the user selects Change for a routed (assigned) email:

Not authorized to Change

Access to the Change Email screen is secured at the:

         Work with Email by Order Number Screen 

         Work with Email by Customer Sold To Number Screen 

         Work with Email by Customer Ship To Number Screen 

         Work with Email by Customer Bill To Number Screen 

Note:             This feature does not control access to the Change Email screen through the Working with Email (WEML) menu option; use this menu option to work with emails that have not been assigned to a customer.

Update All Ticklers (B09)

This feature controls whether the user can update all ticklers, regardless of whether the tickler is assigned to the user or the user’s tickler groups.

         Allow = the user can update any tickler, regardless of whether or not the tickler is assigned to the user or the user’s tickler groups by:

         selecting Change for a tickler to change it.

         selecting Delete for a tickler to delete it.

         selecting In process for a tickler to assign the tickler to yourself.

         selecting Resolve for a tickler to resolve it.

         Exclude = the user can update only ticklers assigned to the user or the user’s tickler groups. However, the user can still release an order associated with the tickler from hold.

Note:            You should give your tickler supervisors access to this secured feature.

You can update ticklers on the following screens:

         Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) 

         Workflow Management Screen 

         Work with Ticklers Screen (sold to customer view) 

         Work with Ticklers Screen (ship-to customer view) 

         Work with Ticklers Screen (bill-to customer view) 

         Work with Ticklers Screen (order view) 

Change Associate Customer Flag (B10)

This feature controls whether the user can change the value defined for the Associate field on the Second Create Customer Sold To Screen, Second Change Customer Sold To screen, or the Work with Order Screen.

         Allow = the user can change the setting of the Associate field.

         Exclude = the user cannot change the setting of the Associate field. An error message indicates if the user tries to change the setting: Not authorized to change Associate Customer.

Change Alternate Customer Number (B11)

This feature controls whether the user can change the Alternate customer number on the Second Create Customer Sold To Screen and Second Change Customer Sold To screen.

         Allow = the user can change the Alternate customer number

         Exclude = the user cannot change the Alternate customer number. An error message indicates: Not authorized to add/change Alt Customer #.

Create Manual Tickler (B13)

This feature controls whether the user can create an MN (manually created) tickler at the Create Tickler Screen.

         Allow = the user can create an MN tickler.

         Exclude = the user cannot create an MN tickler. The screen displays the error message: Not authorized to this option.

Display Order Statistics and Recap (J03)

This feature controls the display of the Open, Held Order Recap Amounts and Order Statistics or a default image at a menu driver screen.

         Allow = the menu driver screen displays the Open, Held Order Recap Amounts and Order Statistics in the right-hand area of the screen.

         Exclude = the menu driver screen displays the default menu driver image in the right-hand area of the screen. If there is no default menu driver image set up for the company, the right-hand area of the screen is blank.

Note:            This secured feature does not control access to the Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH) option itself.

For more information: See:

         Menu Driver Screen for more information on the components of the menu driver screen

         Setting Up Menu Driver Images for Companies for setup information

Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05)

This feature controls access to order maintenance for orders that have any items printed on a pick slip, a drop ship pick slip, or a drop ship purchase order.

         Allow = the user can maintain an order that includes one or more printed order lines.

         Exclude = the user cannot maintain an order that includes any printed lines.


         This feature does not control access to retail pickup or delivery orders or prevent you from a canceling a store pickup orders; the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) and Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) control these options.

         Also, this feature does not control the ability to void and cancel an order through Void/Report Picks (WVRP). See Void All Pick Slips and Cancel Order for background.

Related secured features: See:

         Order Maintenance Access (A22)

         Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19)

         Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)

Also, see Secured Features Controlling Access to Order Maintenance for an overview.

Allow Generate List in Merge/Purge (J06)

This feature controls the display of the Generate List option on the Merge/Purge Customer Sold To Screen in Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS).

         Allow = the Generate List option displays on the Merge/Purge Customer Sold To Screen; select this option to generate a list of duplicate customer names. See the Submit Generation Window (Generating a List).

         Exclude = the Generate List option does not display on the Merge/Purge Customer Sold To screen.

For more information: See Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS).

Bypass CTI Reason Code (B24)

This feature controls whether a CTI user can exit Order Inquiry/Maintenance without first entering an order inquiry reason code when the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value is selected.

Note:            CTI is not currently implemented.

         Allow = regardless of the setting of the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value, a CTI user can exit Order Inquiry/Maintenance without first entering an order inquiry reason code. In this situation, the Order Inquiry Reason Codes Window does not display.

         Exclude =

         If the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value is selected, a CTI user must enter an order inquiry reason code in the Order Inquiry Reason Codes Window before exiting Order Inquiry/Maintenance.

         If the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value is unselected, a CTI user can exit Order Inquiry/Maintenance without first entering an order inquiry reason code. In this situation, the Order Inquiry Reason Codes Window does not display.

