Soldout Notification Card

The system produces a soldout card for each order containing one or more soldout items unless the order is eligible for an email or XML notification instead. Up to four soldout notifications print on each 8 1/2 x 11" page.

How to print: Complete the Print Soldout Notification Screen.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing soldout notification cards and other forms.

Sample soldout notification cards: See the  soldout notification card sample .

Note:            This sample represents the notification that prints when the Soldout Notification Print Program (E75) system control value is set to SOLDOUT. Depending on your setting, your soldout notifications may appear different.

File naming: If you use the standard soldout notification print program, the system creates a separate document for each country where you are mailing soldout notifications. The documents are named SOLDOUTUSA.EJOHNSON.20091015.123456.pdf, where:

         USA is the country code from the Country table

         EJOHNSON is the user ID who submitted the job

         October 15, 2009 is the date

         12:45:56 is the time

For more information: See Forms Management (My Forms) for more information on working with forms and form-naming conventions.

Important:                           Set the Page Scaling option to Reduce to printer margins when printing soldout notification cards to make sure that all customer address information prints correctly.


         Order number

         Item quantity

         Item code

         SKU code (included if the item has SKUs)

         Item description

         Sold To customer name and address (name of person who placed order), including:

         company name

         customer prefix code, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix

         address line 1

         apartment or suite

         address lines 2-4

         city, state, and postal code