Note:            You can only enter an order inquiry reason code if you advance to order inquiry or order maintenance from the Customer Selection Screen. If you advance to order inquiry from the Order Inquiry Scan Screen or you advance to order maintenance from the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen, the system does not require an order inquiry reason code, regardless of the setting of the Require Reason in CTI (G98) system control value and Bypass CTI Reason Code Entry (B24) secured feature.

General Usage Secured Features

Purpose: The General Usage secured features permit (*ALLOW) or prohibit (*EXCLUDE) user access to functions that require authorization.

Display Full Credit Card Number (B14)

This feature controls whether a Order Management System user can view the full credit card number on Order Management System screens.

         Allow = the user can view the full credit card number on Order Management System screens, regardless of whether a credit card number format has been defined at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen. If you use credit card tokenization, the number that displays is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

         Exclude (default setting) = the credit card number is in the credit card number format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the specified pay type. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. If a credit card number format is not defined for the pay type, the number is in the default credit card number format. However, if a credit card number format has not been defined for the pay type and a default credit card number format is not defined, the full credit card number displays on Order Management System screens. If you use credit card tokenization, the number that displays is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

Credit card audit logging: If a user has access to both this secured feature and the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit table whenever the user displays a screen that includes a credit card number. See Logging Credit Card Data Access in the Data Security and Encryption Guide on My Oracle Support (1988467.1) for more information.

Reports: Regardless of a user’s authority to this secured feature, the system masks the credit card number in the credit card number format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the specified pay type on all Order Management System reports. For example, ************1443 may display instead of the entire credit card number. If a credit card number format is not defined for the pay type, the number is in the default credit card number format. However, if a credit card number format has not been defined for the pay type and a default credit card number format is not defined, the full credit card number displays on Order Management System reports.

Restrict credit card numbers in OIOM: Regardless of the setting of this secured feature, if the user does not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, the credit card number and expiration date are not displayed in order entry, order maintenance, or order inquiry (standard or streamlined).

For more information: See Credit Card Number Format for more information on masking a credit card number using a credit card number format.

Interface Secured Features

Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19)

This secured feature controls the ability to cancel backordered lines that are assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorders), store pickup orders, and retail pickup or delivery orders received from the Order Broker.

This secured feature also controls the Cancel option in Working with Order Broker (WOBR) for brokered backorders. The Cancel option is available for in this menu option only for brokered backorders.

If you cancel an item or order in order maintenance, it cancels the line entirely; if you cancel a brokered backorder through the Working with Order Broker (WOBR) menu option, it cancels the Order Broker fulfillment only and the order line is eligible for standard backorder and fulfillment processing.

Valid values:

         Allow = the user can cancel a

         brokered backorder using either order maintenance or the Working with Order Broker (WOBR) menu option

         retail pickup, delivery, or store pickup order in order maintenance

         retail pickup or delivery order through the Void/Cancel option in Void/Reprint Picks (WVRP) (see Void All Pick Slips and Cancel Order for background).

         Exclude =

         The user cannot cancel a brokered backorder line, an item on a retail pickup or delivery order, or a store pickup order.

         The Cancel option is not available in the Working with Order Broker (WOBR) menu option, and order maintenance displays an error message if the user attempts to cancel any of these types of orders.

         If the user selects the Cancel Order option in order maintenance or the Void/Cancel option in Void/Reprint Picks (WVRP), the system does not cancel a retail pickup, delivery, or store pickup order, or any brokered backordered lines, and displays an error message: Not authorized to cancel Order Broker line.


         This secured feature does not control authority to ship-for-pickup orders.

         The only possible maintenance to a store pickup order is to cancel it.

Related secured features: See:

         Order Maintenance Access (A22)

         Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05)

         Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)

Also, see Secured Features Controlling Access to Order Maintenance for an overview.

Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)

This feature controls the ability to maintain retail pickup or delivery orders sent to Order Management System from Order Broker for fulfillment.

The system identifies these orders by the setting of the Broker delivery type, available for review at the Display Order Properties Screen.

         Allow = the user can maintain an order whose Broker delivery type is Retail pickup or Delivery.

         Exclude = the user cannot maintain an order whose Broker delivery type is Retail pickup or Delivery.

For more information: See Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders for background.


         This feature does not control the ability to process a return against a retail pickup or delivery order if you use the return authorizations menu option. See Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA) for background.

         Also, this feature does not control the ability to void and hold or cancel an order through Void/Report Picks (WVRP). See Void All Pick Slips and Cancel Order for background.

         If you have authority, you can process a sellout or return, or add a payment method to a retail pickup or delivery order sent from the Order Broker. However, you cannot perform any other updates to a retail pickup or delivery order regardless of your authority.

Related secured features: See:

         Order Maintenance Access (A22)

         Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05)

         Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20)

Also, see Secured Features Controlling Access to Order Maintenance for an overview.

External Authorization Service Access (B25)

This feature controls the ability to maintain settings related to an external authorization service through Work with Authorization Services (WASV).

         Allow = the user has access to the Work with External Authorization Service Screen.

         Exclude = the user does not have access to the Work with External Authorization Service Screen.

For more information: See External Payment Service for background.

